Quick Question Thread

What I mean is that I want to create custom chloroplasts A and B based on standard chloroplasts, and place and modify them separately.

Perhaps there should be a mechanism to allow organelle of the same type to be independent from the current template or converted to another template. For example, there was originally only chloroplast A, but later chloroplast B was isolated from chloroplast A, and some other chloroplasts A were transformed into chloroplast B. Just like being able to cover the structure on the cytoplasm now?

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That’s the endosymbiosis full concept. I’ve vetoed it from the game due to being extremely, extremely difficult to fit into the current code design. It’d be a full rework of the entire organelle concept, editor, mutations etc. So huge amount of work that I refuse to even have to think about needing to work on that myself.

Organelle - create new organelle - select organelle type - edit specialized organelle

I don’t think organelle should be like another cell into your cell.
The difference between chloroplast A and chloroplast B lies in their different specialized slider positions, rather than inserting functional proteins into them.

I already covered that part:

Think about it and send it out first, otherwise it would be a pity.
I probably came up with this idea:


Your idea is taking all of the hard parts of the full endosymbiosis concept, namely that organelle types are no longer fixed, this has massive implications to all of the code that handles organelles (which is almost all of the microbe stage code).

The type of organelle is locked during creation. You cannot change from chloroplast to mitochondria.

That’s literally not the problem. I won’t continue debating this unless you are willing to read the Thrive code and learn about the internal handling of the organelle data.

do i have to slowly evolve a part that can move or do i get yote back to aware?

Either plants with brains are specifically prevented, or we tweak the game balance to have realistic energy needs so that plants simply can’t have brains.

This also does bring up a lot of balance issues for gameplay. It would be very difficult to provide a consistent level of quality of we offer the player the ability to dramatically customize organelles to this extent.

how would you prevent a plant from having axons? you would need an algorithm for telling the game what is and isn’t a plant, how would it work without having false positives? a player could give the plant soft tissue so it can have a heart, blood, and smooth veins to prevent clotting and that would circumvent the game balance option.

Anything that can be like an animal that would have a use for a brain, wouldn’t be a plant. I do not want to get into a debate on sentient plants again, you can take that talk to the thread for that: Fungoid, Plantoid creatures?

Are there plans to reflect the influence of specialization on the appearance of organelle to some extent, or are there other ways to identify specialized organelle, such as changing their names or right clicking to display parameters? This should be useful after a large number of specializations are applied to the game, especially to distinguish between different variants evolved based on the same organelle (if there are too many variants and multiple varieties exist), and to reopen the archive after several days.
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It may be a torture to open organelles’ Modify one by one, especially when there are too many organelle.

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I would like to play with entity level on extreme but it’s not possible fps drops below 10 (starts happening after evolving like 20/30 times) my pc can handle it easily, just read on the dev forum about increasing performance, how is this going so far?

I literally just finished the prototypes last week, and I still have a few small things to take care of before I can start working on the performance this week.


How many people are in the thrive development team in total(inactive and active), and how many are currently active, in the form of a rough estimate?

Hi! This is just a small question/request, but are there any plans to rebalance some of the difficulty presets? In my opinion, I think it might be a nice change to lower the mutation cost multiplier in the hard mode preset, as only being able to place basically one organelle every generation feels like it only slows down the game rather than making it more difficult. I hope this question doesn’t bother you. Thanks for reading my post!


what if hard mode made the player take more damage, as well?


Depending on what you consider active, you might need to mentally remove about 50% of the active people, as the list considers people that have done something / posted something in the past year or so to be active.