Forum Game-Pietravita

Hello, and welcome to the Pietravita Forum game!

What is Pietravita?
Pietravita is a Forum game where you control a civilization on both technological and cultural level.

I wanted to point out that this is my first forum game.

Game rules

The game works with a dice (or a random number generator) and points, the dice goes from 1 to 10 and has a scale that works like this:
1-2 very bad
3-4 bad
5-6 neutral
7-8 good
9-10 very good

The points are used to vote for an action or change that you would like you civilization to have/do, players can put more than one point in a vote, in that case the dice will roll the number of points put and the biggest number will be chosen.

There are two ways to get points:
The first is by having a technological breakthrought.
The second is by having your population reproduce four times.

Game world

The game world is called Pietravita wich is an extremely earth-like planet both in mass, size and atmospheric composition.

World map:
Blue: Ocean
Yellow: desert
Gray: mountains
Light blue: ice-sheets
Green: every other biome

I’ll be taking 5 players, in case you are interessed, you can choose between two species

Playable species

A 1,75 meters tall omnivorous bipedal hexapod with that stands in an erect position, has 4 eyes 2 majors located in the front of the head and 2 minors located in the sides of the head, Has a dark red skin and a flat mouth. Has smell as primary sense.

A 1,45 meters tall omnivorous quadrupedal octopod, has 2 eyes located in the front of the head, has a greyish fur all over his body and a 25 cm long mouth. Has vision as primary sense.

Edit: you need to create a name for your civilization


I’ll join, I’d like to play as the qualator, and I’ll start at the southern tip of the western continent (right below the desert so I’m somewhat isolated.
what tech level do we start at?

its look intresting, soo i will join:
i will take the Ocaururs, and i will to start in The northernmost continent, on the gulf.
Is it necessary to invent a name for civilization?

I also want to join
ill pick qualator
ill be in the north of the big western continent, between those V-shaped mountain ranges

I will join as well! To balance it out I’ll be an Ocaurus

And my civilization will be on the western tip of the southern continent

Seems interesting, I’ll be a Qualator and start in the North-Eastern continent

I join as part of the waiting list since it looks to be full

You will start at pre-stone age (basically, the only tool you use are simple sticks)

Yes, you need to create a name for your civilization, I forgot to write that

Ok, I’ll ad you to the waiting list

@OmnipotentFNarr @TeaKing @OoferDoofer

ill name myself the Abrakista civilisation

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I think i call my civics -

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I’m just going to be lazy and call my civ what I call every one of my civs.


Ok, I’ll be the Fenrisis

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I will be the Nugalatogas

It is a little sad that our species are so short

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I’ll go to sleep on the waiting list.

I will also be waiting for a list

Don’t worry, your species is not tall, but is Long

Round 1
Season: Spring (1/10)


Species: Qualator
Vote: None

Some members of Bananarama stand up, and watch the surroundings of where they live, a savannah tinged in a light red shade, in the East and South the savannah continues uninterrupted, in the far West an high peak can be seen and in the far Nord there is a vast landscape of nothing except sand.

Points: 1


Technological era: Pre-Stone age

General tendencies: None

Specifics: None

Plants: None

Animals: None

Tools: None


Species: Ocaurus
Vote: None

A reddish, frigid land, is the home of Daligoria, but that’s not everything there is to note about this land, in the East there is a vast strech of water, the sea, in the far West and South there are mountains, there is a river at north and a forest of light barked trees with dark red pointed leaves surrounds the plain.

Points: 1


Technological era: Pre-Stone age

General tendencies: None

Specifics: None

Plants: None

Animals: None

Tools: None


Species: Qualator
Vote: None

In the East and Ovest there are montains, towards Ovest there is also a river wich continues towards West, the rest is all a forest of dark brown trees with a dark yellow foliage. The members of Abrakista weren’t able to find anything to eat lately and some are starting to get hungry.

Points: 1


Technological era: Pre-stone age

General tendencies: None

Specifics: None

Plants: None

Animals: None

Tools: None


Species: Ocaurus
Vote: None

Around Nugalatogas there is a forest of white trees with an orange foliage, at Ovest there is a river and at north there is a strange stone formation, some tall dark yellow plant grows in the undergrowth.


Technological era: Pre-Stone age

General tendencies: None

Specifics: None

Plants: None

Animals: None

Tools: None


Species: Qualator
Vote: None

Fenrisis is in a vast red steppe surrounded by a forest from east to nord, and a river at ovest, there is a strange rock near the center of the steppe. There is a pack of large, greyish 4 legged animals with 8 eyes that browse the steppe, a black flying animal can be seen in the sky.

Points: 1


Technological era: Pre-Stone age

General tendencies: None

Specifics: None

Plants: None

Animals: Large greyish 4 legged browser, black flying animal

Tools: None

And here it is, the first round!


Vote: Stone tools I guess

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Vote: find some food

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vote: explore the forest in search of food