
I don’t think that we’re this large of a danger, atleast yet.

Action: Speedrun getting banned on some kind of gaming forum (Maybe some type of evolution simulator?)
Mutate: Be able to create wifi (like a mobile hotspot)

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Are we going to conquer humanity by offering them free wifi?


“If you allow me to inject you with some strange cells, I’ll give you free Wi-Fi forever!”






















Round 17 - 6:00, April 29th, 2000

Round Prologue

As the sun rises over the horizon, people notice the sudden appearance of a tall structure in a forest near Matiguas… Many think that the giant ant is behind the tower, and are quickly preparing to go check out the towering structure by [NEXT ROUND].

The Organism

TO’s claws are now larger and sharper, so better for combat (+50 S). A set of ganglia have appeared at bases of the wifi anntenae, allow the ant to browse thru the internet… once it gets access to it (+25 MH, +25 ME).

By further changing the new anntenae, TO can now connect to the internet, albeit it find it hard to traverse this early stage of the internet. These changed also made strenghtened TO’s armour near the wifi anntenae (+50 MH, +50 ME). Salivary glands have received some damage (-50 H). On the other hand, the armoury exoskeleton is now stronger (+100 MH, @CatSquared please submit a minor mutation related to the exoskeleton). Under it the fat layer has been thickened, acting as damage absorber in case the armour is breached (+75 MH, +25 ME). The mathematical brain structures in lower body are now far better at doing maths (+100 ME). TO developed a new strange kid of child, which will become a mass of ant flesh and armour, trapping animals passing by with poison for future consumption by TO (+50 MH, +50 S). TO is now even smarter than before (+125 ME).

For some reason, TO found a random gaming forum and in it TO started spamming messages of random characters. Quickly they were banned from it. This caused TO to get angry, with the Zombie being scared by the anger and giving TO some food discarded by the ant’s children in order to calm it down (+125 R). Next up, TO read a lot from the internet, from it’s earliest years to the present in year 2000. From it the mutating ant learned a lot (May be useful in dialogue / combat). TO used it’s energy reserved to regenerate more health (100 R → 250 H). TO was then struck by the falling trunk of a tree while it was browsing for something else on the Internet (-50 H). After finding a safer place for browsing, TO contacted some random people on the internet, however they dismissed it’s messages of being a large ant with the gift of mutating as a trolling attempt. TO used up it’s Anger on a passing-by livestock which didn’t notice the ant as it was stationary whilist talking to the internet people (+125 R). TO then made more children, this time of the new type (100 R → 100 S). The ant then converted it’s resources to more energy (100 R → 300 E).

(+200 S, +300 MH, +325 ME, +200 H, -50 R, +300 E)

SIZE-RELATED CHANGES (will take effect from Round 14):

  • Things such as mutations/action costs, statistic gains due to mutations/actions, energy consumed per round, health loss due to roll of 1, resource gathering multiplier and resources turning into other statistics have been multiplied by 50 100 (so for instance, a resource-gathering action with a roll of 3 or 4 will now gather 63 125 R (50 100 R + 13 25 R from the former +0.25 R per R-gathering action) and cost 25 50 E.)

ARMOUR - 125
HEALTH - 2990/6028
RESOURCES - 1086/1536 (-400 R from mutations)
ENERGY - 142/2625 (-250 E from actions)


SIZE - ~4M (4 cm x 100)


