So easter eggs you spot them, and we love them and so here I was thinking about some Easter Eggs on Thrive Space Stage.
The Grox: I think it’ll be a cool Easter Egg of its predecessor Spore
The Qu: Maybe when you explore through the Space Stage you can see them
Asteromorph Gods: What’s the Qu without the Asteromorph Gods of which defeated them and there’ll probably a mission where you the player and the United Galaxies team up to defeat the Qu as an Easter Egg to All Tomorrows.
The Quintaglio: I want to see these Tyrannosaur descendants make either an Easter Egg appearance and/or a cameo for all of you Quintaglio Ascension fans
I think a nice easter egg to have in the Space Stage is the random chance for a planet’s randomly generated name to be replaced by the name of planets from other games/media.
A few I would potentially like to see in Thrive are Magrathea, Kerbin, Planet 4546B and Hoth.
Here’s an Idea, you can discover Earth in the game, but you can’t go to it or interact with it in any way, and when you hover over it just says something like, “A planet similar to your own home world, to bad the inhabitants seem to be to focused playing some game called ‘Thrive’ to notice we you are even there.”
(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
It would be nice to have some references to sci-fi movies, like 2001 (A ship in deep space whose only information is “Goodbye Dave.” And interstellar (A planet whose description is “Things go by fast around here”)
I like this idea, but i would have to make a change: when you go to it, you will find actual mammals and dinosaurs living together, also coexisting with tricordates. Tadaaaa: a Sim Earth Easter Egg.
If one wanted to create irl Easter eggs, instead of having the Earth and all the complications that would bring with it, might I suggest having a random chance to encounter things like Voyager 1 and 2? The entire idea of those was to communicate the idea of humans and our civilization to aliens anyway, so it would be incredibly fitting imo.
From previous suggestions:
2001 A Space Odyssey monoliths for sure!
OoferDoofer’s suggestion of a random dead member of a species used in a previous run would be nice.
A dead Grox (possibly fossilized)
Some more planet names: Endor, Arrakis, Caprica, Planet Hollywood?
Having Earth in the game would be great. It wouldn’t need to be set up differently than other planets (except in terms of continents). Once the player has ascended, they could choose to seed life on Earth, and play it from any geological era. I would love being able to evolve dinosaurs or octopuses and see how they’d fare. Earth could also be an option for planet type if a player selects that.
And some more suggestions:
A dead sea creature in orbit around a planet.
A Kerbal in a space suit, either adrift in space, or crashed onto the surface of a moon.
How about a finding an actual Easter egg as an Easter egg? Maybe a small moon or an asteroid that looks just like an Easter egg. Sort of a meta-Easter egg.
On an icy planet or moon you could find what looks like Santa’s sleigh.
At the north pole of an uninhabited planet, you find an actual metal pole sticking out of it.
A flag planted on a planet or moon.
Rick and Morty’s spaceship.
(Your friendly neighborhood menace to society.)
The Star Wars open crawl appearing galaxies far far away.
You are calmly playing in the space stage until suddenly, out of nowhere, some kind of gravitational spherical anomaly appears in space, from the beginning it is very small, then it expands into flesh to the size of a planet, after which this anomaly begins to move, and also “narrows” and “expands” again, this anomaly also has a strong gravitational field compared to objects of a similar size without being a black hole or a neutron star, and the anomaly cannot be destroyed in any way. You send scientists to study this anomaly, after studying it became clear that this is the gravitational field of a 4D object from the fourth dimension of the universe (in this case it is a hypersphere), and given the purposeful movement of this object, we can assume that it has at least minimal intelligence, by observing and conducting experiments with the object you can obtain physical data, you can also try to contact this object, but an attempt to contact the anomaly will always fail due to for there are too many differences between our creatures from baritone matter and a 4D object from unknown matter.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Is that supposed to be an easter egg of the 4th spacial dimension or some obscure thing?
This can be very difficult to explain This is the fourth spatial dimension, but it has other physical laws with the exception of gravity, space and time (which is why we see only the gravitational shadow of a four-dimensional being)
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Idea: perhaps on rare occasions asteroids could be used as easter-eggs (for instance a disturbance head-shaped asteroid)
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(hhyyrylainen cultist. Waiting for ping from someone.)
Too Sci-Fi for Thrive Space Stage, I think.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Yeah, easter eggs should be things which are easier to miss, especially if you aren’t paying attention.