Game Time Limit?

I don’t know if this is the right place to put this, but I was wondering if there will be a point in the game when the planet’s sun will die? Or will it be like Spore and the planet and sun will live indefinitely? I know our own sun will live for another 5 billion years but Earth will only be inhabitable for another 1 billion. In my Vaotes game I am set to enter multicellular at 3,300 Myr, and I’m a little nervous that there wouldn’t be much time for the rest of the stages when they come out. I guess a more succinct way of asking this is will there be a time limit in the game? I know we will obviously be racing against other species to evolve, but as far as an actual time limit on the planet’s habitability will it be closer to real life? I hope there’s not a time limit in this sense, as it may make players nervous that their species and civilization won’t have enough time to reach at least space stage. I know I’M nervous.


Actually every other stage combined would be at most a 1000 Myrs and remember humans have already done all the evolving, so time shouldn’t be an issue. I’d say having a limit would be nice.

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Actually a good idea, there needs to be such a thing to stop aa player from infinitely staying in one stage, in order to push them forward, so ya, kinda neat idea ngl


Keep in mind that as life becomes more advanced, adaptations which look significant evolve at a much more rapid pace. Just look at the Cambrian Explosion for example, where major characteristics of almost all complex animals start to appear within a 20 million year span. What this means in game is that as time goes on, we’ll reduce the amount of time each trip to the editor represents. So a trip to the editor in the early cellular stage might represent 100 million years, while a trip to the editor in the aware stage might represent 500,000 years or something like that.

Other than that, I don’t think it would be too difficult to implement a setting when your game is set-up that extends or perpetuates the lifespan of your home system.


Yeah, I guess having an option in the settings could help. That way you can decide if you want to play casually or not. Thanks for your input everyone.

i really like that, it allows people to take forever or breeze through, though i think the timer should be locked in at however billion years (id say five is too much) once you reach awakening. also it should be multiplied by star type. red giants should only be possible if youre playing on hard and should have a timer on the order of a few million years as soon as you hit awakening (AKA very brutal, you have to start society without much evolution, and find other worlds quick because youre planet is on a timer that could easily be reached before you get an ascension gate) and a brown dwarf would be a great sliding scale, as on easy difficulty your timer would just be half a trillion years and as such irrelevant, but in hard it’d be a chaotic mess of evolving to avoid solar flares. or we could force the player to spawn on K-type stars to ease up the biome generation

I can’t find where this was discussed before, but yeah this has been talked about before.

If we go for realism then there would be around 10 billion years of time before the player’s sun exploded. As the stages progress the time each editor cycle represents is reduced. This is because on Earth multicellular large animals evolve much faster than cells. If I remember right it took about a billion years for single celled life to form on Earth but then about 3-4 billion for multicellularity evolve, then in the last billion years all of the big multicellular life evolved.

I guess for easy mode we can waive realism a bit and make sure the player can always get out of the microbe stage with enough life in their sun left to be able to finish the game.

sweats in 6 billion years

You only actually have 1 billion years to sweat as the sun’s power output will rise in that time so that the average temperature on Earth will be above water’s boiling point. So while most people worry about the sun becoming a red giant, the actual problem is the Earth getting some serious global warming from the sun way before that.

well…i wasnt particularly talking about the earth, and rather…

Not super relevant, but this is why I hate when people say NASA and similar programs are unimportant. We barely have any time left to escape the planet before we all go extinct. Just because we won’t see it in our lifetime doesn’t mean it isn’t important. I, for one, would really like for humanity (and the organisms we share the planet with) to not go extinct. I don’t think people realize how urgent it is that we make advancements in space travel. Fast.

We barely have any time left to escape the planet before we all go extinct

I would say 1 billion years is plenty enough time if that’s what you were referring to

Nah, that’s just 10000 times the entirety of human history

In comparison to the lifespan of the planet itself, that’s basically nothing. I’m hopeful that if we continue utilizing the abilities of organizations like NASA, it’ll be enough time for us to escape. But some people seem uninterested in anybody putting anything at all into it. Humanity is young, so a timeframe like that feels long, but in reality it’s not that big. It’s just like how a year feels long to a child, and short to an adult.

Luckily, humanity learns a lot faster than most children, so if we just put our funding in the right place it might not matter how little time we have. We’ve progressed this far in much less than a billion years. Hopefully we can keep progressing at this rate, or faster.

i mean… 1/5th of a lifetime is CERTAINLY something.

If we progressed at like a 100th of the rate we do know, we’d be fine. I wouldn’t be scared of humanity not having enough time


I’ve seen a projection of humanity reaching Kardeshev I by 2127. That’s a little over a century!
…is that a realistic time frame?
Then again, i haven’t seen any other time frames for humanity reaching tier I, sooooo…