Intermediates (Now Open)

And it lays the foundation for a cell with faster movement. Imagine if in the future, it had an extra organelle with more ATP generation, and Cha told me to move backwards for his run…

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Oh right, that could work. Only if you could mutate to rotate your cell’s “forward direction”…

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I kind of wish the AI would move and rotate itself according to the orientation of the flagella/slime jet. I would be hilarious to see a lot of cells moving backwards!

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Nah I meant as in there was two, which I confused myself on.


@JustaDumbThriver @aah31415 @CatSquared @Cha @doomlightning
Do you guys want to name your own descendants, or you want me to name them?

  • Game Master will name Player descendants.
  • Players will name their own descendants from their own lineage.
0 voters

We’ll see how long will the Thrivium genus last…

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I think will go on Ecotype 9
Take the name of power from Tao to Upsilon


Toxisome, the first weapon unlocked in this FG…

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@Cha and @CatSquared, what do you want to name your organisms?

Also, does anyone want to move to a different patch?

Names of other organisms, according to clade:


  1. gamblerobacter koinos archenea (Derived from Mutant 4)
  2. Ecotype 2


  1. Thrivium Parvoferrus (Ecotype 10)
  2. Thrivium Diuturnus (Derived from Base Species)
  3. Thrivium diuturnus phytus (Ecotype 11)
  4. Thrivium diuturnus plasmsus (Ecotype 12


  1. Thrivum Pabulator (Derived from Base Species)
  2. Ecotype 13
  3. Thrivum pabulator unicuus (Ecotype 14)
  4. Thrivum pabulator obscuratum (Ecotype 15)


  1. Ecotype 4
  2. Thrivium fostrogon nodilus (Ecotype 5/6)
  3. Thrivium Fostrogon (Derived from Mutant 4)


  1. Garblabi Sigma (Ecotype 8)
  2. Garblabi Tao (Derived from Mutant 4)
  3. Garblabi Upsilon (Ecotype 9)
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Thrivum Ferrum, as it eats iron.


So there already are 16 species now in total?

Thrivium fostrogonpo

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2 more round and we’ll have whole new species in our control…

Now we just need @JustaDumbThriver to choose his organism from above and name it.

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By the way, how can we move our species between patches?

You can just move to another nearby patch, just like in a regular Thrive game.

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And when can we do that?

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I’d guess when our mutants/ecotypes/etc become complete species, as they are the ones capable of moving patches…

I was on vacation… That’s why I was gone for 3 days.

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I hope you had a good vacation.

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