Hello, and welcome to the Pietravita Forum game!
What is Pietravita?
Pietravita is a Forum game where you control a civilization on both technological and cultural level.
I wanted to point out that this is my first forum game.
Game rules
The game works with a dice (or a random number generator) and points, the dice goes from 1 to 10 and has a scale that works like this:
1-2 very bad
3-4 bad
5-6 neutral
7-8 good
9-10 very good
The points are used to vote for an action or change that you would like you civilization to have/do, players can put more than one point in a vote, in that case the dice will roll the number of points put and the biggest number will be chosen.
There are two ways to get points:
The first is by having a technological breakthrought.
The second is by having your population reproduce four times.
Game world
The game world is called Pietravita wich is an extremely earth-like planet both in mass, size and atmospheric composition.
World map:
Blue: Ocean
Yellow: desert
Gray: mountains
Light blue: ice-sheets
Green: every other biome
I’ll be taking 5 players, in case you are interessed, you can choose between two species
Playable species
A 1,75 meters tall omnivorous bipedal hexapod with that stands in an erect position, has 4 eyes 2 majors located in the front of the head and 2 minors located in the sides of the head, Has a dark red skin and a flat mouth. Has smell as primary sense.
A 1,45 meters tall omnivorous quadrupedal octopod, has 2 eyes located in the front of the head, has a greyish fur all over his body and a 25 cm long mouth. Has vision as primary sense.
Edit: you need to create a name for your civilization