Oh right. I will probably retitle those as “portable cannons” then. Not easy to keep up with everything when the FG is 45 rounds in making. That sort of FG lifespan is… pretty much unheard of anymore.
M1: soul transfer; souls and a portion of their energy become one in the same, meaning anything that sucks that bit of energy out of the soul, merges with that soul. absorbing too much energy from souls of a specific alignment will convert you to that alignment. ‘too much’ is enough for the souls to overpower your willpower. the more powerful the soul, the more of their energy they are, and the more volume their soul can have.
M2: merge all our most powerful independent elementals into one minor water god, and worship it and Deus
M3: power of Belief; worshipping beings makes them stronger, even being able to turn mortals into Gods if enough people participate, and even being able to make the most powerful of gods more powerful than they already were
Looks like we’re ought to seeing a bunch of “gods” emerge soon.
Edit: @doomlightning I need your votes.
- improve GE to more metal types
- Improve dextirty
Round 46 - Year 3, Month 11
The Swarm seems to be getting ready to become the next mist…?
-??? HP
-Can no longer send orders to D. Bontopius, it’s only remaining species ally and a fief
-Cannot do much itself in this form
-The Mistorb Vault built around it serves as a container and a barrier
-The Trench built around it serves as an offensive and defensive position in case of a breach of the Vault
-3/5 HP
-Insanely fast, can scale hundreds of posts in seconds
-Not much is known about it’s appearance
-Hasn’t shown off it’s offensive abilities (if it has any)
-In control of D. Bontopius
NPC - Sapiepoda TeaKinges, “The Crawler” - HO
- Medium Omnivore
Mutations: Better Planes (+1 F Speed), Faster Takeoff X 2 (+2 F Speed)
DM: Planes (+1 F Speed)
S. TeaKinges made adjustements to their artificial wing technology, making their takeoffs require less space to succeed.
Deus had this species develop plane technology, based off the artificial wings. The crawlers quickly took to improve the planes somewhat aswell…
- Speed - 24/20
- Stealth - 29*(2) = 58 (60)
- Strenght - 33*(2.5) = 92.5 (97.5) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
- Mistdom causes 3 less population damage, Deals +6 Damage against The Mw.
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Better Circulatory System
- Improved Respiratory System (+1 Both Speed)
- Gliding limbs (+1 Flying Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Eusociality (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Improved Chemoreceptors (+1 Stealth)
- Lighter Bodies (+1 Both Speed)
- Medium Size
- Photoreceptive Spots (+1 Stealth)
- Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Colonies (+1 Strenght)
- Pinhole Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Air Sacks (+1 B Speed)
- Echolocation (+1 Stealth)
- Better Genetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Population Detection (EE)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Lensed Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Warrior Caste (+1 Strenght)
- Better Heart Chambers (+1 Strenght)
- Interaction Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Syrinx (+1 Strenght)
- Color Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Sentient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Fire Usage (+1 Strenght)
- Primitive Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Shamanism (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Clothes (+1 Stealth)
- Sorcerers (+1 Strenght)
- Education (+1 Stealth)
- Primitive Agriculture (+1 Strenght)
- Join the Covenant
- Better Shoes (+1 W Speed)
- Running Techniques (+1 W Speed)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, Mistdom members deal 1 less population damage)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Bows (+1 Strenght)
- Commanders (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Anti-Mw Field (-1 Mistdom Population Damage)
- A-M Arrows (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage against The Mw.)
- Better Strategies (+1 Stealth)
- Advanced Tools (+1 Strenght)
- More Discipline (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Shoes (+1 W Speed)
- Better Strategies (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mistdom research (+2 Damage against the Mw.)
- More Efficient Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Better Anti-Mistworm Strategies (+2 damage against the Mw.)
- Soul Circuit Upgrade (+1 Stealth)
- Forum-Wide Organization (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-Mistworm Mobilization (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage against the Mw.)
