Olympus Infernal

just being able to bind cells, but being able to share resources between them makes it a lot more beneicial

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How many mutations would you say it takes to be, say, the size of an eel?

Merely curiosity rn, as afaik there are no other macroscopic species for my predator to feed on

a cytoskeleton, a few actions to double your size several times, binding proteins, a circulatory system, and a few size increases, so like 7 minimum. you do need to produce your own lipids to get that many cells though

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Final questions; does sexual reproduction add mutations like it does in some other games or no? And are there any shards of Yuyi left?

there are some of yuyi’s shards left since i haven’t done the actions yet, but sexual reproduction requires multiple chromosomes/plasmids to work since without at least 2 you can’t have haploid or diploid cells
btw i’m currently reworking the size system to be more math compatible by giving it more numbers

Aight, then


  1. Double Size
  2. Cytoskeleton
  3. Chromosome Duplication
  4. Double Size


  1. Hunt
  2. Search for Shards
  3. Same as Above
  4. Hunt

your membrane is already organic due to eating pieces of organic lipid membrane for several rounds, btw with a cytoskeleton you can use an action to double your size at the cost of halving your pop gain for one round.

Aight, I’ve edited


i have changed the size stat to 4 stats; volume, surface area, diameter, and radius. i also re-added a perk i accidentally removed.

looks like i’m not evolving anything specifically to get more energy for a while unless i’m planning on moving to a really dark or pitch black patch

apparently my school received a shooter threat, so instead of being at school i’m working on this. btw i woke up late so i got to school while it was locked down so i just said ‘:belgium: it’ and went home.

another edit: apparently i did the thermosynthesis in a way that doesn’t any sense whatsoever, but due to how much time it’ll take to fix that i’m doing that in round 9.

ANOTHER edit: hey @Nonametoseehere what would you think if i told you you only need the light of the stars in the night sky to get enough energy to do all your cell upkeep stuff times 2 with one of your species?
because that’s exactly what one of your species’ just did

@TheForumGameMaster and @CatSquared i need your mutations and actions
btw all of yuyi’s shards are gone so don’t make absorbing any one of your actions because that action will not succeed due to the thing it requires existing to be done simply not existing anymore.

I have decided I’m going to leave the game now.

do you want your species NPCed or extincted?

Preferably wiped out.

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as some of you have not been using all your mp/ap, both of them have been moved to directly under your ASP.

new size system, which means new rules, doubling your size now doubles the square of your volume instead of doubling diameter, increasing diameter and surface area using the resulting radius, but due to balance reasons that only starts next round; phago/endo cytosis % now uses your volume multiplied by 'cytosis% turned into a decimal to determine what you can and can’t eat meaning you can eat things you previously couldn’t if you can endocytose, storage vacuoles now use the volume as the base for the storage stat, and similarly RNA and DNA vacuoles use it as the base for how much of their storage molecule they can hold. the photosynthesis formula now uses the surface area stat where it previously used the diameter, drastically increasing energy production in photoautotrophs and allowing photosynthesis to be more viable lower down.

the {ribosome count} stat as well as how many RNA strands you produce per reproductive cycle determines your {protein production}, with the lowest of the two, multiplied by 6, being the number presented as the number in your {protein production}

planet information

Name: venus
Age: 1.54 billion years
surface water percentage: 32
atmospheric gasses: 50% N2, 15.1% H2S, 13% H2O, 12% NH3, 2% Ar, 1.7% SF6, 1.5% Ne, 1.3% H2, 0.9% H2SO4, 0.7%CO2, 1.99% other gasses
crust composition: 65% Silica, 12% carbon, 5%iron, 3.5% gold, 3% copper, 3% sulfur, 2.3% lead, 1.7% aluminium, 1% phosphorus, 3.5% other elements
ocean composition: 84.8% H2O, 4.2% H2S, 3% NH3, 2% H2SO4, 2% iron, 1%S2, 1% ATP, 1% salt, 0.9% CO2, 0.1 PO4
pressure and temperature: PSI/bar, and F/C
0 meters above sea level: 1450 PSI/100 bar, 86F/30C.
30 km above sea level: 1150 PSI/79 bar, 90F/32C
40 km above sea level: 750 PSI/52 bar, 87F/ 31C
50 km above sea level: 550 PSI/38 bar, 85F/29C
60 km above sea level: 114 PSI/8 bar, 76F/24C
70 km above sea level: 102PSI/7 bar, 74F/23C
80 km above sea level: 73PSI/5 bar, 68F/20C
90 km above sea level: 29PSI/2 bar, 58F/14C
100km above sea level: 15PSI/1 bar, 48F/9C


scientific name: Phytosphaericae Haplobios
ASP: 1
MP: 2
ascension perks: ascended, stable membrane, alternate coding[1], false ascension, one way void, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAAAAA

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, dehydration resistant lipid membrane, CRNA replicase, photosynthetic proteins, nitrogen fixation, biological lipid production, chlorophyll(density: 5), photoreceptive compounds, conductive cytoskeleton(improves effectiveness of heat pilus, CRNA vacuole(size[2], chromosomes: 1, type: lipid, ribosome count: 1, count:2), heat concentration pilus(uses energy to move heat to the point), storage vacuole(size[3], storage: 30, specialization: none type: lipid)

niche: extremely small obligate phototroph

A1: spread to land
A2: reproduce: +50 pop per patch

buffs: energy surplus: +50% benefit from actions
debuffs: none

stats: size[4], speed: 4, stealth: 0, strength: 3, health: 2, absolute defense: 0, % defense: 0, perception: 5, energy gen: 36, energy usage: 11.6, photosynthesis efficiency: 12%, nitrogenase efficiency: 6%, nitrogen fixation: 6/s, protein production: 5/12, CRS lvl: 1.

tolerances: light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.2%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: 0C - 38C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2/pop, population: 17,298(VU)


scientific name: Altamors duocirculi
ASP: 2
MP: 1
ascension perks: ascended, phoenix, extreme heat/cold resistance, false ascension
mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, organic lipid membrane, RNA replicase, storage vacuole(size[5], storage: 30, specialization: none type: lipid), jet vacuole, phagocytosis, predatory pilus, cytoskeleton

niche: extremely small obligate heterotroph

action 1&2: eat shards: +1ASP each
action 3&4: hunt: +20% pop gain(compounding)

behaviors: hunt schiz-ofeliizus malus, +3 energy gain, +10% phagocytosis size, +1 fecundity, -0.2 fecundity for schiz-ofeliizus malus (warning: you currently need to eat more of your prey species than are made a round)


stats: size[6] speed: 22nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, % defense: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 10, energy usage: 8 energy storage: 10, phagocytosis %: 40(103.2nm³), protein production: 6/12, chromosome count: 2, ribosome count: 2.

tolerances: light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar, oxytoxy resistance: 3.

fecundity: 2.8/pop, population: 50,111(VU+)


scientific name: Simplicitas Impossibilest
ASP: 0
MP: 1
AP: 1
ascension perks: ascended, organic fission\fusion, absurd heat/cold tolerance
mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, inorganic lipid membrane(does not work with most membrane related perks), efficient heat dissipation, double layered membrane, lysosome vacuole(size[7], type: inorganic lipid), expandable and contractile cytoskeleton, storage vacuole(size[8], storage: 30, specialization: ATP, type: lipid) chemosynthesis, ssDNA vacuole(size[9], count: 1, chromosomes: 1 type: lipid, ribosome count: 2), weak binding proteins, transcriptase, reverse transcriptase, IDPs, organic fission protein(count: 1, lvl: 1, usable material types: radioactive).

niche: small size-variable heat resistant obligate chemotroph

action: improve habitat environment: the cells in your biofilm now regularly infiltrate rocks to break them open, +1% hydrogen sulfide and phosphate in patch per round for 3 rounds, +0.1% H2S + PO4— throughout all oceans per round for 6 rounds

buffs: niche establishment: +1 SMP(special mutation points)(rounds left: 7), primitive biofilm environment(-1 energy usage, +6 energy gain, +0.5 fecundity)
debuffs: irradiated: -2.3 fecundity due to improperly shielded genome, +1 SMP for radiation resistance until debuff end, source: unshielded fission reactor protein

stats: size[10], speed: 1nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 12, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 83, energy usage: 20, digestion speed: 5 u/s, digestion efficiency: 20%, heat production per cell:
energy storage: 30, protein production: 8/12, 1/6.

tolerances: light tolerance: 10, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -65C - 1,648C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar, freezing damage resistance: 3.

fecundity: 3.2/pop, population: 267,168(NT+)


scientific name: Crackcephalos Fissius
ASP: 0
MP: 1.5
AP: 2
ascension perks: ascended, cancer killer, organic fission/fusion, extreme heat/cold tolerance
mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, RNA replicase, filler RNA for radiation detection, long lipid production, RNA receptor, cytoskeleton, unspecialized vesicle(size[11], type: lipid, count: 3), radiator thermoplast (size[12] thermosynthase count: 5)
unactivated perk related organelles: fission reactor protein, fusion reactor protein

niche: extremely small heat resistant obligate thermotroph

reproduction strategy: careful mitosis: [13]

action: seek colder region of cave*2

buffs: energy surplus: +50% benefit from actions(max benefit from this buff at this point in time{each CRS complexity level increases this by 25% due to debuffs.}), soul energy surplus: +1AP
debuffs: lead poisoning: (-50% CRS effectiveness, - 50% effectiveness of calcium containing molecules, -3% fecundity

stats: size[14], speed: 1nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 4, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 140, energy usage: 9, thermosynthesis efficiency: 12%, protein production: 5/6, ribosome count: 1.

