Revolutionary Cult

I don’t think we should just ripoff Greeks, let’s make something more original.
Also, the internal structure of The Holy Studio kinda prevents copying the Greek pantheon.

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By the way, in that case, we should rename the cult to a revolutionary cult

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Demigods were half god, half mortal offspring. In greek mythology, Titans were the precursors to the Gods, just as Gaia, Ouranos, Oceanus, etc were the precursors to the Titans, and Chaos the precursor to them all

I dont think we should do ripoff either, I just used greek mythology as an example Oofer, as they have an established ‘older gods’ that I was familiar with and so compared it to

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Wouldn’t make much sense when you consider that hhyyrylainen is the head mod/admin

In general, every cult usually has a lot of control and everything is strictly controlled from above (if I may say so), so who will be the leader (or even leaders) of our cult?

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We must vote on it
Or have one of us forcefully seize control of the means of production the cult

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I personally want the leaders’ advice

@TeaKing seems like a pretty good choice, (also definitely not me, I wouldn’t be able to handle such responsibility).

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If several people are responsible, it will create competition, and it will be quite interesting, I think.

Cults don’t always have just one leader. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Governing Body is made out of 8 people. Maybe we could do something similar (as in having multiple leaders, not a JW ripoff)?

I agree, just as interesting, I’m the only one who came up with the idea of a cult in honor of hh

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Honestly, I think the should come up with the Cults structure after we finish the Pantheon.

Edit: it seems that HHYYRYLAINEN isn’t the leading Project Manager. Instead it’s a Diety known as NICKTHENICK.

Guys, hhyyrylainer in real life leaked


And so, offer your ideas about the structure of the pantheon

My version of our pantheon of deities:

hhyyrylainen (Probably a god? Although what “niche” will NICKTHENICK occupy then?)

Oliveriver (God of music, I don’t know as well as the rest of the sound designers, in which group should they be placed?)

All programmers (Creators of the universe)
All Game Designers (Universe Designers)
All artists (Probably also designers of the universe)

(It is worth mentioning the people working with Thrive graphics, they can probably be written as the creators of the universe.)

(So what are we going to do with the old developers who have already left?)

Moderators (Like High Priests?)

well in most mythologies there are gods that have died or lost their power so something like that

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I think that the old developers just fell into eternal sleep

well there are gods that have done that too, like Cthulhu.

Hooray! We found a slogan for our cult! At 2:03:15, we can hear something in Finnish.

Here is the link to the stream: Thrivestream for 0.6.1 - YouTube


Oh no, I just said like “I don’t know what I should really say, but it’s fine as no one can basically even understand me at all.”