- Better Education (+1 Stealth)
- Research (+1 Stealth)
- Discipline (+1 Strenght)
- Helping Users (+1 UU)
- Armed Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Refined Fighting Styles (+1 W Speed)
- User Dialogue (+1 UU)
- Improved Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Stealth Techniques (+1 Stealth)
- Superior Flight Techniques X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- Better Reflexes (+1 B Speed)
- Ambush tactics (+1 Stealth)
- Artificial Wings X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- Better Planes (+1 F Speed)
- Faster Takeoff X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- DM: Planes (+1 F Speed)
@doomlightning - Neodichorisare Cogitandi, “Divider” - HO
- Small Herbivore
Mutations: More GE Types (+1 Strenght), Better Dexterity (+1 Speed)
DM: The Checkpoints
Nd. Cogitandi managed to have the GE metal differenciated into various kinds specialized for various things. Outside of that, the overall dexterite of the species has been improved, which could’ve helped this species in the large task Deus gave it, that being the construction of powerful checkpoints, in practice fortresses made with the intent of watching over areas with known mistdom activity…
- Speed - 24
- Stealth - 33*(2.5) = 82.5 (84.5)
- Strenght - 28*(1.5) = 42 (47) (Bitter, Poison)
- User Usefulness - 1 (2)
- -2 Mistdom population damage
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
? Muscular Flaps (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
? Primitive Lungs (+1 Speed) - Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
? Flexible Bones (+1 Speed)
? Open Circulatory System (+1 Strenght) - Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
? Chemoreceptors (+1 Stealth) - Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
? Smell Cortex
? Rougher Skin (+1 Strenght) - Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Nostrils (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Better Circulatory System
- K-type Reproduction
- Better Syphon (+1 Speed)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Sentinel Behaviour (+1 UU)
? Jaws (+1 Strenght) - Improved Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Creative Thinking
- Jaw Duplication (+1 Strenght)
? Venom Stinger (+1 Strenght) - Hands (+1 Strenght)
- Motor Thinking (+1 Speed)
- Creative Thinking (+1 Stealth)
- More Endurance (+1 Speed)
- Pallium (+1 Stealth)
- Less Virtual Consumption (+1 Stealth)
- Courtship Display (+1 Strenght)
- Click Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Long-term Memory (+1 Stealth)
- Better Creative Thinking (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tool Creation (+1 Strenght)
? Slimmer Shape (+1 Speed) - Altruism (+1 Stealth)
? Faster Muscles (+1 Speed)
? Thicker Skull (+1 Strenght) - Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Metal Poison (+1 Strenght, Poison)
? Larger Brain (+1 Stealth, Tier-3 Brain) - Better Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth, Tier-4 Brain)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-slice Skin (+1 Strenght)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth)
- Better Antislice Skin (+1 Speed)
- Speed X 2 (+2 Speed)
- Stronger Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Detection (+1 Stealth)
- New Political Ideas (+1 Stealth)
- Join the Covenant
- Stealthier (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth)
- Faster X 2 (+2 Speed) (+ DM)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- Better Segments (+1 Speeds)
- Better Inter-Species Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Sentinel Leadership (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Better Sentinels (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Anti-Mistdom Defences (-1 mistdom population damage)
- Better Motor Skills (+1 Speed)
- Better Intelligence (+1 Stealth)
- Decoder (+1 Stealth)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Decoder Upgrade (+1 Stealth)
- Glorious Evolution (+1 Strenght)
- GE Metal Implants (+1 Strenght)
- GE Mistdom protection (-1 Mistdom population damage)
- Better Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Better GE (+1 Strenght)
- GE Study (+1 Strenght)
- More GE Types (+1 Strenght)
- Better Dexterity (+1 Speed)
@CatSquared - Multipoda Cat-Bestiae, “Cat Beasts” - NE
- Tiny Omnivore
Mutations: Devourer Feast (+2 Stealth), Soul Vampirism (+1 Stealth), Devourer Hunt (6/6, +1 Stealth)
DM: Covenant Concrete
M. Cat-Bestiae’s leading entity, now known by the name “Devourer”, absorbed even more souls of the cat beasts, leading to the population of the base species dropping to the brim of extinction. Not only that, the devourer found ways of extracting souls from the bodies of creatures and used this new ability perfectly when it found a large nesting ground of the swarmlings - they all had their souls absorbed!
