Deos Sine Tempore (Forum Game)

i don’t want to play

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Round 2 (Sandstorm at 3)

Years 10-20

Eye Of The Storm


Roll -6
Stability - 1
Vote: find some shelter to hide in, succ (18)

In a deserted area of the forest, you find a secluded mountain, which has a lava tube that you rest in. After removing all the large stones and sweeping away all the debris, this is a pretty nice home. Unfortunately, some starved, around 8. But this newfound home swept our hearts. +1 stability.



Int - 16.
Str - 15
Def - 49
Char - 30


Half - Silicon base: Def+ 30% of Str
Metallic quarter: +10% Def, +10% Int
always changing skin: Adaps more easily to conditions, +1 on Natural Disaster Rolls

Naive - Affected by other races more easily (-10% charisma)
Brain load - -1 on Phycological Rolls


Tech- Cave Shelters
Location- Forest, Mountain


Pop- 94
Growth- 2
Votes [2/10] -1


Roll - 10
Stability - 2
Vote- Vote: Begin farming the succulent cactus for water (stored inside the barrel-like trunk of the cactus) and the editable part (all but spun), succ (14)

Your species start to peel the cactus, allowing you to reach its succulent flesh. The Tribes overall state has increased, and so has its stability. +1 stability, *1.5 pop g


Races: Chiropterans, Cavern Giants, Lavawalkers, Shroomfolk, Kongs, Wraiths, Flowers, Shades, Armex, Salalos, Silkspinners, Stygians.

Average stats:

Power: 20
Intelligence: 20
Defense: 20
Charisma: 44


Advantage: Unit Power - depending on what kind of race I use, I will get different boosts. Boosts will be specified in my vote.

Advantage 2: Councils Appeal: Any Civ I meet with I gain some pop from to buff Unit power.


Disadvantage 1: Council’s trust: Raises charisma and uses actions towards my Civ.

Disadvantage 2: Light sensitivity. Even though some of their members glow, it is not comparable to bright lights such as the sun. As such, stats are lowered during the daytime.


Tech- Cactus Peeling
Organisms - Succulent Cactus
Location- Material Rich Desert


Pop- 104
Growth- 4
Vote [2/10] - 1


Roll - 17
Stability- 1
Vote: Find stable food source, fall (2)

You struggle to find a stable food source, and the only thing your starving tribe comes across is a large, bird creature, which you kill and are able to eat for a few days, 8 have died of starvation.


Name of species- Kajit
Status, you have 100 points to put into these attributes, with a minimum of 15

Int - 88 (+10%)
Str - 25
Def - 22 (+10%)
Char - 19(-5%)

Traits (follows 2-1 or 3-2 rule)

Cat-like Anatomy (+10 Def, +1 in Dark Enviorments)
Big Brained (+ 10% Int and +1 on Int Rolls)

Unemphatic (-10% charisma)

Description; Look like Khajiit from the elder scrolls games. Thoughtful and innovative.


Organisms- Rallywart Fern, Osticch Oriavan
Location- Fertile Plains, Winding River


Pop- 96
Growth- 4
Vote [1/10] - 1


Roll - 13
Stability- 1
Vote: send various scouts to find some form of food to farm alongside the river, succ (14)

You look around, in the stream, there are small fruits that sprout, they look succulent, so you eat some, and they taste decent. You have avoided starvation, but the winds keep growing stronger. +1 stability, *1.5 pop g


Name of species- Nescau
Status, you have 100 points to put into these attributes, with a minimum of 15

Int - 35
Str - 15
Def - 25
Char - 25

Traits (follows 2-1 or 3-2 rule)

Iron stomach: Can eat a wide variety of foods without getting sick.
Great senses: They have good senses (primarily smell)

Desperate cannibals: in the absence of food they eat their own

A dog humanoid species. They are friendly and like to eat (even their own if they don’t have enough food). They represent the sin of gluttony and the virtue of temperance at the same time (can eat anything, doesn’t need to be fancy but need to eat).


