
What things do you want to stab with it?

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You mean alive food or dead food?

Alive food


I am currently not very able to write rounds, you’ll need to wait a few days…

























Round 8 - 0:00, April 27th, 2000

Round Prologue
(Rolled 5/6, higher rolls are better for The Organism)
As the tourist doesn’t return to their’s place of staying by midnight, a team of locals is assembled to search for the person in the reserva. Four rescuers will be sent to reserva and will arrive in it by dawn. Prepare The Organism, for those people will be prepared to fight off local wildlife…
Meanwhile, TO continues to grow itself, the colony, and it’s plans…

The Organism

TO has developed a larger brain, filling empty spaces in it’s strange brain vacuole with extra neurons (+40 MH, +40 ME). TO’s glands which secrete the evolving tissue seem to have tried to inject neurons into the excreted organic matter, however the mutation seems to have only damaged them (-64 H). To combat this, the ant has increased the efficiency of it’s healing abilities (R to H ration now 1:2,5). TO’s armor layers seems to have developed defective air pockets which spilled out some of it’s internal fluids (-64 H). Other important thing has happened in the mutating creature’s brain - a lobe associated with communication was created, being able to define and differenciate sounds better (+32 S, +32 MH, @fralegend015 please submit a minor mutation related to the language lobe). TO has also developed a stinger with poison from the mandibles inside of it (+64 S). TO has also seen a significant increase in size, three-fold (-512 R, size up to ~7.5 meters)

After the Sun set, TO slept for some time (+80 H, +88 E). When it woke up, it dug up the devastated human corpse and injected it with evolving tissue, ripping off the rotting chunks out of it (+80 R). The corpse, against all odds, seems to have partially returned to life, but it’s unable to get out of the pit in which it was burried. TO then focused on cell regeneration (+160 H, -64 R). When it was done, TO started hunting creatures all over the reserva, killing tens of ordinary animals (+80 R).

An interesting thing happened later - during the hunt, TO started using it’s brain-power to plan some sort of deal with the humans - despite knowing that they caused it to suffer from the radiation sickness, it’s pains, and turn from an ordinary ant worker into whatever it is at this point, TO is grateful that it’s now able to think thanks to them, albeit it’s intelligence is still low when compared to a regular person. Whatever is inside TO’s head, is telling them to continue developing itself - after the plan was “finished”, TO hunted down larger game animals, gaining lots of resources (+160 R). TO also stabbed a few marg.ays using it’s newly-acquired stinger, mostly to see what it’s capable of doing (+40 R). When going further on with the hunt, TO hit a tree (-64 H).

Near the midnight, TO has gone past the reserva for the first time in it’s life. It used non-protected forests off the south-eastern edge of the reserve to explore. It passed near La Esperanza, La Gloria I, Las Mercedes and Las Termopilas settlements, being unseen by nobody due to night’s darkness. Upon flying out of the forest southward, TO has noticed artificial lights in Matiguás town. They allowed it to see a livestock animal, which it has easily killed and eaten (+80 R). Being a bit scared by the sight of those lights, to has flown back to the reserva…

When it returned to the reserva, it’s resources have drained up, so TO had to turn some of it’s muscle tissue into resources and energy. It seems like that increasing the size costed a bit too much…

(+72 MH, +40 ME, +48 H, +96 S, -136 R, Size increased 3 times, +88E

SIZE-RELATED CHANGES (will take effect from Round 9):

  • Things such as mutations/action costs, statistic gains due to mutations/actions, energy consumed per round, health loss due to roll of 1, resource gathering multiplier and resources turning into other statistics have been multiplied by 64 192 (so for instance, a resource-gathering action with a roll of 3 or 4 will now gather 80 240 R (64 192 R + 16 48 R from the former +0.25 R per R-gathering action) and cost 32 96 E.)
  • 192 resources can now be turned into 384 energy, 576 R can be turned into 768 E, 1728 R to 1536 E etc., and 192 R can be turned into 480 H (here it is 1:2.5).