Deus made what little remains of the base species develop a special, sturdy material which would go by the name “Covenant Concrete”.
- Speed - 21/12
- Stealth - 28*(3) = 84 (86)
- Strenght - 43*(1.5) = 64.5 (69.5) (Venom, Toxicity, Resistance to bitterness and spicyness)
- User Usefulness - 0 (1)
- Mistdom causes 2 less population damage and has 1/3 chance to miss, Deals Extra 2 Damage to The Mw.
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- Size Decrease (Tiny Size)
- Letter Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Faster Leg Muscles (+1 Speed)
- Streamline Shape (+1 Speed)
- Better Gnetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Chemical Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Swarm Behaviour (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Gliding Wings (+1 Flying Speed)
- Toxicity (+1 Strenght)
- Toxin Projectile (+1 Strenght)
- Hydrogen Bladder (+1 Flying Speed)
- Larger Wing Muscles (+1 F Speed)
- Better Toxic Projectile (+1 Strenght)
- Extra Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Stronger Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- More Streamline Body (+1 B Speed)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Even Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- More Strenght x 3 (+3 Strenght)
- Immune System (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs before parasitic damage)
- Resistance to D. Amplicoma’s bitterness (+1 Strenght)
- More Advanced Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Resistance to Dichorisare Amplicoma ’s spicyness (+1 Strenght)
- More Strenght (+1 Strenght)
- Even More Strenght (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Even Stronger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Cybertraps (+1 Stealth)
- Eusociality (+1 Strenght)
- More Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Anti-Mist Claws (+1 Strenght, Deals Extra 1 HP to TM)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, -2 Mist population damage)
- Join the Covenant
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-mist Ritual (-1 Mist damage in specified area)
- Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Faster X 2 (+2 Speed)
- Hive-Mind (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mist Camouflage (+1 Stealth, 1/3 chance for mistdom members to miss attack)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Smart Caste (+1 Stealth)
- Faster (+1 W Speed)
- Better A-M Claws (+1 Strenght, deals +1 damage against The Mw.)
- DM: Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Faster (+1 B Speed)
- User Communication (+1 Strenght)
- Enslavement (Fail, DM X 2)
- DM: Communication X 2 (+2 Stealth)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Soul Circuits X 3 (+3 Stealth, achieved sapience)
- Clones (+2 Strenght)
- Clones (+1 Strenght)
- Clones (+2 Strenght)
- Clone Production X 3 (+3 Strenght)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Better Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Cybermanipulation X 2 (+2 Strenght)
- Soul Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- Intelligence Cybermanipulation (+1 Stealth)
- Soul-powered Cybermagic (+1 Strenght)
- Mass Absorbtion (+1 Stealth)
- Devourer Feast (+2 Stealth)
- Soul Vampirism (+1 Stealth)
- Devourer Hunt (6/6, +1 Stealth)
NPC - Paucipoda Narrenists, “Darren” - HO
- Huge Omnivore
Mutations: Bombers (+1 Strenght), Fighter Planes (+1 Strenght), Jet Engines (+1 F Speed)
DM: Warplanes (+1 F Speed)
M. Narrenists’s war scientists beloved the planes first developed by the crawlers after Deus first ordered them to develop a warfare version of this technology. Soon enough they split them up into bomb-dropping bombers and dogfighting fighters. Not long after that, in large part thanks to help from the allied users, the darrens have too discovered jet engines, much improving the speed of the terrors from above…
- Speed - 24/14
- Stealth - 18*(1.5) = 27 (29)
- Strenght - 51*(3) = 153 (158) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
- Mistdom has 1/3 chance to miss, -3 Mistdom pop. damage, Deals +5 Damage against the Mw
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Horn (+1 Strenght)
- Spam-eating behaviour (+1 UU)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- More Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Rear Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Faster Movement (+1 Speed)
