Quick Question Thread

Here, at Thrive Github Page


How much vram does the game allocate? Is there a way to give the game specific ammount.
Since I have an IGP with sustem shared vram I was just wondering if the game can allocate enough.

No clue, but Iā€™ve played thrive on Intel and AMD igpus and it worked fine, and one of them was somewhat bad, though if youā€™ve got something old and low end, Iā€™m not sure how itā€™ll go. (Tldr: if you computer was made recently you should worry.)

Thereā€™s a metrics panel that shows the used graphics memory. I think the key binding to show that is either shift + F3, or ctrl + F3 (I canā€™t remember exactly).

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How many more versions do we have to wait before the development of the multicellular stage begins? (everyone is just waiting for the later multicellular stage and the stage of awareness)

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Next version is 0.6.8, and after that weā€™ll most likely get 0.7.0. Assuming that each of the next ā€œmajor microbe development erasā€ has 9 releases in total, and that each release takes 2.5 months on average, I can guess that we should get 1.0.0 (the version in which multicellular development with properly start) in around 5.5 years (or around 2030).

Given the pace of development, by the time the game is completed, people in real life will have colonized 1/4 of the galaxy

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Eh, I think we may be realisticly done by Sporeā€™s 50th release anniversary in 2058.

I have suspicions that by the time thrive is released, the first developers of thrive will already be dead for natural reasons (unless, of course, scientists invent anti-aging pills), Elon musk will create a colony on Mars, super AI, a Dyson sphere, a space elevator will be created, cities on asteroids, the first colonists will fly to Alpha Centauri

I also have an assumption that if scientists invent cryocapsules, the first to use them will be thrive fans))


The dyson sphere will be made just for the purpose of running thrive.

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Extrapolating from historical data is not going to be accurate. Actually inspecting the microbe roadmap and roughly estimating how long each item takes, it should be doable to finish microbe stage within one year (as long as the amount of financial support we get through Patreon and Steam goes up and volunteer contributions donā€™t collapse). If the project velocity collapses (for example due to running out of money) then we canā€™t hit that but at the moment it seems doable to finish the microbe stage next year.

If Iā€™m not totally misremembering this was covered in one of our recent main website news posts, @domin2ktr .


Will there ever be an option for launching rockets more realistically? I have seen that the plans (at least a while ago) where itā€™s to be more of a click on a planet and you fly there system. While that will probably be better for quick expansion and not having to basically recreate Spaceflight games in part of thrive I like the system of using boosters and stages and manually controlling a rocket. Maybe this could be a mod where the early launches are similar to games like Spaceflight Simulator and Kerbal Space Program.

I think there shouldnā€™t be manually controlled rockets (because what are you going to do in the void of space, or why fail a launch?) other than maybe in space battles, but it should be more than just going from planet to planet. It should be possible to select different types of orbits around planets and different lagrange points.

I thought of it more of an optional mini game (maybe with an achievement or bonus)for the early launches which would be more few and far between.

It would be more about landing somewhere or doing a gravity assist or even going into orbit and there could be a feature to speed up time for when you are just waiting to reach something.

Simply for the fun of doing it yourself and the challenge, the reason space games exist.

I also agree there should be different orbits and Lagrange points.

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I donā€™t think that this will happen, but still

Do you think that Thrive Microbe Stage can be completed by the end of 2025?
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  • No
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Will there be different options for how multicellular organisms bind together?

when is the update that will add the great oxygen event?

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0.7.x or 0.8.x probably.


as per the official release roadmap, the 0.8.x updates will probably implement it


but how long will it take to develop the next stages?

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