HEALTH - 258/1312 (-72 MH due to not enough resources) → 774/3936
STRENGTH - 1600 → 4800
RESOURCES - 0/768 (-112 R from mutations, turned 64 R into 176 E) → 0/2304
ENERGY - 168/1000 → 504/3000


SIZE - ~7.5 M (4 cm x 192)


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “You killed a person and a group of people is being sent to investigate…”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production
  • EVEN MORE Radiation Resistance
  • Eggs steal stuff from cells
  • Wings
  • Better Antennae
  • Tentacles
  • Better Wings
  • “Bipolar Disorder”
  • Better Sound Communication
  • Lead in Cells
  • Mobile Cells
  • More Neurons
  • Armor Layer
  • More Efficient Digestion (+0.25 R to all actions that collect R)
  • Be Yellowish-Blue
  • Heat Resistance
  • Cell Freedom
  • Size Increase x3 (to ~32cm)
  • Better Tentacles
  • New Caste
  • Size Increase (to ~64cm)
  • Smaller Neurons & less feedback
  • Color Shifting
  • Vocal Cords
  • Lethaler Venom
  • Being unable to hate or be angry
  • Stronger Muscles
  • Size Increase (to ~256cm)
  • Photosyntesis queen-like caste
  • Higher egg production rate
  • Empathy
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2)
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:2.75)
  • Larger Brain
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2.5)
  • Language Lobe
  • Poison Stinger
  • Size Increase (to ~7.5 meters)

Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, Central Nicaragua
(Red dot represents current location)

I’ll remind you that there exists a system that allows you to make a vote against a player whose Mutation/Actions goes against your own Mutation/Action.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes double energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.

It seems like that TO has starved a bit, and the relative cost of size increases is slowly getting larger too…

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Mutate: Become Cuter
Action: Dig around for stuff


Mutation: Reduce size, way too big.
Action: Dig out sand traps surrounding the colony.

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I wonder what nigel will think of this…

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We are too big too maintain ourselves


mutation: cat features, like fangs, ears, tail, and paws
action: lay in the sun waiting for prey to come to us

eh, it’ll adapt somehow.

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The minor mutation will be more intelligence.

Mutation: Voice organ capable of producing a greater range of sounds

Act: Hunt for food


I think we should reduce our size to just 5 Meters, I want us to still be pretty big


does reduce size turn the removed size into energy/resources?

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Yes, it will turn it into resources (and energy if resource limit is breached).

hmmm charisma

mutation: become more charismatic to convince people we are nice (fake)
action: convince people that we come across that we’re nice (fake)


@Computed @Centarian @CatSquared I need your votes.

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Action: Search for food
Mutation: Lower food intake

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Action: Search for food
Mutation: Higher metabolism.

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Action: Search for food
Mutation: Reduce size

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I wonder how will this go…

























Round 9 - 6:00, April 27th, 2000

Round Prologue

As the organisms shifts in size again, the rescuers appear, and a strangely peaceful face-off happens at dawn of the new day, in a rather forgotten part of Nicaragua…

The Organism

TO’s Intelligence has increased significantly since the midnight (+96 MH)

TO has became a bit “cuter”, with some movement patterns changing in a way that makes them more lovely than before (+96 MH). But after developing this feature, TO developed cat-like fangs on it’s insect-like feet, new ears which allow it to hear noise better, a tail-like structure at the end of it’s abdomen for balance and paws for more silent movement (+192 S, @willow please submit a minor mutation related to those cat features). TO is now also a bit better at metabolizing food (1R now can turn into 3E). The much-evolved ant also developed a “voice organ”, capable of producing greater range of sounds, such as human speech. (+48 S, +48 MH). TO’s cells have tried to reorganize in a way, but this seems to have failed (-96 H). The ant’s brain structure made it more charismatic for malevolent purposes (+192 S). Finally, TO has seen a large size reduction, down to around 2 meters (+600 R, size down to ~2 meters/decreased ~3 times).

TO tried to dig around but failed, losing some health (-96 H). TO then searched for food, finding multiple prey items (+192 R). It then dug out traps around the colony, in which some animals fell to (+240 R). Seeing that more animals are around, TO hunted down more and more animals (+768 R).

With this large amount of food consumed (1200 R), TO regenerated it’s health passively a lot (216 R → 540 H, 216 R → 648 E).