- Movement Claws (+1 Walking Speed)
- Gliding Wings (+1 Flying Speed)
- Stronger Jaw Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Better Digging Claws (+1 Stealth)
- Sharper Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- Larger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Wing Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Tusks (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Skeleton (+1 Strenght)
- Wrinkly Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Higher Fecundity (+0.5 M/R)
- Population Observarion (EE)
- Immune system (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs needed for parasitic damage)
- Spike Poison (+1 Strenght)
- Slender Body (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Muscles (+1 B Speed)
- More Energy Reserves (+1 B Speed)
- More Coordinated Leg Musculature (+1 W Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Better Respiratory System (+1 B Speed)
- Better Temperature Tolerance (+1 Strenght)
- Better Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Air Sacks (+1 B Speed)
- Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Larger (Medium Size)
- Larger size (Large Size)
- More camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Warning Calls (+0.5 to Stealth Multiplier)
- Larger (Huge Size)
- Sentient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Simple Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Clothing (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mist Camouflage (+1 Stealth, 1/3 chance for mistdom members to miss attack)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, -2 Mistdom population damage)
- Spears (+1 Strenght)
- A-M Spears (+1 Strenght, deals +1 damage against the Mw.)
- DM: Anti-Mw Field (-1 Mistdom population damage)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Gunpowder (+1 Strenght)
- Medicine (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Hit-and-run (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-mist bullets and Cannons (+2 Strenght, +2 Damage against the Mw.)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth)
- Larger Cannons (+1 Strenght, +1 damage to the Mw.)
- Improved Bullets (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage to the Mw.)
- Mining Techniques (+1 Strenght)
- New Metal Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Improved Cannons (+1 Strenght)
- Bunkers (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Military Industry (+1 Strenght)
- Kraterocracy (+1 Strenght)
- Cult of Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- New Firearms (+1 Strenght)
- Bombs (+1 Strenght)
- Better Weapon Production (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Bombs (+1 Strenght)
- Primitive Tanks (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Explosive Rockets (+1 Strenght)
- Better Rockets (+1 Strenght)
- Portable Cannons (+1 Strenght)
- Bombers (+1 Strenght)
- Fighter Planes (+1 Strenght)
- Jet Engines (+1 F Speed)
- Warplanes (+1 F Speed)
Darkblur - Dichorisare Bontopius, “The Swarm” - OP
- Medium Mist-Aligned Omnivore, Controlled by Darkblur
Mutations: Ferocity + Blurry Speed (Hunts Available Species EVERY ROUND), Better Anti-Covenant Protection (-1 Covenant Population Damage).
DBM: Dark Death Explosion (+1 Strenght)
D. Bontopius individuals seem to be a lot more aggresive now and fast with the executions they carry out. In preparations for a covenant strike, they developed better protection against being striked. Not only that, Darkblur modified this species’ signature death explosion ability to be far more powerful, meaning that any species trying to take on the swarmlings will now need to suffer some casualties of it’s own…
A large group of mist hunter cursors arrived at various sites of this species, however with advanced anti-covenant protection the swarm has developed, they only did rather recoverable damage beffore succumbing to the stronger death explosions.
While the vast majority of species present in the forum are not yet available for this species to hunt, C. Venenatorum is a different story. It’s base forms lack in intellifence, making it a prime target for the darkblur to test the raid methods on… (1/6) …However it seems like this month the wall crabs have gotten away, but perhaps the next they won’t be so lucky?
