Lets create our own language!

Im happy with a latin-esque language.
However, isn’t german more germanic, whilst latin is more Mediterranean?
They are two distinct backgrounds, with english being a mixture of both.

The German language is germanic however they write with a latin characters.

one small step for language one gigantic leap for all thrive fans everywhere

Pff… English is very simple. Also, I’m french native.

I’m from the Netherlands so I might be able to help with the Germanic stuff

This may have been discussed already, but are we going to create our own alphabet? are we going to use the Latin alphabet? ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ?

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not sure yet… that’s going to come after we get the sounds down solid

I can speak some German, a bit of Spanish, I hopefully remember at least the very basic concept of Arabic and I love scripts, so I have some knowledge of Kanji, I can write Arabic, cyrilic and some ruins (such as futhark mentioned by @Nein99 or Hungarian ruins ). What is NOT in my field of capabilities are tonal languages, as I’m struggling with Vietnamese for quite a bit for that exact reason. I am also native Czech speaker (Slavic languages are very similar, so Russian is fairly easy for me, Polish is very legible for me and Slovak sounds almost like Czech) and it has some pretty interesting features and morfology you might like.

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That’s perfect i never really wanted it to be a tonal language in the first place
Was that you @Zahyyy that filled out the sheet? i don’t know much but i feel like it’s looking fairly decent

Must have been someone else, but I’ve just added an alveolar trill, which is basically rolled ‘r’, as we need some kind of 'r ’ to even say the name of the language. If someone had a problem with a rolled ‘r’, we can switch it for another ‘r’. Maybe I can rewrite the sheets in IPA.

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I love love love the rolled R, but sadly i can’t pronounce it maybe we can add the english r and make it equivalent to the rolled R like it is correct to use both the rolled r and the unrolled r depending on wich you prefer?
also i want to work on pronoucing it

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omg, i think i found absolute magic with rolled r’s

Is there anybody here who knows a bit of latin?
If not, there is now. Also, i speak German (since its my native language) and can say that a german or Dutch-esque language will be complicated to learn

I wish i spoke a bit of latin… I love that language

Yeah nah, Dutch is so much less complicated than German. I think it’s even simpler than English, since it uses around the same rules and doesn’t have as many exceptions.

anyway… i think it’s time for round two? which i believe would be the vowels? correct me if i’m wrong…

I can see that we have once again droped the language for a few days, but fear not… I refuse to drop this project now!!!

Its okay nerd
i just gave up since i dont have any meaningful contributions other than skringo

That’s TheNerdInTheCorner to you @TheXenomorphian , in all honesty i’ve contributed about as much as you… I have no idea how to do this but any resarch and help is greatly appreciated

If you all want to actually create a language, I can help. I have experience with making grammars for conlangs but the lexicon is usually where I give up due to lack of motivation to make hundreds of words.
So I ask to you all if you’re serious about creating a conlang?