Silly idea i had

those look pretty interesting, hope these creatures do well!

update i just got vacuum tolerant pressure suits that can hold water and the ships have an organism i modified to be Highly heat tolerant Vacuum tolerant photosynthetic wing shaped life support and use elemental iron to make iron oxide which my organisms then eat for energy and am on my way to a planet with a 40%carbon dioxide 30% nitrogen 15%iron and 15% methane atmosphere so i can colonize it as it is a perfect 70 degrees Celsius
oh and they have photosynthetic wings they can put on to produce oxygen on their suits

is this thread still alive

Probably but looks preaty dead to me

wow guys, I just took over the solar system

i just finished taking over half my galaxy without ever leaving water and i have ftl missiles that drop out of hyperspace right inside of the target and then explode in the center of the target

day 8457, still have not gotten past aware stage.

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have you tried placing folds in the brain

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haha smooth brain no think, no sadness

wrinklebrain = smort
and also several possible mental illnesses

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that’s not true, I’ve made a smooth brained organism that made it to ascended.

Yes, but the brains usually take up too much energy and i die horribly

Have you tried making the neurons reconfigure to achieve the optimal outcome?

it is best to use wrinkly brain so as to have smaller more durable skull with the same amount of salty fat inside it.

i have found the blueprint for the ascension gate after conquering 9/10 of my galaxy cluster built it and now just need to find this thing called dark matter to activate it. do any of you know where i can find that

[404 Dark matter not found]

Doesn’t exist, you have to use antimatter as an energy source and an absolute ton of gluons to get the thing open.

The dark matter thing is a joke, you even should have gotten an achievement for finding that.

i found it after looking in the one place i hadn’t been looking… the void of space and i am now developing tech to extract it from the void so i think you just overlooked it
edit: i have finished the dark matter extractor and a dark energy extractor as well so i wouldn’t accidentally rip apart a galaxy and i am using the dark energy and matter for subspace bubble ftl drives that traverse galaxies by creating a gravity well in front of you and a gravity hill behind you in a way that allows you to get from the milky way to andromeda in a few months and started powering up the ascension gate

i have just entered the ascension gate and… WHY IS THAT BALL OF FUR RUNNING SO FAST

Guys (and girl guys), how do you think space whale discussion will be remembered?

  • The golden ages, every newcomer reads it to understand a game mechanic
  • The dark ages, an underwater discussion that the mods shouldn’t have allowed to exist for that long
  • It will not end, it is secretly being powered by aliens who built an infinite energy machine (a cat with a toast (butter side up) attached to its back)
  • It will be disproved and forgotten
  • It will be disproved and remembered

0 voters

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Ah… new game… stabby cells
stabby flagella rammy cells go brrrrrrrr

i just finished terraforming my entire galaxy to be ocean planets with all the rocky planets with less than -60C surfaces having hydrogen sulfide oceans and artificially seeded life that is just a ball of lipids with an RNA replicase in it

EDIT: i just finished using the time control feature to go through 1000000 years in one night while keeping all the stars convecting all their mass to make them last longer and there are now silicate tubes in space that are just going from planet to planet not caring what temperature it is and just reproducing while using whatever dihydride fluid they find to survive. how in the belgium did those evolve