- Speed - 23/4
- Stealth - 24*(2) = 48
- Strenght - 38*(2.5) = 95 (Bitter, Dark Death Explosion, Venom-Silk)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
(+3 To every statistic calculation when comparing with a covenant member, -4 Covenant population damage)
Distribution: Wilderness
Preys On: Vegetation, Paucipoda Narrenists, F. Spiritusvivi, S. TeaKinges
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
- Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
- Axial Respiratory System
- Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
- Joints (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
- Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
- Compound eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Memory Cortex
- Countershading (+1 Stealth)
- Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Swarm Intelligence (+0.5 to strenght multiplier)
- Hiding Eggs
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Better Joints (+1 Speed)
- Larger Abdomen (+1 Strenght)
- 2 More Legs (+1 Speed)
- Pheromone Communication (+1 Stealth)
- More Genetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Claws For Letters (+1 UU)
- Higher Fertility (Extinction Evasion)
- Death Explosion (+1 Strenght)
- Partial Migration to α-FP (Spreads)
- Lower Metabolism (+1 Stealth)
- Scavanging (+1 Strenght)
- Eusociality (+1 Strenght)
- Better Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Size Increase (Medium Size)
- Immune System (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs before parasitic damage)
- Longer Legs (+1 Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Backup Royality (+1 Stealth)
- Omnivore Diet (+1 Strenght, Becomes An Omnivore)
- Expand to γ-FP (Spreads)
- Hunt P. Narrenists (+1 Speed)
- Longer Legs (+1 Speed)
- Extra Leg Pair (+1 Speed)
- Ally with The Mist (+1 Strenght)
- Venom (+1 Strenght)
- Sharper Mandibles (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Emergency Tribute
Intermediate BrainBrain Refinement (+1 Stealth)- MM: Offensive Defense (Effects against Mist-attackers)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- Neurotoxin (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Foray Helper (+1 Strenght, Species will ravage the targetted species alongside TM)
- MM: Cyberspace Fighters (+1 Strenght, can attack cyberspacial entities)
- Better Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Parasite Egg (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Cyberspace Warriors (+1 Strenght)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
*MM: Dualism (+1 Stealth) - More Offspring (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- MM: Faster Muscles (+1 Speed)
- Better Vessels (+1 Strenght)
- Wings (+1 F Speed)
*MM: Quicker Muscles (+1 W Speed) - Sapient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Better Wing Muscles (+1 F Speed)
- Larger Lungs (+1 W Speed)
- MM: Loyality (+1 Stealth)
- Aggresion Pheromones (+1 Strenght, Statistic adding upgraded)
- Anti-Covenant Venom (+1 Strenght, Statistic adding upgraded)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Speed (+1 W Speed)
- Cyberspace Influence (+1 Stealth)
- More Oxygen Efficient (+1 B Speed)
- Basic Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Language (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Faster (+1 W Speed)
- New Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Metal Tools (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Faster (+1 B Speed)
- Pyrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Alphabet (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-Ambush Sense (+1 Stealth, -1 Covenant Population damage)
- Remote Cursors (+1 Strenght)
- MM: More Shelter-Building (-1 Covenant Population damage)
- Fire Shield (+1 Strenght)
- Word Farming (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Dark Flame (+1 Strenght)
- Antilight (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Pyrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Unseen Movement (+1 Stealth)
- Better Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Vampirism (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Autonomy (+1 Stealth)
- DBM: Darksoul (+1 B Speed)
- Ferocity + Blurry Speed (Hunts Available Species EVERY ROUND)
- Better Anti-Covenant Protection (-1 Covenant Population Damage).
- DBM: Dark Death Explosion (+1 Strenght)
@fralegend015 - Fabuloid Spiritusvivi, “Archmage” - HO
- Small Omnivore
Mutations: Produce the MHs and get them to hunt D. Bontopius (4/6), Truesight Injection (Stealth Boost), Cyberenergy Power (2/6)
Deus made the now-upgraded mist hunters go after the enemy swarmlings, resulting in them suffering some population loss. Besides that, the injector was used to make all covenant members have some capacity of truesight. Lastly, Deus tried to have the forum machinery built to this point get powered by the superior cyberenergy, and while from now on there should be no issues in changing the way it’s powered, Deus ended up not getting any major piece of machinery upgraded to using cyberenergy.