tolerances: light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar, water retention: 20.

fecundity: 2.9/pop, population: 98,658(NT-)


you begin to feel extremely energized, like if you get any more energy you will be able to fight several gods and win.

scientific name: Ascendentes solis
ASP: 4
MP: 1.5
AP: 3

ascension perks: ascended, false ascension(lvl2), PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, absurd heat/cold tolerance, pyromaniac

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, inorganic lipid membrane(does not work with most membrane related perks) RNA replicase, chlorophyll vacuole(size[15], chlorophyll density: 25, type: inorganic lipid, count: 4), gene stealing pilus, motile cilia, RuBisCO, chemoreceptors, crude cytoskeleton(this is a result of me forgetting to make sure you had a cytoskeleton before allowing you to skip a mitosis, and currently does nothing but let you keep a mitosis from happening)

niche: extremely small kleptogenetic obligate phototroph

action: don’t split*2

buffs: energy surplus: +100% benefit from actions(max for lvl 1 CRS), soul energy surplus(+1 AP)

stats: size[16], speed: 11nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 2, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 680, energy usage: 11, photosynthesis efficiency: 12%, oxygen production: 24, CO2 usage: 24, H2O usage: 24, energy usage per glucose: 9, glucose production rate: 4, energy storage: 10, protein production: 6/24, ribosome count: 1, chromosomes: 4, CRS lvl: 1, energy gain per % of light: 8.496, min light level: 2%, fuel efficiency(fire): +50%.

tolerances: light tolerance: 90, O2 tolerance: 1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -275C - 1200C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2/pop, population: 14,080(VU)

scientific name: Ascendentes noctum
ASP: 10
MP: 1.5
AP: 2
ascension perks: ascended, false ascension, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, extreme heat/cold resistance

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, RNA replicase, chlorophyll vacuole(size[17], chlorophyll density: 30, type: lipid), gene stealing pilus, motile cilia, lipid production, oxytoxysome, chemoreceptors

niche: extremely small kleptogenetic obligate phototroph

action: absorb shard*2: +2 ASP each

buffs: energy surplus: +100% benefit from actions(max for current CRS level), soul energy surplus(+1 AP)

stats: size[18], speed: 11nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 2, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 204, energy usage: 8, photosynthesis efficiency: 12%, toxicity: 5, protein production: 6/6, ribosome count: 1, CRS lvl: 1, energy gen per % of light: 1.44, min light lvl: 6%.

tolerances: light tolerance: 35, O2 tolerance: 0.2%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, Oxytoxy tolerance: 4, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 3/pop, population: 8,100(VU-)


scientific name: naranjus mediavorus
ASP: 0
MP: 1.5
AP: 2
ascension perks: ascended, false ascension, extreme heat/cold tolerance, truesight.
mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, inorganic lipid membrane, RNA replicase, chemoreceptors, motile cilia, vacuole(size[19], type: inorganic lipid), phagocytosis, chlorophyll(density:10), predatory pilus.

niche: obligate photomixotroph

action: eat*2: +40% pop gain this round

buffs: energy surplus: +6% benefit from actions

stats: size[20], speed: 10nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 4, energy gen: 36, energy usage: 13, photosynthetic efficiency: 6%, protein production: 5/6, ribosome count: 1, CRS level: 1, phagocytosis size: 30%, phagocytosis energy gain: 9.

tolerances: light tolerance: 10, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2/pop, population: 12,829(VU)


you feel part of your soul split off, but stay connected

scientific name: vocatio inanis
ASP: 3
MP: 2.5
AP: 3
ascension perks: ascended, vesicles of holding, one way void, false ascension(lvl2), phoenix, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, moon gravity, extreme heat/cold tolerance

current gravity multiplier: 1x

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, biological lipid production, RNA vacuole(size[21], type: inverted OWV, spatial compression: 2x, chromosomes: 2, RNA replicases per chromosome: 2 , ribosome count: 2, count:2), motile cytoskeleton, chlorophyll vacuole(size[22], type: OWV, spatial compression: 2x, chlorophyll density: 10, count:2), gluconeogenesis, alcoholic fermentation, aerobic respiration, cell junction proteins, chemoreceptors, gene stealing pilus, motile cilia


scientific name: Ascendentes protoplastis

ascension perks: ascended, false ascension, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, extreme heat/cold tolerance, pyromaniac

