Since we seem to have a lot of new people here and I for one am interested in keeping them, I’ve decided to start a Thrive community writing contest (inspired by similar events on the old forums).
But this will be no ordinary writing contest! This writing contest is all about EXTREME OPINIONS. It’s based on a session run by my university’s Literature Society which proved hilarious.
At the end of this post I’m going to list three things alongside the word ‘FOR’, ‘AGAINST’ or ‘INDIFFERENT’. Your challenge is to pick one of those things and write an opinion piece arguing why we should be for, against or indifferent about it. At the end of your post, you can then pick three more things with associated opinions for later replies to use as prompts. Anyone who replies after that can choose any of the prompts posted anywhere before in the thread, and anyone can post as many entries as they like.
I’ll choose the winner in exactly two weeks, assuming enough people have replied.
To give you an idea of what this is supposed to be, here’s my attempt at writing about why we should be AGAINST cheesy chips. As with all the pieces you should post, it’s inside a spoiler. To add one, go to the gear icon in the post editor and choose ‘Hide Details’.
Now I Am Become Cheesy Chips, Destroyer of Worlds
Cheesy chips: saviour of mankind or harbinger of the apocalypse?
Some may argue cheesy chips represent a union of two of the greatest creations in history. Cheese and chips have a bitter rivalry over which will be deemed the best invention since sliced bread each year. In fact, the opinion is regularly raised that these are in fact better than sliced bread, because really, what has sliced bread ever done for us?
Yet when you get down to it, cheesy chips are a bit odd. First, cheese is no more than gone-off milk with an ego problem. Just because it’s more “mature” than the repurposed calf feed it spawned from doesn’t mean it demands more respect. It comes in pompous and difficult to pronounce varieties, like camembert, gorgonzola and yarg. Some even feature mould as their unique selling point: “Ah yes waiter, a plate of delicious mould. Yes, the thing that turns fruit into green gloop. No, I swear I’m not crazy.” Or would you rather have cheese so laden with preservatives it’ll probably survive beyond the heat death of the universe?
Chips are no better. Dig a brown lump out of the ground, cut into slices and dip in literal fat, and suddenly you have the foundation of American culture. How is America doing these days anyway? If it were in the midst of total democratic disintegration for instance, I would not hesitate to place the blame squarely on chips. Americans don’t even call them by their proper name. This is what eating chips does to people.
The amalgamation of cheese and chips is therefore an unholy demon, a spectre of rampant capitalist greed. Really, you want to put CHEESE on CHIPS? Have you no shame? Need I say these people were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. If Jurassic Park has taught us anything, it’s that the logical conclusion of such gleeful abandon is the inevitable violent death of everyone.
[The opinions expressed in this rant were inspired by a prompt and do not reflect the view of the author, LitSoc, or anyone at all probably.]
Obviously offensive or actually hateful topics or content are not welcome. The idea is to be as exaggerated and hyperbolic about something stupid as you can. I hope this goes as well as I think it will.
Anyway, without further ado, here are my prompt topics:
FOR: Asteroid impacts
INDIFFERENT: The abstract metaphysical concept of existence