- Speed - 18
- Stealth - 21*(2.5) = 52.5 (54.5)
- Strenght - 27*(1.5) = 40.5 (45.5) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 1 (2)
- -2 Mistdom attack damage, 1/3 chance to miss
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Epigenetic Manipulation (+0.5 M/R)
- Better Vascular System
- Better Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Limbs Location Change (+1 Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Cybercognition (+1 Stealth)
- Autokinesis (+1 Speed)
- Netpulmonation (+1 Speed)
- Cybercordis (+1 Strenght)
- Cyber-Soul (+1 Stealth)
- Telekinesis (+1 Strenght)
- UIthurgy (+1 UU)
- Spiritual Retention (+1 Stealth)
- Hyperportal Creation (+1 Speed)
- Telepathy (+1 Stealth)
- Poltergeist (+1 Stealth)
- Compound Spirituality (+1 Stealth)
- Stronger Autokinesis (+1 Speed)
- Pneuma (+1 Strenght)
- Genesis (EE)
- Suggestion (+1 UU to all other species)
- Mist Distribution (+1 Strenght, If this species is attacked by The Mist, all other ones will also feel the effects)
- Spirit Tendrils (+1 Strenght)
- Metempsychosis (+1 Stealth)
- Specialized Thinking Circuits (+1 Stealth)
- Tendril Highways (+1 Speed)
- Compounding (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Cybersphere Specialization (+1 Strenght)
- Deus (+1 Strenght)
- Deus-to-Living Connection (+1 Stealth)
- Unseen Travel (+1 Speed)
- Cyber Immune System (+1 Strenght)
- Revive D. Cogitandi
- Covenant Alliance
- Speed (+1 Speed)
- Mistdom Disruption Virus (When a Fief breaks off from The Mistdom, it instantly joins The Covenant and loses no conservation points)
- Anti-mistworm Defense (-1 Mistworm Action damage to all Covenant members)
- Hyperuranio (+1 Stealth to all Covenant members)
- Anti-Mist Walls (1/4 Chance for a Mist Action/Mutation to fail, 1/3 for the undead)
- Gene Modifications (Can Modify Covenant Members)
- Better Anti-Mistdom Protection (+1 Strenght, -2 Mistdom attack damage)
- Study the Cyberspace (+1 Stealth)
- Cyberspace Architecture Study (+1 Stealth)
- The Barrier (1/3 chance for the mistdom to miss attacks)
- Pseudo-Cursor (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Hunters (+1 Strenght)
- Regular Layer Deus (+1 Strenght)
- Regular Layer Injection (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Hunter Upgrade (+1 Strenght)
- Energy Nodes (+1 Strenght)
@willow - Cancrorum Venenatorum, “Venomous Wall Crab” - HO
- Small Herbivore + Parasite
Mutations: Soul Transfer (+1 Strenght), Water God (+1 Strenght), Belief (+1 Strenght)
DM: The Checkpoints Aid
C. Venenatorum seems to be following the recent trends too, as it not only developed ways for souls to change alignments, but also had it’s best warriors turn into one water-god, which while perhaps lacking when compared to Deus and Devourer, is worshipped no less than them. Speaking of worship, it appears that the willpower of these critters, when concentrated on one entity, can make it a god, or make a god even stronger than before.
