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all a species would need is telekenisis in order to be a metalworking underwa-


Psyonics confirmed in thriv?!?!

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No fire to get to that heat… Vents would be the closest thing and the most they do is boil water…

Someone actually proved (at least up to the extent that hhyyrylainen deemed it acceptable) melting metal underwater (The Holy Grail: Hhyyrylainen’s Challenge of UC Metalworking Completed and Formalized with 47 Citations!),and then telekinesis could be used to shape the metal to prevent warping and whatnot

Or telekinesis users could just use telekinesis to remove the water from an area and then smelt metal as one would on land ig

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but realistically the only way to add energy (Make the partials move) fast enough to induce a liquid state is imposable to start under water (At least i think it is) Water likes to absorb heat, and likes to disperse throughout it’s self

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Then keep it from doing so until it becomes a gas and expell it from a watertight room once it is gas

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Is this an unauthorized underwater civ discussion my eye is seeing?

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Eye? As in singular?
Pirate Hhyyrylainan confirmed.

no, just one your eye is smelling, is all.

Eye spy a couple of trolls in this thread…
No more underwater talk

The people in the thread guessing my true former were closer to the truth.


I’ve found a picture of Hryanil.

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OMG, underwater civs confirmed! :heart_eyes: I knew we’d get there. Funny how they’re still banning discussing them… Damn cancel culture. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

In case you, or someone else, is not in on the joke, that was our April Fool’s joke this year, making fun of the underwater civ discussion curse.

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It started out as a joke about telekinesis so it at the least isn’t a serious discussion

Then how do you explain people using actual underwater arguments: Progress Updates - #480 by GRKTheGreat that have probably been said many times in the actual discussion?

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People taking the joking a little too seriously?

I didn’t realise it was an April fools joke, but realised it wasn’t serious. I should probably have made my irony a little clearer, as well.