Quick Question Thread

You mean for the Thrive launcher, right?

The launcher is an electron app. But the game itself uses CEF to show the GUI, so the GUI there as well is a full web page.

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So that is why the logo are 3 dots orbiting one

Thanks. Do they both use web languages?

Do you mean CEF and electron? They both use standard Web technologies for the content (Web pages) and this 7ncludes JavaScript, I have made the decision to not use any other language for the thrive GUI to make it easier for people to edit, but the launcher can have other used Web languages that transpile to JavaScript.

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Quick Question, is there a limit to how many planetary systems you can colonise? Can you colonise the whole galaxy if you have the time?

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In spore you can have a pretty much infinite amount of colonies if you set your mind to it, so i don’t see why not.

Though if you were to conquer the whole galaxy in either games, there wouldnt be much else to do but sit and watch.

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And then tear it all down to start from scratch

Sounds good

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What about multy galactic empire

No multiple galaxies to begin with.

I think dis was awnsered but will there be quick climate changes like an ace age or an super volcano eruption…

This was sorta addressed in Event Portrayal

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Can you reach the space stage or any sapient stage without eyes ,spore said yes as proven by Narotiza

Coud they make tools it whoud be hard but i think not imposibl
edit: if blind men can make an civilization, ur species whoud tap all around the place just to find that log int the pile of logs or an rock in the wild i dont think they whoud be able to find them by smell cuz why whoud they have an smell receptor for rocks and other building material


I know but do u see thouse pictures of sonar

now what is this and how whoud u see a stick for an axe in dis it whoud look like a bump on the ground and it coud be just a bump on the ground

english mother*****r do you speak it? :stuck_out_tongue: jk