TO then started laying in the sun, hunting down other curious animals (+192 R)

Human Interaction

As TO is devouring another mar.belgium it hunted down in the sun, suddenly it sees movement in the bushes near it. From it emerge 4 rescuers searching for the tourist. When they see the giant ant in front of them, they suddenly freeze in panic. However, TO seems to have already assemblied a plan for such an occasion. It suddenly stands up and walks gracefully to the rescuers, and in this moment, it uses it’s vocal organ, saying this phrase in spanish…

“I nice… I not do hurt… I come peace… Hello…”

It seems like that the rescuers have been shocked by this, as with their jaws wide open they drop some of food supplies they were carrying into the mud below, making it only edible to TO (+240 R).

TO recalls it’s last human interaction, back when it was just an arm long. It still holds grief after it realized that killing people isn’t so nice…

But just then, from direction of the nest noises come. Both TO and the now calmed down rescuers look in this direction.

From the bushes comes the tourist. Evolving tissue has seemingly allowed them to regenerate in a significant part, but obvious wounds and scars from the fight are still easily seen. The rescuers recognize the tourist in this being’s face covered with scabs. They realize what has been done to the tourist, and who is responsible for this.

While those people have grown reputation for fighting off various dangerous animals, and for this rescue they’ve brought a hunting gun, this giant ant which can talk and seems to show other abilities is not something they have faced yet. In a matter of moment, they decide to back off and report this to the authorities instead of risking a deadly faceoff. The ant and the zombie, which still is in process of getting back it’s intelligence, stare at the place where the 4 rescuers have disappeared into the foliage… You may hear of what happened next with the information of your existance in the noon…

(+240 MH, +432 S, 1R → 3E, +348 H, +648 E, +1800 R, size decreased ~3 times

HAL updated

SIZE-RELATED CHANGES (will take effect from Round 10):

  • Things such as mutations/action costs, statistic gains due to mutations/actions, energy consumed per round, health loss due to roll of 1, resource gathering multiplier and resources turning into other statistics have been multiplied by 192 50 (so for instance, a resource-gathering action with a roll of 3 or 4 will now gather 240 100 R (192 50 R + 48 20 R from the former +0.25 R per R-gathering action) and cost 96 40 E.)
  • 80 resources can now be turned into 240 energy, 240 R can be turned into 480 E, 720 R to 1080 E etc., and 80 R can be turned into 200 H (here it is 1:2.5).

HEALTH - 1122/4176 → 374/1392
STRENGTH - 5232 → 1744
RESOURCES - 1176/2304 (-624 R from mutations) → 392/768
ENERGY - 816/3000 → 272/1000


SIZE - ~2M (4 cm x 50)


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “Four Rescuers saw you and have reported your existance to the local authorities in Matiguas…”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production
  • EVEN MORE Radiation Resistance
  • Eggs steal stuff from cells
  • Wings
  • Better Antennae
  • Tentacles
  • Better Wings
  • “Bipolar Disorder”
  • Better Sound Communication
  • Lead in Cells
  • Mobile Cells
  • More Neurons
  • Armor Layer
  • More Efficient Digestion (+0.25 R to all actions that collect R)
  • Be Yellowish-Blue
  • Heat Resistance
  • Cell Freedom
  • Size Increase x3 (to ~32cm)
  • Better Tentacles
  • New Caste
  • Size Increase (to ~64cm)
  • Smaller Neurons & less feedback
  • Color Shifting
  • Vocal Cords
  • Lethaler Venom
  • Being unable to hate or be angry
  • Stronger Muscles
  • Size Increase (to ~256cm)
  • Photosyntesis queen-like caste
  • Higher egg production rate
  • Empathy
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2)
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:2.75)
  • Larger Brain
  • Better Healing (R to H ratio now 1:2.5)
  • Language Lobe
  • Poison Stinger
  • Size Increase (to ~7.5 meters)
  • More Intelligence
  • Cuteness
  • Cat features
  • Better Energy Production (now 1:3)
  • Size decrease (to ~2 meters)
  • Voice organ
  • False Charisma

Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, Central Nicaragua
(Removed to not take up forum space)
(Red dot represents current location)


I’ve decided to halve all non-combat health loses to prevent TO from being at a very high risk of dying due to bad rolls

I’ll remind you that there exists a system that allows you to make a vote against a player whose Mutation/Actions goes against your own Mutation/Action.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes double energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.