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “Four Rescuers saw you and have reported your existance to the local authorities in Matiguas… Many volunteers reported the existance of strange ants in your former residing site… Researchers have found the strange ants and sent some of them to research labs… People noticed the strange tower in a forest near Matiguas, they will soon head here…”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production
  • EVEN MORE Radiation Resistance
  • Eggs steal stuff from cells
  • Wings
  • Better Antennae
  • Tentacles
  • Better Wings
  • “Bipolar Disorder”
  • Better Sound Communication
  • Lead in Cells
  • Mobile Cells
  • More Neurons
  • Armor Layer
  • More Efficient Digestion (+0.25 R to all actions that collect R)
  • Be Yellowish-Blue
  • Heat Resistance
  • Cell Freedom
  • Size Increase x3 (to ~32cm)
  • Better Tentacles
  • New Caste
  • Size Increase (to ~64cm)
  • Smaller Neurons & less feedback
  • Color Shifting
  • Vocal Cords
  • Lethaler Venom
  • Being unable to hate or be angry
  • Stronger Muscles
  • Size Increase (to ~256cm)
  • Photosyntesis queen-like caste
  • Higher egg production rate
  • Empathy
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2)
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:2.75)
  • Larger Brain
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2.5)
  • Language Lobe
  • Poison Stinger
  • Size Increase (to ~7.5 meters)
  • More Intelligence
  • Cuteness
  • Cat features
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:3)
  • Size decrease (to ~2 meters)
  • Voice organ
  • False Charisma
  • More Cuteness
  • Endoskeleton
  • Stronger Armour
  • Armour Patterns
  • Humanoid Shape
  • Trap Caste
  • Better Flight
  • Whiskers
  • Hemoglobin Marrow
  • Femminine Features
  • Extra Cuteness
  • Gene-Stealing Claws
  • Passive Healing ((1/2 Size Multiplier)H/R)
  • Venom Projectile
  • Humanoid Upper Body
  • Acid Spit
  • Higher Intelligence
  • Cat Ears
  • Big Eyes
  • Hallucination Venom
  • Hair
  • More Humanoid
  • Backup Eggs
  • Voice Throwing
  • Cerebral Structures in lower body
  • Substance Mimicry
  • Better Digging Abilities
  • Better Armour
  • Harder Exoskeleton
  • Shifting Weight
  • Mutation Commanding
  • Anti-Human Camouflage
  • Scout Caste
  • ENs
  • Better Poison Stinger
  • Larger Size (up to ~4 meters)
  • Confusion Chemical
  • Constant Scout Communication
  • Better Voice
  • Capsid organ
  • DNA destruction
  • Better Neurons
  • Colour Camouflage
  • More Intelligence
  • Voice Attack
  • Better Speech
  • Femur-like Structures
  • Trap Building Master
  • Adrenaline Glands
  • More Intelligence
  • Silk Ants
  • Trap trigger detection
  • More Empathy
  • Wifi Antennae
  • Stronger Claws
  • Extra Segment
  • Lower body cerebral matter maths
  • More Intelligence
  • Stronger Claws
  • Browsing Ganglia
  • Wifi Hotspot
  • Stronger Exoskeleton
  • More Fat Layer
  • Better Brainmatter in lower body
  • Assymetrical poison trap child
  • Smarter

South of Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, near Matiguas, Central Nicaragua
(Removed to not take up forum space)

(Red dot represents current location)


I’ll remind you that there exists a system that allows you to make a vote against a player whose Mutation/Actions goes against your own Mutation/Action.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes double energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.

“Human knowledge” is a stat which will define how much knowledge about all things human does TO have, which may be useful in dialogue aswell as some forms of combat and some actions.

Looks like we’re off to an encouter, I wonder if it’ll be like the one with the tourist or the one with the rescuers, or perhaps something else entirely…


Mutate: More Hair on our ‘head’
Action: Make the tower even taller

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Don’t we already have that (I remember having mutated that previously)?

Also, how good is TO’s calculation ability now compared to calculators?


TO is far better than any calculator now, with the lower body brainmatter having the processing power similar to a supercomputer.

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Makes sense considering that even the strongest modern supercomputers are competing for the proccessing power of a medium-sized mammal.

Mutation: expansion of lobes responsable for pattern recognition, abstract thinking and working memory in order to increase TO’s logical ability.

Action: Search the internet about information on human technology and study it in order to possibly replicate it in future.


Mutation: New minions that effectively function as underground miners and conveyor belts to automate the extraction of metal from the crust
Action: Automate metal production in order to build the tower up higher


I guess now we’re fully commiting to building The Tower of Ant-Babel?

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to the moon

we’re gonna stop the moon with our tower

@aah31415 btw how tall is the tower now before next round?

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I don’t think that’s possible, you cannot evolve magic

Tall enough to be easily spotted from Matiguas. Maybe 50-60 meters?


Mutation: a child that will consume the land and turn it into edible materials to spread and use access for consumption

Action: Make these new children around the tower.

also @Nigel why not just recreate “Blame!” but with twisted hostile flesh hallways and corridors.
The sequel to this game could be a horror survival game


because then they will consume a lot of land and make the tower unstable. we need to control where they eat
(if thats what “Blame!” is )


Yea, we can make children that replace their bones with metals that they find in the earth, and use that to support themselves.
We could make our nests alive
We could make our children reconstruct their chemistry into stronger material and eat the weaker children to replace them

This is becoming very graphic


I am fairly sure they’d need to be fed these metals since earth may not have enough for them to fully convert the bones

Well my thoughts is we could combine the natural metals in the environment to make stronger materials than any one solid metal would. There are a lot of natural metals in the environment, they’re just all mixed up in weak structures.
We can separate them in a cell chemically to redistribute or recombine them.


Gonna be dropping my participation from this game. It was fun while I was playing.

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“It was nice mutating that little ant with Ya.”

Anybody can join the forum game!

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Action: Build traps around the tower
Mutation: Better camouflage
Minor mutation: Integrate rocks and minerals into TO’s exoskeleton