Organisms- River Plum
Location- River Valley, River


Pop- 104
Pop Growth- 4
Vote[2/10] - 1

Lightning Chimps

Roll- 15
stability- 1
vote: farm the fruit trees to create a food source, succ (10)

You eat a plethora of fruits, and the seeds drop onto the ground, they grew into trees once again, which then bore fruit. So you planted some trees in an orderly fashion. You won’t be starving any time soon. +1 Stability, *1.5 Pop g


Electric Chimp-

Int 25
Str 30
Def 25
Char 20

big arms: +10% melee strength

sparking hands: can shock things when they are punched

lightning brain: technology creation is more likely to succeed

water and electricity don’t mix: the electric nature of the creature means that it is more vulnerable when in water

loud crackling: the electric sparks make this species loud

A chimpanzee infused with electricity but is this for better, or for worse.


Tech- Farming (+.5 pop g)
Organisms - Serpitine Fruit, Bulbasorus
Location- Ocean sided Taiga


Pop- 105
Growth- 5
Vote [3/10] - 1

@doomlightning @TwilightWings21 @Centarian @SupaChimp @Pac_Mine

So fast, Also note, that the last deos Mundum was the TUTORIAL, you drop below 2 pop and you are out of the game.

Those without doors to their shelters may experience excess casualties, too bad it takes a vote each, hahaha.

Vote for the next disaster for those surviving,

  • Volcanic Fallout
  • Drought
  • The floor is lava
  • Earthquake, (May induce consequences)

0 voters

vote: create a closed shelter out of fruit trees

Vote: Explore surroundings for anything that could be of use - Materials, animals, plants, etc.

Vote: make a shelter

@Centarian I need your vote

And dooms unless he pmed you

ha yes, i miss that:

vote: fond some food

Find stable food source again.

Round 3 Sandstorm

Years 10-20

Behemoh of the Dunes


Roll -5
Stability - 1
Vote:vote: fond some food, succ (11)

The tribe members managed to get rid of the starvation with some vine-like plants, but then a large sandstorm ripped through the forest, you made it to the shelter, but many didn’t survive, 30 were gone.



Int - 16.
Str - 15
Def - 49
Char - 30


Half - Silicon base: Def+ 30% of Str
Metallic quarter: +10% Def, +10% Int
always changing skin: Adaps more easily to conditions, +1 on Natural Disaster Rolls

Naive - Affected by other races more easily (-10% charisma)
Brain load - -1 on Phycological Rolls


Tech- Cave Shelters
Organisms- Vinune Pletantious
Location- Forest, Mountain (Deserified)


Pop- 64
Growth- 2
Votes [3/10] -1


Roll - 12
Stability - 2
Vote- Explore surroundings for anything that could be of use - Materials, animals, plants, etc. succ (15)

You look around and find many mineral veins and some chalk-like substance, then a large hurricane of sand ripped through the desert, the fine silica shredding the people, as many as 40 died.


Races: Chiropterans, Cavern Giants, Lavawalkers, Shroomfolk, Kongs, Wraiths, Flowers, Shades, Armex, Salalos, Silkspinners, Stygians.

Average stats:

Power: 20
Intelligence: 20
Defense: 20
Charisma: 44


Advantage: Unit Power - depending on what kind of race I use, I will get different boosts. Boosts will be established in my vote.

Advantage 2: Councils Appeal: Any Civ I meet with I gain some pop from to buff Unit power.


Disadvantage 1: Council’s trust: Raises charisma and uses actions towards my Civ.

Disadvantage 2: Light sensitivity. Even though some of their members glow, it is not comparable to bright lights such as the sun. As such, stats are decreasedduring the daytime.


Tech- Cactus Peeling
Organisms - Succulent Cactus
Location- Material Rich Desert


Pop- 88
Growth- 3
Vote [3/10] - 1


Roll - 17
Stability- 1
Vote: Find stable food source, fall (5)

You barely make it in time to the camp, and a giganticsandstorm rips through the base, people standing slivered, Their remains are even located miles from the headquarters, and 45 are dead from the combined effects of starvation and the storm.


Name of species- Kajit
Status, you have 100 points to put into these attributes, with a minimum of 15

Int - 88 (+10%)
Str - 25
Def - 22 (+10%)
Char - 19(-5%)

Traits (follows 2-1 or 3-2 rule)

Cat-like Anatomy (+10 Def, +1 in Dark Enviorments)
Big Brained (+ 10% Int and +1 on Int Rolls)

Unemphatic (-10% charisma)

Description; Look like Khajiit from the elder scrolls games. Thoughtful and innovative.


