NEW! one sentence story telling thread

capricorn had just killed a man with :belgium: ing beans.

He had had a follower do the action so it affected the disbeliever

He was too busy following Capricorn to do anything else

In the following months, a Beantree has grown out of the spilled beans.

It turns out they grew tall and up into a giants castle, causing a guy named Jack to climb them.

The beans looked so delicious…

He ate one, and then used the rest to power at fart rocket (like the fart gun) to go to the giants castle, as he was lazy and didn’t want to climb for hours

He flew very fast.

“Fee Fie Fo Fum.” Rumbled the giant. He wrinkled his nose “I smell farts. I got to go tell Johnny to spray his room again.” He lumbered off.

Then the giant heard a sound of crashing mixed with a wet crunch.

It was his wife, his cat, and a bowl.

His wife was eating the cereal in the bowl, which was the wet crunch.

There was something wrong with the cereal, though.

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The cats guts were the cereal!

“yummy yummy cat guts.” he said.

But sadly the bowl ascended into the higher sphere.

It had finally found its other half, it had been feeling kinda empty and no matter what it tried to fill itself with that always got taken out.

NSS really badly referencing how you like put stuff in a bowl but then remove that idk what I’m saying lol

jack continued to fart his way up to the castle but lost his balance and started falling towards it.

the heavy from tf2 helped him get his balance

then the backrooms storm hit and everyone was noclipped into level 0