Silly idea i had

We were asked to design a digestive system in Thrive for biology class. Non lawk parts weren’t allowed of course. I designed a hydrogen sac so that I could directly insert hydrogen ions to water and lower its ph. I managed to get a stomach acid with a ph of 0.5, enough to dissolve pretty much anything. The internal covering of the stomach alone costed 80 mutation points. I was pretty proud of it, but the teacher didn’t accept my design. I tried to explain how electricity was utilised by animals in real world and it could be used to seperate the hydrogen from the water. My teacher still wasn’t convinced, but I was given an extra day to design it from scratch.

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Tell your teacher that you were asked to design a digestive system, not a real digestive system, but a working one. Telling you to use a specific method of digestion in your creature instead of allowing you to come up with your own shows that they don’t want to know how much you have learned, they want you to be able to predict exactly what they want and do it. Tell them that it shouldn’t matter as long as the creature can digest it’s food. Asking for more would be like asking an engineer to build a stable building that won’t collapse, but when they do it you say they did it wrong and add on some minute detail and tell them they have to start from scratch.

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you built something with more than one cell for that? i just made the cell big enough to have all the things that can be used to digest and gave it a circulatory system, an endosymbiote that transfers data quickly so it can react fast enough to be viable, and muscle fibers.


i dissected one of the silicate tubes and they have iron in them that is half the weight of iron at the same density and can be used to turn normal iron into that anomalous iron
wait did i forget to turn off one of my mods

Edit: i forgot to turn off the magic mod i was making

i have used thrive to prove that the only thing you need for specialization is multiple barriers separating parts of the cell. that is how i did that with the true omnivore cell

hey I accidentally did a silly goofy move and sent my near ascension stage civilization back to aware stage because of some dumb Belgians called the Qu yeah frick those guys


Oh, uh, whoops, yeah that was my previous civilization that I lost Access to

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Hey have any of you tried the multiplayer mod? It only works for space stage but it works very well.

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I’ve been too busy maintaining an internal ecosystem for my ‘space whales’, who are actually bugs from a planet that used to be low grav but was then destroyed by a collision with a large asteroid

Ah, I see, so where are you getting energy from?

Largely transparent exoskeleton with internal plant symbiotes, so photosynthesis


i tried it in early multicellular and became the LUCA of a planet where another player was the LUCA,
there are no bacteria on that planet so i guess that means i won’t have to worry nearly as much about infections when i become macroscopic on this playthrough.
also i have cells that are like diatoms and hold stem cells in a spore/cyst form so that they can be deployed wherever i have wounds on my organism

i tried doing that on one of my playthroughs after getting stuck in space while trying to replicate diatoms, i didn’t even know the closest approximation of diatoms i can make could survive in space but apparently i evolved it into space porpoises by just giving it a vacuum tight protein membrane to replace its lipid membrane in the spots it didn’t have its frustule as well as digestive enzymes and a circuit to transfer heat at the application of voltage as there were too many free electrons in the diatoms for them to survive in space without putting them to use so i made them used to take thermal energy from them and put it into ice to melt it and create a spot they can live easier as apparently the asteroid belt that was made with them in it had a nitrogen atmosphere dense enough to allow liquid water and nitrogen fixing but not oxygen respiration or carbon fixing due to not having those. but back to the diatoms i started from and how i evolved them into space porpoises, after i made them have proteins instead of lipids i made sure they could intake carbon, water, and other things before exiting the editor so they wouldn’t all just starve, and the next time i tried to go to the editor it failed to separate the cells so i was multicellular already but i had to collect more phosphorus and carbon and belgium and then i designed the organism to actually be able to split its cells so it could reproduce instead of just growing incoherent rambling continues

i made a Juggalo microbe that turns faygo into atp

I made a creature that uses combustion to move, but it keeps destroying itself. I know other people have done it, but I can’t figure out how to protect it from the explosions.

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your best bet is to have the combustion chamber on a tail or something similar and have one way valves makingthe explosion only go one way, out.

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Thanks! It really helped! I managed to get to Civilisation stage already!

Update: I’ve gotten to space stage!

Thrive underwater civ speedrun
23h 6m 32s
[insert picture here]

Anyone knows how to evolve digestive tract as a hive plant species? Editor is having an error when I create the digestal cavity. Is such Plant-to-Animal transition even allowed? [Editor Image]

have you tried getting a worm to become an extracellular endosymbiont and modifying it so you can use it as a digestive tract? they’re already just digestive systems that move and have a chain-link fence for a brain so they won’t require much oxygen, though i do recommend taking some of them and making them hearts that make blood instead of digestive systems so you can move your oxygen around your organisms outside of just the thicker areas instead of the highly inefficient mechanism earth plants use. an added benefit of that is that you can make your root systems go far past those first 3 meters if you have enough oxygen carrying molecules in your blood cells.

here’s an example of how to use a worm as a digestive system as a plant
[insert image here]

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You could try making a carnivorous plant and slowly transitioning it from there by adding cells that can quickly shrink and grow by flushing out all their water.
For the stomach acid you could make your plant excrete a poison and build up cells that have a resistance to it, then slowly adapt the poison into an acid and cells to resist the acid and absorb certain byproducts. You could also try to obtain a micro biome with prokaryotes that resist the acid and break it down into consumable materials when It reacts with animal matter. For a herbivorous plant you could have it grow like a moss and excrete the acid directly on other plants.

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