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, double layer lipid membrane(does not work with a few membrane related perks) RNA replicase, chlorophyll vacuole(size[23], chlorophyll density: 50, type: lipid), RuBisCO

buffs: endosymbiont: -50% energy usage; simplifying: all perks and mutations not useful to niche are being transferred to the host cell, and the endosymbiont is being transformed into a plastid.

stats: spatial compression: 2x, size[24], photosynthesis efficiency: 12%, oxygen production: 6, CO2 usage: 6, H2O usage: 6, fuel efficiency(fire): +50%, protein production: 3/6, ribosome count: 1.

tolerances: light tolerance: 30, O2 tolerance: 1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 300C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

amount per host cell: 1

niche: large facultative photosynthetic mixotroph

action 1: eat shard: +2 ASP

action 2: speciate

buffs: energy surplus: +100% benefit from actions(lvl1 CRS max), soul energy surplus: +1 AP

stats: size[25], speed: 50nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 12, perception: 1, health: 6, absolute defense: 1, defense%: 0, perception: 2, energy gen: 849(80%lux), 46(0%lux), energy usage: 40.5, energy storage rate: 1, energy storage: 100, photosynthesis efficiency: 14%, protein production: 8/24, phagocytosis size: 40%, CO2 production: 14, ethanol production: 8, glucose consumption: 5, gluconeogenesis rate: 6, energy gen per 1% of light: 10, nucleotide synthesis: adenine: 12, guanine: 4, cytosine: 4, uracil: 4, CRS lvl: 1.

tolerances: light tolerance: 65, O2 tolerance: 1.4%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 300C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar, minimum light level: 0%.

fecundity: 7.5/pop, population: 1,215,000(LC-)

scientific name: vocatio abyssus
ASP: 3
MP: 2.5
AP: 3
ascension perks: ascended, vesicles of holding, one way void, false ascension(lvl2), phoenix, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, moon gravity, extreme heat/cold tolerance, pyromaniac(lvl 0.5)

current gravity multiplier: 1x

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, biological lipid production, RNA vacuole(size[26], type: inverted OWV, spatial compression: 2x, chromosomes: 2, RNA replicase strands: 4, ribosome count: 2, count:2), motile cytoskeleton, chlorophyll vacuole(size[27], type: OWV, spatial compression: 2x, chlorophyll density: 15, count:2), gluconeogenesis, aerobic respiration, cell junction proteins, chemoreceptors, gene stealing pilus, motile cilia


scientific name: Ascendentes protoplastis

ascension perks: ascended, false ascension, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA, extreme heat/cold tolerance, pyromaniac(lvl 0.5)

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, double layer lipid membrane(does not work with a few membrane related perks) RNA replicase, chlorophyll vacuole(size[28], chlorophyll density: 56, type: protein/lipid), RuBisCO

buffs: endosymbiont: -56% energy usage; simplifying: all perks and mutations not useful to niche are being transferred to the host cell, and the endosymbiont is being transformed into a plastid.

stats: spatial compression: 2x, size[29], photosynthesis efficiency: 12%, oxygen production: 6, CO2 usage: 6, H2O usage: 6, fuel efficiency(fire): +25%, protein production: 4/6, ribosome count: 1.

tolerances: light tolerance: 30, O2 tolerance: 1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 300C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

amount per host cell: 1

niche: large facultative photosynthetic mixotroph

action: speciate: + some minor changes

buffs: energy surplus: +100% benefit from actions(lvl1 CRS max), soul energy surplus: +1 AP(max for CRS level)

stats: size[30], speed: 50nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 12, perception: 1, health: 6, absolute defense: 1, defense%: 0, perception: 2, energy gen: 1,338(80%lux), 190(0%lux), energy usage: 45, energy storage rate: 1, energy storage: 100, photosynthesis efficiency: 14%, protein production: 8/24, phagocytosis size: 40%, CO2 production: 14, glucose consumption: 5, gluconeogenesis rate: 6, energy gen per 1% of light: 14, nucleotide synthesis: adenine: 18, guanine: 6, cytosine: 6, uracil: 6, CRS lvl: 1, fuel efficiency(fire): +25%.

tolerances: light tolerance: 65, O2 tolerance: 1.4%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 300C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar, minimum light level: 0%.

fecundity: 7.5/pop, population: 750(CR+)


scientific name: schi-zofeliizus malus
ASP: 0
MP: 1 (+1)
AP: 1 (+1)
ascension perks: ascended, universal whisperer, extreme heat/cold tolerance, fast regen.

