This forum game will be simple: someone will post a future event, then another one posts another (which might or might not be related to the past event), and so on. Eventually, we’ll see a completely new world full of wonders. This is an alternate future, so we don’t need to worry if it’s accurate or not. We’ll begin in 2020 and we’ll gradually move to the future (I will say when the next year starts). Try to be realistic (or consistent, at least). Let’s see how it goes.
in the year 2027, a volcano erupts, creating new land.
I’m assuming that’s important enough to be considered a future event.
wasn’t it supposed to begin in 2020? Also i will join after the question is answered
Oof, forgot about that.
Okay, retry.
In 2020, something explodes and leaves a large city in America temporarily uninhabitable.
A month after that, a group of people that calls itself “The Inquisition” (Never Expected) revolts in various important cities of the USA, burning many buildings and people. 13 people died. The Inquisition begins to have conflicts with the USA military.
A few weeks after that, The US military murders anyone and everyone who stands with the Inquisition, which leaves the US in a controversial spot, because now it is being accused of invading privacy and also incapable of taking opinions from other people.
Some hidden Inquisition members use this opportunity to start a rebellion. Having it’s main operations be in the east US and Michigan (Like the Polish Underground State). At the moment the US is winning the war.
Little propaganda attempt
The inquisition becomes its own country a few months later, and now the US is collapsing.
The Supreme Leader of North Korea Dies, this leaves a void that many can fill, including military generals, Kim family members or a strong rebel group.
The rebel group takes advantage of the Kim family’s grief and takes over North Korea, turning it into a democracy,
The rest of the old North Korean Government moves to the north of it, fighting the democratic north korea from there (oh yes another civil war). The Democratic North Korea asks for help from south korea and it’s allies.
In 2021, the democratic North Korea wins and North Korea is now a democratic country,
after a few months, the two koreas unite once again.
around this time a vaccine for the Covid-19 is developped.
Things are moving faster than I expected. So, every post here had an interval between them of about 4 months.
For example, now, this event only occurred in mid-2023. The next one will be in late 2023.
I’m doing that to make things more realistic. Here is a rough timeline of the events that already happened:
Mid-2020: Something explodes and leaves a large city in America temporarily uninhabitable.
Late 2020: A group of people that calls itself “The Inquisition” revolts in various important cities of the USA, burning many buildings and people. 13 people died. The Inquisition begins to have conflicts with the USA military.
Early 2021: The US military starts to murder anyone who stands with the Inquisition, which leaves the US in a controversial spot, because now it is being accused of invading privacy and also incapable of taking opinions from other people.
Mid-2021: Some hidden Inquisition members use this opportunity to start a rebellion. Having its main operations be in the East US and Michigan.
Late 2021: The Inquisition declares its own country (it is still not recognized by the UN), and now the US is collapsing.
Early 2022: The Supreme Leader of North Korea dies, leaving a void that many can fill, including military generals, Kim family members of a strong rebel group.
Mid-2022: A rebel group takes advantage of the Kim family’s grief and takes over North Korea, turning it into a democracy.
Late 2022: The rest of the old North Korean government moves to the north of it, fighting the democratic North Korea from there, starting a civil war. The democratic North Korea asks for help from South Korea and its allies.
Early 2023: The North Korean rebels are suppressed and the civil war ends.
Mid-2023: The two Koreas unite once again. Around the same time, a vaccine for the COVID-19 is developed.
in late 2023 a zombie virus happens in china.
Wait, no. People, let’s be a little more realistic, okay? (I know, “zombies” are possible, but I think it would be better to avoid it).
in late 2023 the zombie ant fungus evolves to infect humans too.
the zombie apocalypse has started.
that realistic enough for you?
This is realistic, but I think it is not adequate for our purposes.
okay then super rabies evolves.
the zombie apocalypse has started.
after the complete collapse of the US, the russian government took control of Alaska and the North-eastern states, this being an effort to get more powerful.
meanwhile in the middle east, ISIS was finally defeated. Saudi arabia, seeing that both syria and iraq are weakened, proposed to annex the two countries, so that rebuilding is faster and conflict in the middle east would seize.
As for the zombie plague, now named ZomViD-23, it was contained easily, and because it’s basically a mutated rabies virus, a vaccine for it was easily made.