Olympus Infernal

ASP: {perk sharing}

M1: take the RuBisCO from endosymbiont
M2: photoreceptors
M3: glucokinase to prepare glucose for becoming ribose

A1: photosynthesize
A2: eat solis
A3: spread downwards


M1: take the RuBisCO from endosymbiont
M2: glass frustule
M3: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

A1: move RNA and ribosomes from vacuole 2 to vacuole 1
A2: steal glucokinase gene from inanis
A3: form small colonies

yes, but only once you’ve gotten to at least half a pound, since gravity doesn’t really do much to your weight before then.


Mutation: vacuoles
Act 1: eat cells and chemicals
Act 2: eat sunlight


Mutation uno: DNA polymerase?

Action: Splitting ig? (Also side question can one use action to be more resistant or is that purely Mutations?)

Then there’s me the very small chemoautorph in the north

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Since i have 1.5 mp i get 2 mutations this round and 1 the next round, right? Also please explain how I suddenly got so much energy.

External symiotic Solis noctum.
More powerful cilia
Reproduce more
Spread population to the large island beach.

I’ll buy the secret perk that I got.
Electrogenesis organelle.
Conductive pilus (if my roll to get electrogenesis fails it works like a normal pilus until I get it.)
Steal doomlightning’s weak binding proteins
Kill as many competing organisms as I can.


You’re again going down the genocide path?

hold on lemme put your stuff in the photosynthesis calculator™ to make sure i didn’t make anything wonky

M: radioactive protin netrulize (or shiled radioactive elemnet)

A: start Ecoengineering my Enevermt to make its better to my specise

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Think of it like this, if it does genocide its species will mutate and form new clades (also Jesus my cell is a dwarf I just realised the size difference m)

you got it because you went from 1 chlorophyll vacuole to 4 by not splitting twice, quadrupling your energy production

yes but also no, it is possible, but it requires quite a bit of creativity and specific adaptations

the only rolls we currently have are for getting the soul shards, until the timeskips drop down below 1,000 years we won’t have action rolls, and mutations auto-succeed as long as they benefit you more than they detriment you, but your electrogenesis thing will be turning taking its electrons directly from your ATP, which means the strength your pilus adds will be proportional to how much ATP you feed it

Mutation: Improved intracellullar transport (allows for the transfer of specific subtances to specific cell parts)

Action: Begin storing lead in 2 specific vesicles and keeping it from interfering with cell machinery:
The first one is at the center of the thermosynthase ring, it will eventually focus radiation as a fission reactor core

The second pushes against my “radioreceptor” RNA strand and keeps it relatively isolated from the rest of the cell, preventing it from being “blinded” by radioactive compounds already absorbed by the cell

Also willow, does hydrogen vacuole already allow me to float in the atmosphere or do I need a higher level HV to do so?

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Oh yeah I forgot that there aren’t rolls for mutations in this game.

@TheForumGameMaster i need your votes

Mutation: Lipid Production

Action: Focus more on Marine Snow Consumption than active hunting (to try and preserve prey population)

Would the Vesicles of Holding perk double my speed/length of time I can move at speed for due to me using Jet Vacuoles to move around?

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yep, and you could make it double membraned for even more speed and duration if you get it, but next round i’m adding osmoregulation cost based on total membrane size so it’ll be better to get more energy gen first. also you already got lipid production last round.

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No i didn’t

These are my mutations from last round

oh well i guess i messed something up here

in that case who asked for lipid production and didn’t get it?

also let this be a reminder to tell me if something about your mutations list seems off, if it’s too long for you to easily read you can ask me to compress it or break it up into smaller sections and i’ll do so to the best of my ability

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Honestly I don’t really read over much other than what succeeded or failed in these rounds, just cus of the information overload

Like that’s all cool info to have if you’re interested, but when trying to focus on responding to the round it’s a lot

For my votes last round, we talked about lipid production for an organic lipid membrane, but you said I already had the organic lipid membrane from consuming lipids (but not lipid production), so I changed my votes and notified you about that

Now I’m just getting this for future plans of mine

Just trying to clear the air of any confusion that may be occuring


you have 3 mutations this round, one for miscelaneous purposes, one for improving your biofilm/terraforming, and one for making yourself not be as irradiated

belgium it’s been 2 whole months since i last worked on this

I see
if that soo:

add that if that aloud for mutants:

  1. radioactive protin netrulize (or shiled radioactive element)
  2. Material transport system within the biofilm
  3. Membrane folds to become folds contain channels for transport of materials and sorting, a type of cytoskeleton