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, RNA replicase, chemosynthesis, flagella, gene stealing pilus, lipid production, chlorophyll (density: 5), RNA vacuole(size: 40nm, type: lipid, chromosomes: 1, RNA replicases per chromosome: 2, ribosome count: 1., count: 1), oxytoxysome

niche: toxic obligate chemotroph with a side of photosynthesis

action: AFK

debuffs: energy deficit: -38% action benefit, -0.2 fecundity

stats: size[31], speed: 16nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 5.6, energy usage: 9, chemosynthesis efficiency: 6%, photosynthesis efficiency: 6%, protein production: 5/6, toxicity: 4, kleptogenesis lvl: 1.

tolerances: oxytoxy resistance: 4, light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2.6/pop, population: 80,718(VU-)

scientific name: schi-zofeliizus parasitus
ASP: 0
MP: 1.5 (+1.5)
AP: 1 (+1)
ascension perks: ascended, universal whisperer, extreme heat/cold tolerance, fast regen.

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, RNA replicase, chemosynthesis, flagella, gene stealing pilus, lipid production, chlorophyll (density: 5), RNA vacuole(size: 40nm, type: lipid, chromosomes: 1, count: 1), oxytoxysome, straw pilus

niche: toxic obligate parasitic chemotroph with a side of photosynthesis

action: AFK

behaviors: ectoparasitism: (+5 energy gain, - 0.1 fecundity, +0.5 MP to everyone in patches you’re in due to gene pilus)


stats: size[32], speed: 16nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 10.6, energy usage: 9, chemosynthesis efficiency: 6%, photosynthesis efficiency: 6%, protein production: 5/6, toxicity: 4, kleptogenesis lvl: 1.

tolerances: oxytoxy resistance: 4, light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: -200C - 350C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2.9/pop, population: 290(CR-)


scientific name: Fatum rutilans
ASP: 2
MP: 1.5
AP: 1
ascension perks: ascended, fast regen, :notes: light up the world like nobody else :notes:, cancer killer
mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, lipid membrane, RNA replicase, bioluminescence, chemosynthesis hexagon, brown carotenoids(density: 5), lipid production, nucleotide production(+50% base fecundity), methanogenesis, RNA vacuole(size[33], type: lipid, chromosomes: 1, RNA replicase strands: 2, ribosome count: 1, count:1)

niche: extremely small obligate chemoautotroph

action: absorb shard: +1 ASP [all shards absorbed, further ASP must now be gained through other means]

buffs: energy surplus: +50% benefit from actions(max until CRS lvl 1)

stats: size[34], speed: 1nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 58, energy usage: 14.6, luminescence efficiency: 34%, luminosity: 6, luminescence energy usage: 9.6, photosynthesis efficiency: 6%, general energy production boost: 20%, protein production: 3/6.

tolerances: light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: 0C - 35C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 4.5/pop, population: 52,650(NT–)

soul shards/cores

all souls shatter into 20 shards times their population divided by 10,000. though the minimum amount of shards that can be produced is 20. all souls also produce a soul core when shattered.

a soul core takes rolling above an 80 with 2 D50s to absorb and takes 4 rounds to fully absorb and you must be able to engulf a ball of 20 of their population to absorb it. soul cores contain 10 ASP and a phoenix perk selected based on what caused their species to go extinct (or them to quit) to allow a player who has left to rejoin using a modified version of their old species(but mostly for lore). the phoenix perk is the last thing to be absorbed when dissolving a soul core

ascension points are just crystalized soul energy, so every 100th % of action benefit from energy surplus gives an extra ascension point for every ascension point you get

scientific name: Apilimus Yusil

soul core: 10 ASP + system phoenix
core volume: 1,934nm³

scientific name: Ascendentes carl

soul shards:
20: false ascension
18: extreme heat/cold resistance
17: 2 ASP
1-16: 1 ASP

soul core: 10 ASP + ??? phoenix(changes to match what the user first goes extinct to)
core volume: 2.9µm³


surface of warm shallow ocean[35]: Phytosphaericae Haplobios: pop: 16,598(VU); Ascendentes solis: pop: 7,040(VU-); Vocatio inanis: pop: 1,215,000; Ascendentes noctum; 8,100, naranjus mediavorus: pop: 6,414(VU-); schi-zofeliizus parasitus: pop: 290, vocatio abyssus: 750

large island beach[36]: Phytosphaericae Haplobios: pop: 700(CR)

middle of warm shallow ocean[37]: naranjus mediavorus: pop: 6,414(VU-)

floor of warm shallow ocean[38]: Altamors duocirculi: pop: 50,111, schiz-ofeliizus malus: pop: 40,359(VU+)

hydrothermal vents[39]: schiz-ofeliizus malus: pop: 40,359(VU+)

