well my guy sneezed on a baby accidentally one time, so i’d say we’re PREEETTY wicked.
Name: The Terror of the Deep
Wickedness: The five suns could find no definable shape, could find no limit to this creatures wells of power - potential power that is, training would be needed to access this. It has the potential to reach a power level exponentially greater than all five subs combined, the question is will it be able to? They placed it in the depths of the earth and then sat back to observe.
our characters are the polar opposite, twilight.
Except mine isn’t just limited to magic, I can do tech and magic while you are just limited to magic.
guess im not known to do tech in forum games
I meant limited to tech lol
@fralegend015 when does the first round start?
Round 1
The unforgivingly warm light of the suns, just like any other day, hits the ruins of a nameless capitol; today there is an hint of curiousity in them, as they observe under their watchfull rays the daily dramas of the wilderness.
Roll 13
You stalk a rabbit-like creature with double jointed legs eating grass in the road below from the second level of a building, after a while a branch falls from a tree and you decide to use this distraction to pounce. You glide down the building with a steep angle trying to catch the leporine creature with your talons, but it notices you just in time to escape your clutches, you land with your talon on a weird angle but you manage to use your wings to stabilize yourself and start pursuing your prey with all four of your limbs first to pick your pace before lifting your wings from the ground and running on your talons alone.
The run is long and the light of the suns on your light gray feathers doesn’t help mitigate your exhaustion, but at last you manage to catch your prey, you click your beak happily before using it to dig in the flesh of the still squirming creature being held in your talon.
[+ 1 MP]
After you cleaned the creature’s carcass you decide to rest in the shade of a nearby building; now you start thinking of what course of action you should take next.
[Your status changed to “Tired(Minor)”]
[You have 2 votes]
More Info
Name: Zarhuslash
Interventor: @doomlightning
Species: Metropolitan Runner Raptor
HP: 10
MP amount: 1
Status: Tired(Minor) - first signs of exhaustion, no effect in particular but it would be better to stray away from high levels of physical extersion.
Iron - 5
Hearts - 5
Eyes - 7
Shadows - 5
Fluid - 6
Fire - 2
Beak Lv 1, Legs Lv 1, Talons Lv 1, Wings Lv 1, Tail Lv 1
Gliding Lv 1- You can use your wings to glide. Second Chance Lv 1- When you are about to die a d20 is rolled, if the result is above 15 then you survive else you die; has a 3 rounds cooldown. Facultative Bipedalism Lv 1- When running you lift your wings from the ground, only using your legs for locomotion.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
Roll 5
You look below you and see a mass of tentacles, each ending in a talon, climbing the building towards you. You jump to a nearby tree and jump again to another building bringing yourself out of the creature’s reach for now. You look where you were before and see the tentacle creature grappling the trees to move towards you. You go inside the building searching for a place to hide, you see staircase shaft and decide to enter it and wait there.
After a while you hear the sound of talons scratching the floor become closer and closer until you can see one of the tentacles trought the broken door, it suddenly stops moving and you think that it noticed you but then it continues moving. After the sounds disappeared into the distance you decided to stay for a bit longer, while waiting you noticed a glowing bulb in a wall and after you inspected it it burst into an explosion of spores and now you feel awfull.
[Your status changed to “Poisoned(Moderate)”]
You decide it is best to exit the staircase shaft and you see that the creature is not nearby currently, but it knows that you are in the area and will probably search for you in the future.
[You have 2 votes]
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Name: Nigel
Interventor: @Nigel
Species: Metropolitan Climbing Otter
HP: 6
MP amount: 0
Status: Poisoned(Moderate) - You have toxin in body, -2 HP per round, effects will apply next round and will last for 3 rounds unless prevented.
