
Which plan do you support?

All choosing the same thing. I think dying to ant is a bit funnier so that specifically

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We should all evolve intelligence and then invent interdimensional travel. (And then separate all the unverses in which TO is the smartest being from every other universe in which they aren’t)


undergo fusion with all the other versions of T.O.

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what about all evolving more cell mobility and gaining a mist form? and possibly getting stuck inside an air filter as a result

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I am just going to say that some interesing things will happen if you try testing that out.

Edit: @CatSquared I need your votes.

Action: Make the tower higher
Mutation: Strong claws to build easier
Minor mutation: Ears that detect the traps being triggered easier

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perhaps if y’all manage to do that, TO can get a lifenote and steal genes that let it use magic.

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As I said, something interesting will happen if you try travelling between various universes…

Rick Sanchez will appear and an epic fight will ensue?!

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Cannot tell, it would be too much of a spoiler.






















Round 16 - 24:00, April 28th, 2000

Round Prologue

In the new nest, construction of a tall tower becomes a top priority task…

The Organism

TO’s ears are now more sensetive to vibrations created when traps are triggered (+50 MH).

The ant has became more empathetic than before, guiding some malfunctioning ants into becoming “healthy” again and helping the zombie-tourist more than before (+50 MH, +50 ME). TO made it’s antennae connect to the Internet somehow, making the mind flood with data which it can barely read (+100 MH, @willow please submit a minor mutation related to internet antennae). Claws on the various limbs have became sharper and shaped in a way which helps with the large-scale tower construction (+50 MH, +50 S, @CatSquared please submit a minor mutation related to claws). TO duplicated it’s middle segment, gaining a pair of extra legs (+100 MH). The brain-like structures in the lower part of the body became able to do maths, albeit it does that at speeds lower than desired (+50 ME). Some damage has been done from rogue cells (-50 H). TO also became a bit smarter (+50 ME).

TO has made a lot of effort to ensure that the next version of the tower won’t collapse on them - it sent scouts to gather metals and it made models to study how to make the stablest towers. Then began the construction - Metals, now smelted, have been used to reinforce the core structure, designed by TO from it’s smaller-scale experiments. In the end, a high construction now exists in the center of the new nest, and if it was day, it could be seen from all the way in Matiguas… It also attracted lots of curious animals, which TO ate, alongside with many worms and bugs hidding in the soil used to construct the walls of the tower (+550 R). TO then perched on top of the tower and started searching for suitable virus… However it didn’t find what it wanted, so out of anger it hunted down a couple of birds (+125 R, SCP was first made up a few years after 2000). Sensing livestock during the small hunt, TO went on a large hunt, where it managed to kill a large cow (+150 R). TO then made some more children (-100 R, +100 S)

(+350 MH, +150 ME, +150 S, +725 R)

SIZE-RELATED CHANGES (will take effect from Round 14):

  • Things such as mutations/action costs, statistic gains due to mutations/actions, energy consumed per round, health loss due to roll of 1, resource gathering multiplier and resources turning into other statistics have been multiplied by 50 100 (so for instance, a resource-gathering action with a roll of 3 or 4 will now gather 63 125 R (50 100 R + 13 25 R from the former +0.25 R per R-gathering action) and cost 25 50 E.)

ARMOUR - 125
HEALTH - 2790/5728
RESOURCES - 1536/1536 (-325 R from mutations, used 100 R to regenrate 300 E, used 300 R to regenerate 750 H)
ENERGY - 92/2300


SIZE - ~4M (4 cm x 100)