Crackcephalos Fissius's cave system

underwater cave in warm shallow ocean[40]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

hot underwater cave[41]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

humid cave[42]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

humid basalt cave[43]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

dripstone caverns[44]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

flooded cave entrance[45]: your population is limited in this patch due to not producing its own ATP and thus will not grow past what other patches bring to it Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,865(VU-)

flooded cave depths[46]your population is limited in this patch due to not producing its own ATP and thus will not grow past what other patches bring to it Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,865(VU-)

warm basalt cave[47]: Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

hot ammonia cave[48];
Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

supercritical ammonia cave[49]:
Crackcephalos Fissius: 9,866(VU-)

volcanic shore[50]: Simplicitas Impossibilest: pop: 267,168, Ascendentes solis: pop: 7,040(VU-)

northern ocean surface[51]: Fatum rutilans: pop: 52,650

  1. type: 4 nucleotide long tRNA binding sites ↩︎

  2. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  3. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  4. volume: 128.8nm³, surface area: 283.5nm², diameter: 160nm, radius: 80nm ↩︎

  5. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  6. volume: 258nm³, surface area: 567nm², diameter: 320nm, radius: 160nm ↩︎

  7. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  8. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  9. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  10. volume: 65-101.6nm³, surface area: 240nm², diameter: 63 - 126nm, radius: 31.5 - 63nm ↩︎

  11. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  12. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 140nm², diameter: 140 nm, radius: 70nm, height: 3 nm, shape: 5-spiked ring ↩︎

  13. effects: {slower reproduction: -50% base fecundity, +1 HP}, {mutation checking: +100% survival rate, +0.5 MP} ↩︎

  14. volume: 96.7³, surface area: 250², diameter: 120nm, radius: 60nm ↩︎

  15. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  16. volume: 644nm³, surface area: 1,417nm², diameter: 800nm, radius: 400nm ↩︎

  17. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  18. volume: 96nm³, surface area: 212.69nm², diameter: 120nm, radius: 60nm ↩︎

  19. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  20. volume: 96nm³, surface area: 212.69nm², diameter: 120nm, radius: 60nm ↩︎

  21. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  22. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  23. volume: 16.1nm³, surface area: 35.4nm², diameter: 20nm, radius: 10nm ↩︎

  24. volume: 72.5nm³, surface area: 159.5nm², diameter: 90nm, radius: 45nm ↩︎

  25. volume: 330.6nm³, surface area: 728.5nm², diameter: 411nm, radius: 205.5nm ↩︎

  26. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  27. volume: 32.1nm³, surface area: 71nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  28. volume: 16.1nm³, surface area: 36nm², diameter: 22nm, radius: 11nm ↩︎

  29. volume: 72.5nm³, surface area: 159.5nm², diameter: 90nm, radius: 45nm ↩︎

  30. volume: 330.6nm³, surface area: 728.5nm², diameter: 411nm, radius: 205.5nm ↩︎

  31. volume: 120.8nm³, surface area: 266nm², diameter: 150nm, radius: 75nm ↩︎

  32. volume: 104.8nm³, surface area: 230.4nm², diameter: 130nm, radius: 65nm ↩︎

  33. volume: 32.2nm³, surface area: 70.8nm², diameter: 40nm, radius: 20nm ↩︎

  34. volume: 64.4nm³, surface area: 141.7nm², diameter: 80nm, radius: 40nm ↩︎

  35. depth: 0m, pressure: 100 bar, light: 80%, temp: 32C ↩︎

  36. depth: 5m below sea level to 15m above sea level, pressure: 100 bar, light: 83%, temp: 28-36C, carrying capacity: 3.5 tonnes ↩︎

  37. depth: 50m, pressure: 105 bar, light: 58%, temp: 48C ↩︎

  38. depth: 101m, pressure: 110 bar, light: 5%, temp: 63C ↩︎

  39. depth: 101m, pressure: 110 bar, light: 10%, temp: 160C ↩︎

  40. depth: 50m, pressure: 105 bar, light: 1%, temp: 38C ↩︎

  41. depth: 100m, pressure: 110 bar, light: 0%, temp: 120C ↩︎

  42. depth: 95-75m, pressure: 109 bar, light: 0.1%, temp: 130C, humidity: 80% ↩︎

  43. depth: 95-75m, pressure: 109 bar, light: 0.15%, temp: 135C, humidity: 80%, H2S: 7%, H2O: 83% ↩︎

  44. depth: 95-75m, pressure: 109 bar, light: 0%, temp: 70C, humidity: 30%, 1% phosphates, 3.1% H2S ↩︎

  45. depth: 70-80m, pressure: 109 bar, light: 0.1%, temp: 50C, 90% H2O, 3% iron, 2.9% copper, 1.5% chromium, 1% tungsten, 1%S2, 0.5% phosphate 0.1% salt. ↩︎

  46. depth: 80-200m, pressure: 110-122 bar, light: 0.1%, temp: 30C, 90% H2O, 3% iron, 2.9% copper, 1.5% chromium, 1% tungsten, 0.9%S2, 0.6% phosphate 0.1% salt. ↩︎