Iron - 3
Hearts - 3
Eyes - 8
Shadows - 4
Fluid - 12
Fire - 0
Tail Lv 1, Hands Lv 1, Muscles Lv 1, Brain Lv 1, Fur Lv 1
Climbing Lv 1- you are capable of climbing. Fine Object Manipulation Lv 1- you can use your hands to manipulate objects in an accurate manner. Technophilia Lv 1 - Boost to technological research.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
Roll 18
You are hiding beneath the roots of plants that grow in the top floor of the building, creeping towards an hexapodal creature that uses the mouth in it’s tail to eat the leaves from the trees. Once you arrive at a certain distance you start unfolding your head; revealing 6 tentacles hidden inside of it, each of which ends in a thick and sharp tooth. You quickly inflate the tentacles, making them speed throught the air and impaling the unsuspecting creature in the head, killing it instantly.
You extend your pseudopodia to their limit, sprinting towards the carcass of your prey, once you arrive at your destination you place your unfolded head over the corpse and start feasting on it.
[+ 2 MP]
After you finish eating your hunt you fold your head again and sense vibration from the ground, you hide beneath the undergrowth of the road. After a while an herd of creatures with a long trunk mouth which they use to unearth what seem like roots to eat arrives in the area, suddenly one of them falls dead to the ground and is left alone by the others. You decide not to waste the meat and approach it, unfolding your head to eat the tough, fibrous meat.
[+ 2 MP]
The other members of the herd don’t seem to have noticed you yet as you go back to hiding in the undergrowth.
[You have 2 votes]
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Name: Danial
Interventor: @Centarian
Species: Lesser Slugcat
HP: 8
MP amount: 4
Status: Normal
Iron - 4
Hearts - 4
Eyes - 4
Shadows - 4
Fluid - 10
Fire - 4
Mucus Glands Lv 1, Pseudopodia Lv 1, Tentacle Jaws Lv 1, Tail Lv 1
Mucus Release Lv 1 - Releases a mucus with makes you very sticky, allowing you to stick to walls or cielings. Jaw Harpoon Lv 1 - You can inflate your jaws to be half your body size, allowing you to use them as harpoons to attack. Ease of Mind - decreased chance of acquiring negative status effects of psychological origin.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
Roll 7
You have migrated from an area of poor soil quality to a new area in hope of finding better soil, unfortunately you encountered poor soil in this area too. As you bathe your leafs in sunlight your roots start to feel vibrations nearing the area; knowing what this means you hastily unearth your roots and start moving as far away as possible from bigger plants and big patches of vegetation in hopes that you will be ignored. You almost make it to the ruins of a building before a giant creature with 8 radial legs and 12 long trunk-like mouths wich it uses to vacuum plants.
You stop moving since it would gather the creature’s attention to you. After a while it moves to the next patch of vegetation, now it’s safe to move but the creature could come back in any moment.
[You have 2 votes]
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Name: Talagos
Interventor: @TeaKing
Species: Chlorophyllian Gaelian
HP: 20
MP amount: 0
Status: Normal
Iron - 7
Hearts - 10
Eyes - 5
Shadows - 5
Fluid - 1
Fire - 2
Roots Lv 1, Stem Lv 1, Leaves Lv 1, Xylem-Phloem Lv 1
Root Absorption Lv 1 - You can use your roots to absorb MP from the substrate or corpses using your roots. Rootshifting Lv 1 - You can turn your roots into temporary limbs. Leaf sharpening Lv 1 - You can temporarily sharpen your leaves in order to attack other beings.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
Michael Mcmichaelman
Roll 16
You coil your serpentine form around a tree branch, your gaze follows a tortoise-like creature with long tentacular limbs. The creature used magic to throw create a bullet and send it against a big rat creature, killing it; when the chelonian creature lowers it’s neck to start eating the carcass you decide to strike. Your head starts tilting backwards and you feel pressure building up on the floor of your mouth, when the pressure is at it’s highest point you open your mouth and with a foward movement of your head you throw a ball of saliva to the creature, when it makes contact with the creature the saliva sends it flying towards a wall; you uncoil your body as you descend to the ground and start slithering towards your prey when suddenly a red-white ball speeds towards you, you react quickly and roll your body to evade the attack and start sprinting towards the creature. As you reach the squid-tortoise creature, which now has its limbs torn off, a red mist envelops you; probably the last attempt of your prey to survive, but you manage to gulp it down before it finishes it’s spell.