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “Four Rescuers saw you and have reported your existance to the local authorities in Matiguas… Many volunteers reported the existance of strange ants in your former residing site… Researchers have found the strange ants and sent some of them to research labs…”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production
  • EVEN MORE Radiation Resistance
  • Eggs steal stuff from cells
  • Wings
  • Better Antennae
  • Tentacles
  • Better Wings
  • “Bipolar Disorder”
  • Better Sound Communication
  • Lead in Cells
  • Mobile Cells
  • More Neurons
  • Armor Layer
  • More Efficient Digestion (+0.25 R to all actions that collect R)
  • Be Yellowish-Blue
  • Heat Resistance
  • Cell Freedom
  • Size Increase x3 (to ~32cm)
  • Better Tentacles
  • New Caste
  • Size Increase (to ~64cm)
  • Smaller Neurons & less feedback
  • Color Shifting
  • Vocal Cords
  • Lethaler Venom
  • Being unable to hate or be angry
  • Stronger Muscles
  • Size Increase (to ~256cm)
  • Photosyntesis queen-like caste
  • Higher egg production rate
  • Empathy
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2)
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:2.75)
  • Larger Brain
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2.5)
  • Language Lobe
  • Poison Stinger
  • Size Increase (to ~7.5 meters)
  • More Intelligence
  • Cuteness
  • Cat features
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:3)
  • Size decrease (to ~2 meters)
  • Voice organ
  • False Charisma
  • More Cuteness
  • Endoskeleton
  • Stronger Armour
  • Armour Patterns
  • Humanoid Shape
  • Trap Caste
  • Better Flight
  • Whiskers
  • Hemoglobin Marrow
  • Femminine Features
  • Extra Cuteness
  • Gene-Stealing Claws
  • Passive Healing ((1/2 Size Multiplier)H/R)
  • Venom Projectile
  • Humanoid Upper Body
  • Acid Spit
  • Higher Intelligence
  • Cat Ears
  • Big Eyes
  • Hallucination Venom
  • Hair
  • More Humanoid
  • Backup Eggs
  • Voice Throwing
  • Cerebral Structures in lower body
  • Substance Mimicry
  • Better Digging Abilities
  • Better Armour
  • Harder Exoskeleton
  • Shifting Weight
  • Mutation Commanding
  • Anti-Human Camouflage
  • Scout Caste
  • ENs
  • Better Poison Stinger
  • Larger Size (up to ~4 meters)
  • Confusion Chemical
  • Constant Scout Communication
  • Better Voice
  • Capsid organ
  • DNA destruction
  • Better Neurons
  • Colour Camouflage
  • More Intelligence
  • Voice Attack
  • Better Speech
  • Femur-like Structures
  • Trap Building Master
  • Adrenaline Glands
  • More Intelligence
  • Silk Ants
  • Trap trigger detection
  • More Empathy
  • Wifi Antennae
  • Stronger Claws
  • Extra Segment
  • Lower body cerebral matter maths
  • More Intelligence

South of Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, near Matiguas, Central Nicaragua
(Removed to not take up forum space)

(Red dot represents current location)


I’ll remind you that there exists a system that allows you to make a vote against a player whose Mutation/Actions goes against your own Mutation/Action.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes double energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.

By the way @CatSquared will you be able to respond to rounds in SitF and Radiostrocity more or as oftenly as once per 21 days?


m: basically a set of ganglia that act together as a browser to allow TO to decode the internet

M: a new, specialized type of saliva that can glue things together, can adapt to the environment, can change color with chromatophores, has photoreceptor stem cells, and has Evolving Neurons in it

A: read as much of the internet as possible in chronological order

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we need to make the tower more intimidating
the sheer scope and magnitude of this tower should deter any invaders/intercontinental ballistic missiles


First however it will likely attract people to the new nest’s location…

Action: Convert resources to health
Mutation: A tougher exoskeleton
Minor mutation: Stronger claws for fighting


Mutation: Generate a thick layer of fat to absorb damage.
Action: Attempt to parse the information from the internet.


Mutation: Expansion of mathematical cerebrums in the lower body.

Action: Learn how to make peacefull first contact with humans from the internet.


@Evolution4Weak @Centarian and @Nigel I need your votes.

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Mutation: More intelligence
Action: Resources to energy

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Repeat previous

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