  47. depth: 95-75m, pressure: 109 bar, light: 0.15%, temp: 105C, humidity: 70%, H2S: 7%, H2O: 80%, N2: 13% ↩︎

  48. depth: 125m: pressure: 113 bar, light: 0.1%, temp: 130C ↩︎

  49. depth: 150m, pressure: 115 bar, light: 0.2:, temp: 145C ↩︎

  50. depth: 0-5m, pressure: 100 bar, light: 75%, temp: 90C ↩︎

  51. depth: 0-10 meters, pressure: 100 bar, light: 75%, temperature: 24C ↩︎


what each stat does

defense%: reduces damage by a percent of damage dealt
absolute defense: reduces incoming damage by a fixed number, cannot reduce past 0 without specific adaptations
special defense: defends against certain things, like parasites, poison, viruses, lightning, or small wavelengths of light
phagocytosis%/endocytosis%: the % of your volume something needs to be at or below for you to engulf it

ascension perks

almost all of these are stolen right from the thread “Ascension Perks Ideas” and modified to fit this game

ascended(0ASP, already obtained)

makes you an ascended soul, allows having and passing on ascension perks, allows absorbing other ascended souls after making their species extinct and fusing your ascension perks with the other soul’s perks and duplicating them to split between yourselves equally(phoenix perks cannot be obtained this way unless the soul with the phoenix perk has went extinct more than 3 times since the last extinction event), allows being absorbed by another ascended soul and getting their perks in return for yours(phoenix perks can be obtained this way), an ascended soul is a bit like a normal lifeform except more like a god. allows buffs and debuffs that apply to the whole species

stable membrane(0.5 ASP)

your osmoregulation cost is reduced by 20%

moon gravity(1 asp)

every round you can choose the percentage of gravity you experience

extreme heat/cold tolerance(1 ASP)

allows surviving from -200C to 300C without any adaptations, temperature adaptations are 4x more effective

phoenix(3 ASP)

you can burst into flames upon reaching 0 HP[1] and respawn from your ashes. you can come back from extinction 3 times per extinction event

vesicles of holding(2 ASP)

doubles storage capacity of all membrane using storage organelles and halves size of all membrane bound non-storage organelles by having all membranes originally made entirely by biological processes half the volume of all matter inside them, [2]

universal whisperer(4 ASP)

upon attempting to tame anything you immediately succeed… as long as it doesn’t view you as prey

truesight(3 ASP)

if you evolve eyes you see with the position of matter instead of with light until you evolve color vision, once you do you still use this perk but color is added. removes ability to be blinded, removes disadvantage from all sight related debuffs, and removes disadvantage on actions once sentient from being in an extremely dark area

fast regen(3 ASP)

when damaged you regenerate health and mature 8 times faster, you can not become old because of this.

cancer killer(2 ASP)

removes chance that i will randomly decide to roll a d20 to decide whether or not your character gets cancer and removes cancer as a cause of death for your species[3]

energy loan(3 ASP)

allows having lower energy production than energy usage for 3 rounds but the difference between energy usage and production will be applied to your energy usage after those 3 rounds are up and this perk will be deactivated until you next have your energy usage above your energy production

alternate coding(0.5 ASP)

you have a vastly different information storage molecule than everyone else meaning they need an adaptive translation organelle to steal your genes

:notes: light up the world like nobody else :notes:(1 ASP)

bioluminescence consumes half the energy and produces twice as much light

one way void(1 ASP)

adds a membrane type that lets light in but not out, and one that lets light out but not in. these membranes look like the event horizon of a black hole without the warping of light, and a perfect mirror. they can both be combined in one cell’s surface but without proteins to keep the membrane’s lipids from moving too much they’ll neutralize eachother’s effects


halves energy cost of carbon fixation while carbon fixation enzyme is in the same membrane as a photosynthetic pigment or photosynthetic pigment vacuole and doubles effectiveness of photosynthetic pigments

organic fission\fusion(1 ASP)

adds organelles to perform fission and fusion. these produce a lot of heat so it’s best to cool them fast, they can reach temperatures similar to that of the sun if you aren’t carful

false ascension(2 ASP)

every 10 rounds you get 1 ascension point(you get one every 50 rounds if you don’t have this perk due to having ascended)

absurd heat/cold tolerance(6 ASP)

allows surviving in temperatures ranging from -273C to 1200C, multiplies temperature adaptation effectiveness modifier by 4. requires extreme heat/cold tolerance.