Organisms- Rallywart Fern, Osticch Oriavan
Location- Fertile Plains, Winding River (Desertified)


Pop- 50
Growth- 4
Vote [2/10] - 1


Roll - 20
Stability- 3 MAX (Can be exchanged for a trait gained or reducted)
Vote: send various scouts to find some form of food to farm alongside the river, succ (17)

You see a considerable storm on the horizon, and the people question your remark. But since you are experienced and have always been wise. They follow you, and your intellect has allowed you to find the best stones for the job. By using neolithic construction, you are able to build an enormous-sized adobe made of stone, you are barely able to finish construction before the hurricane-like winds attack your settlement. Your gamble succeeds, the stockpile of food lasted the week that you were entrapped in the adobe, your design was remarkable, and the name of Heraldton Epstein is marked as a revolutionary character in Nescau history. The prophet is a miracle to your species.


Name of species- Nescau
Status, you have 100 points to put into these attributes, with a minimum of 15

Int - 35
Str - 15
Def - 25
Char - 25

Traits (follows 2-1 or 3-2 rule)

Iron stomach: Can eat a wide variety of foods without getting sick.
Great senses: They have good senses (primarily smell)

Desperate cannibals: in the absence of food they eat their own

A dog humanoid species. They are friendly and like to eat (even their own if they don’t have enough food). They represent the sin of gluttony and the virtue of temperance at the same time (can eat anything, doesn’t need to be fancy but need to eat).


Tech- Adobe Shelters,
Organisms- River Plum
Location- River Valley, River (Deserfied)


Pop- 104
Pop Growth- 4
Vote[2/10] - 1

Lightning Chimps

Roll- 15
stability- 3 MAX (Can be exchanged for a trait gained or reducted)
vote: create a closed shelter out of fruit trees, succ (19)

Goldbloom was a normal lightning chimp, his methods were erratic and strange, and he had a curiosity like no other, he was an outcast, destined to be alone, though, in his dreams, he dreamt of a great calamity, a large figure covered in lightning told him he must protect the people, then, he fell off his tree. He quickly started to experiment starting to cut wood with his teeth, then he used the large fall to split the wood on the ocean’s spiky rocks, he bound it together with a tree sap//wax made by combining the peels and sap of trees and mixing them together.

He then started to layer the wooden hut, he trained his fists until he punched down a tree bear fisted, ten years of hard work weren’t for naught, as a colossal storm came charging through the area, rains of rock and sand rained upon the land, some the size of a golf ball, the waves came onto the land crashing against most of the farm, your stockpile which would last for a few weeks, was quickly depleted, the only ones that died were ones of age and infections.

You are a saint in the minds of the people Steve Goldbloom will go down in history, as the saint of the storm.


Electric Chimp-

Int 25
Str 30
Def 25
Char 20

big arms: +10% melee strength

sparking hands: can shock things when they are punched

lightning brain: technology creation is more likely to succeed

water and electricity don’t mix: the electric nature of the creature means that it is more vulnerable when in water

loud crackling: the electric sparks make this species loud

A chimpanzee is infused with electricity but is this for better or worse.


Tech- Farming (+.5 pop g), Wooden Shacks, Sap-Wax Glue,
Organisms - Serpitine Fruit, Bulbasorus
Location- Ocean sided Taiga (Desertified)


Pop- 105
Growth- 5
Vote [5/10] - 1

@doomlightning @TwilightWings21 @Centarian @SupaChimp @Pac_Mine

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Those that didn’t take the sandstorm seriously learn from it, some of your populations have been halved, and others are fine.

Next Disaster

The Great Drought

vote: use wood, stone, and sap-wax glue to create tools

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what does this do, im kind of confused

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You can use it to get rid of a negative trait or add a positive trait, but it costs your stability, you can regain that stability by major advancements, but it is normally harder than the first time, the if you spend it this round it still counts for round 4

-3 Stability → Lightning Speed → Move faster → more strategic advantage

Vote: Try again to farm.
If I already have farms and somehow misread: Start to mine.

Add trait: desert natured. Need less water to survive, being able to get most of it through food. (This way we can get more water for agriculture)

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can I join? If I can join then I will use the same civ as the last game’s

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vote: find some way to presevt food for a long time

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Vote: Useing the Cactuses outside barrel like bark as supports, dig into the sand and the earth beneath it and create a series of tunnels as an underground home

I should be fine water wise during the drought because cactus thrive in drought constantly and they are my water source

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Hahaha some found the strat