[+ 2 MP]
You go back to the rat creature’s corpse but see that it has been cleaned by scavengers, as such you decide to return on the tree branches.
[You have 2 votes]
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Name: Michael Mcmichaelman
Interventor: @zenzonegaming
Species: Sneezer Boa
HP: 6
MP amount: 2
Status: Normal
Iron - 6
Hearts - 3
Eyes - 3
Shadows - 8
Fluid - 8
Fire - 2
Tail Lv 1, Jaw Lv 1, Scales Lv 1, Sneeze Organ Lv 1, Fangs Lv 1
Sneeze Lv 1 - You have a specialized sneeze organ which allows you to use sneezes as attacks. Constriction Lv 1 - You can use your body to constrict other beings.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
The Terror of the Deep
Roll 15
You slowly inch towards a faint rithmyc sound, towards the delicate smell that reminds you of flesh. You do not see what you are hunting, for you have no eyes, but you can tell that it didn’t notice you yet because of the regular stream of steps that you hear coming from it, from the steps you can also deduce that it probably has 4 legs. Suddenly you hear the steps stop and become irregular, taking this as a sign that you got caught you decide to pounce; with a powerfull movement of your legs you jump towards the sound with your claws leading the strike, but they make contact with an hard surface which probably is a shell, you hear the sound of claws scraping the rocky floor but before the creature is able to run away you use your limbs to overturn it on it’s shell. Now that it is unable to move anymore you dig your mouth on its soft underbelly, the wet aroma of blood and gore pleasingly filling your mouth.
[+ 1 MP]
You return to traverse the tunnels, using the faint echo of your tongue clicking from the walls in order to navigate them.
[You have 2 votes]
More Info
Name: The Terror of the Deep
Interventor: @TwilightWings21
Species: Blind Subway Caniraptor
HP: 10
MP amount: 1
Sol: 0
Status: Normal
Iron - 5
Hearts - 5
Eyes - 4
Shadows - 5
Fluid - 5
Fire - 6
Claws Lv 1, Skin Lv 1, Ears Lv 1, Olphatory Organs Lv 1, Muscles Lv 1, Legs Lv 1
Dig Lv 1 - you can use your claws to dig. Solar Espectations Lv MAX - Every time you kill another living being you gain Sol. Sol can be used to acquire special characteristics or bonuses during events with the additional cost of making the event harder for you.
Evo cost: 30 MP
None aviable
@TeaKing @doomlightning @zenzonegaming @Centarian @TwilightWings21 @Nigel
not now fralegend! we are talking about spaghetti!!!
Too late, I already did it.
So apparently I’m the cat from Captain Marvel.
just more slug-like and with no real defined limbs
Yea, I need to work on that.
If eye I have a four for eyes how come I’m blind?
Also what can we do with votes? Like how do we upgrade ourselves?
Because that’s just an attribute, not the count of litteral eyes you have.
Action 1: Hunt more. I don’t hunt humans, they were nice to me before the apocalypse.
Action 2: Still hunt. I need food.
Mkay, but that attribute seems rather arbitrary when I don’t have eyes in the first place
^Or are they just what we have our character do and we don’t control evolutions?
Sorry if you explained this above I’ve forgotten what this game is about for the most part lol
You dont need to use a vote to make changes, if you have the necessary MP you can just say the changes you want to do and they will apply next round. Votes are for actions.
Never mind about attributes I just reread the top.
How many MP is ‘expensive’ for a new mutation?
Depends on the mutation, but the cheapest possible one will cost you 20 MP.