perk sharing(1ASP)

allows you to share your perks with any species you’re in any kind of mutualistic relationship with, you also get the perks of your endosymbionts shared with you, lvl 2 removes the requirement of having a symbiote inside your organism to get its perks shared with you. (unlocks lvl 2 of a few single level perks, ignores limitations imposed by alternate coding as long as the species with it benefits from your relationship with it)

every single way to get ascension perks

  1. use ascension points
  2. level a kleptogenesis part to lvl 10 or higher and steal the perk from one member of a species[4]
  3. make a species extinct to absorb its soul and let the soul split off and make its own species[5]
  4. absorb soul shards made when an ascended soul that has never been made extinct by another ascended soul gives up
  5. go extinct 3 times in a row due to a specific element or combination of elements[6], [7], getting all of the elemental phoenix perks will give you something very powerful, there are at least 22 elemental phoenix perks so it will take at least 66 rounds to do, and adding in the fact you need to be able to survive after you get them all it’s more like 66 plus 12 in between every set of three extinctions assuming an extinction event happens every 15 rounds.
    6: engulf an organism that has the perk you want and turn it into an endosymbiont, this will not give you the ascension perks right away but it will start to transfer all the ones it’s not using to you when you start simplifying it, duplicate perks will turn into ascension points equal to the perk’s cost, excluding multi-level perks, but to upgrade them this way you need to simplify an organism with your level of it or higher, if the level of the endosymbiont’s perk is lower than yours, you will get ascension points instead

{species details template}
scientific name:
ASP: 0
ascension perks: ascended

mutations: extreme pressure tolerance, moderate heat tolerance, inorganic lipid membrane(does not work with most membrane related perks) RNA replicase


stats: size^[volume: 64.4nm³, surface area: 141.7nm², diameter: 80nm, radius: 40nm], speed: 1nm/s, stealth: 0, strength: 0, health: 1, MP: 1, absolute defense: 0, defense%: 0, perception: 1, energy gen: 2, energy usage: 2, protein production: 5(limit for how many protein types players can have).
tolerances: light tolerance: 5, O2 tolerance: 0.1%, NH3 tolerance: 99%, H2O tolerance: 99% H2S tolerance: 10%, iron tolerance: 4%, salt tolerance: 1.5%, temperature range: 0C - 35C, pressure tolerance: up to 1741PSI/120bar.

fecundity: 2/pop, population: 100(NE-)

yes, this was big enough to need 2 posts.

  1. starts working once you gain sentience ↩︎

  2. recursion is allowed, going inside the membranes is also allowed ↩︎

  3. cancer, as in real life, will only affect you if you have multiple cells, so it can be worked around by only having one and having ways to dump nuclei ↩︎

  4. this only lasts one generation if the member of the species that took it fails to reproduce or does not incorperate the perk into its genome and the soul it came from ↩︎

  5. if a species has the phoenix perk and you make it extinct its soul will fuse with yours and then split off and revive its own species without giving you the phoenix perk ↩︎

  6. water, earth, fire, and air elements, not periodic table elements ↩︎

  7. unlocks elemental phoenix perks, for example, if you go extinct 3 times in a row due to being crushed by metal or hunted to extinction with metal anything you will get the (not so) secret (anymore) perk called metal phoenix which gives you the ability to turn your body into metal when in danger with the ability to melt around wounds and manipulate the molten metal to remove the wound before turning back into flesh, it also lets you incorperate metals into your body while in metal mode or forge your limbs into weapons and simply melt them back into limbs when they break, you cannot die of blood loss in metal mode meaning you can weld your limbs onto someone else if both of you are in metal mode, this includes the head if you have formed one, and if you die with this perk you will melt into a puddle and respawn at the earliest stage you can survive on your own at(can be prevented with water), these are in addition to the non fire-related parts of the base phoenix perk. extinctions reversed by the base phoenix perk count towards getting an elemental phoenix perk, having the base phoenix perk before getting an elemental phoenix perk will make the elemental part of the phoenix more powerful due to a lack of needing to add magic that reverts death ↩︎


I’ll spend ASP on extreme temperature tolerance.

M1: Hydrogen Production
M2: Create a new vacoule where the hydrogen will be stored, making me float
A1: Spread to new surface/atmosphere patches thanks to the floating ability
A2: Eat Shards

Tell me if everything here is ok

Just so you know, trying to ping us in the title of a detail box doesn’t give a notification

(Still need to read over round, just figured I’d mention that)


I should also be consuming Marine Snow, so I should be fine, no?


i completely forgot about marine snow, but currently most of the cells that are making it are big enough that you need to stab them apart to slurp up the lipids, ATP, and proteins, and that’s not very effective with 1 pilus that’s only good at stabbing and not slicing, whereas currently you can almost eat the cells you hunt whole.


Well my pilus might not be helpful, but I have Phagocytosis was why I was mentioning marine snow

Edit: If I wanted to use ASP, would that require an action/mutation or can I do that separately?


it’s separate from actions and mutations


Would purchasing moon gravity and drastically lowering my gravity allow me to more easily increase my size?