Quick Question Thread

Some concept aliens are named, though not exactly as creatively as the Disturbance.
“Romp,” ~sciocont

“Sea,” ~sciocont

“Alien Giraffe,” ~sciocont

“The Bug,” uros97


The Thrive cinematic universe is looking pretty good


Hello, I think, that the video on the start is good, but, I think, can be better. I have a friend, that very good in good at making videos like that. I can ask him… if you mind. And as I recall, it did QantumCrab, I don’t want to insult you, humiliate you. This video is good. But maybe better.

… What?

Can we do other start video, You can do your orders… if you want it :smile:

There is already this thread:

Oi, that thread’s mine, MINE
I’m joking of course, but it would seem rather redundant to create another microbe cutscene when I’m already working on one (especially when the intro cutscene could have a bit of an update)

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Oh, please sorry, I don’t saw that theme. Very good, QuantumCrab. I think, you can earning on that.

What happens if I flag discobot? I want to get the badge, but I don’t see any proper posts to flag, so I wondered if flagging discobot would have any negative effects.


Probably a robot rebellion but I’m not going to stop you.


Can we evolve on planets, circling about black hole?

That depends on how long the conditions stay stable and suitable for life on such planets. If it is too short of a time, then no. Or there might be no realistic way for the planets to receive energy that life can use (like sunlight).


Can you use hydro thermical vents to smeltal the metal(serious question)

Short answer: no.

Long answer: Underwater Civilizations Take 3


Wether the color of “plants” depend on the type of star, distance to it and some other factors? On Earth we could watch red and purple plants, but green plants killed them with oxygen - result of photosynthesis. But on extrasolar planets can be red, blue or even black plants. In theory…


This video tackles that problem.

It should be noted that all of their videos are great. Especially the world building ones.


I like that video, because they said about Pirates of the Caribbean😂

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I couldn’t find a thread that was recent and was on this topic and I’m nervous to start my own so I’ll just ask here; Is any one else getting a pre-game crash? The game will open to a white screen and after about 15 seconds it will crash again and will only give this crash report:

Thrive is running. Log output:
Process Started
child process exited with code 3221225477

Is this problem happening with anyone else? If so; Does any one know how to fix the problem?

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That happened to me too. Also no, sorry I don’t know how to fix it, I’ve just been playing the version before the current one because I’ve been too lazy to ask.

That’s applicable to trying to run thrive on any intel integrated graphics.