Deus had this species help the dividers in constructing the checkpoint fortresses…
- Speed - 23/13
- Stealth - 28*(2.5) = 70 (72)
- Strenght - 38/39*(2) = 76/78 (81/83) (Bitter, Spicy)
- User Usefulness - 0 (1)
- 1/3 chance for the mistdom to miss, -3 mistdom population damage, +1 damage against the Md
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On (+Parasite): Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
- Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
- Axial Respiratory System
- Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
- Joints (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
- Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
- Compound eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Memory Cortex
- Countershading (+1 Stealth)
- Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Closed Circulatory System
- K-type Reproduction
- Midsection Duplication (+1 Speed)
- Setae (+1 Stealth)
- Acid-Resistant Eggs
- 12 Legs (+1 Speed)
- RNA Editing (Extinction Evasion)
- Rotator Leg Joint (+1 Speed)
- Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Castes (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Ameboid Larva Cells (+1 Strenght)
- Possesion (+1 Strenght)
- More and more plastic neurons (+1 Stealth)
- UV equivalent usage (+1 Stealth)
- Gamete dismantling (+1 Strenght)
- Feature Theft (+0.5 M/R)
- Spicy (+1 Strenght)
- Cyberwater (+1 Strenght)
- Spiciness Plates (+1 Strenght)
- Better Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- Leg Bones (+1 W Speed)
- Better Hydrokinesis (+1 F Speed)
- Better Against Cybermagic (+1 Strenght / +2 Strenght against species with cybermagic)
- Mind Tendril Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Steal Photosynthesis (+1 Strenght)
- Free Larva Improvements (+1 B Speed)
- Ally with The Mist (+1 Strenght)
- Water Storage (+1 Strenght)
- Respiratory Wings (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Emergency Tribute
- Sacrifice Caste (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Spiritual Infiltration
- Mutations: Souls (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Fusion (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Spiritual Parasitism (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Energy Draw (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infiltration (+1 Stealth)
- Soul Energy Gathering (+1 Stealth)
- Energy Linker Cell (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infection (+1 Strenght)
- Undo The Mist’s attempts of harming Deus (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Better Connections (+1 Stealth)
- Secret Colony Network (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Permeability (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- False Allies (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Tendril Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Better Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Report Weakness (Switched Alliance)
- Mutation Bending (Can Change Other Species Mutations)
- DM: Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Secret Reorganization (+1 Stealth)
- Soul Computer Upgrade (+1 Stealth, Tier-2.5 Brain)
- Anti-Mist (+1 Strenght to all Covenant Members)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Mutavenom Form (+1 Strenght, 1/3 chance for mistdom attacks to miss)
- Stronger Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Barrier (+1 Strenght, -1 Mistdom population damage)
- DM: Injector Upgrade (Injector twice as efficient)
- Selling the Soul (+1 Strenght)
- Selling the Body (+1 Stealth)
- Material Conversion (+1 Stealth)
- Chatrooms (+1 Stealth)
- Vaporization (+1 Strenght)
- Time Dilation (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Cursor Presets (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Ascension (+1 Strenght)
- True Possession (+1 Strenght)
- Truesight (+1 Stealth)
- Improved Truesight Range (+1 Stealth)
- Better Proto-Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Better Mistdom Protection (-1 mistdom population damage)
- Better Proto-Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Anti-Mistdom fluid (+1 B Speed, -1 Mistdom population damage)
- Energy Collectors (+1 Strenght)
- Air Pumps (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Brain (+1 F Speed)
- Truesight Supremacy (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Stronger anti-mistdom fluid (+1 damage against the mistdom)
- Soul Transfer (+1 Strenght)
- Water God (+1 Strenght)
- Belief (+1 Strenght)
Wilderness - All Species
A-M Area 1 - All Species BUT D. Bontopius
ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS (from most friendly to most hostile):
- RC (Research Community)
- MwTC (Mistworm Termination Council)
- “THE MISTDOM” - The Mistorb, Dichorisare Bontopius, Converted Users, Darkblur
- “THE COVENANT”- F. Spiritusvivi, Deus, M. Cat-Bestiae, S. TeaKinges, P. Narrenists, C. Venenatorum, Nd. Cogitandi, The Upgrading Anti-Mistworm (New upgrade at ROUND 48), (Most Of) The Users, The Injector (+ Regular Layer Injector), The (Replenishing) Hunter Cursors, Cybernukes, Checkpoints, Devourer, Water-God
Early Period → Intermediate Period → Pax Multipoda → Intelligence Rise → CHAOS AGE (present)
M1: avatars; all worshipped gods are able to create and control bodies imbued with up to half of their power
M2: vengeful gods; upon the attack of any species that worships an entity this species worships as a god, that entity will suddenly double in power, immediately putting half of their power into an avatar(leaving both them and the avatar at the power level they were before the attack), which will be filled with unyeilding rage at the offender, and will continue attacking the attacker until either the attacker or the avatar dies
- Better cloning where the souls of the clones are immediately consumed and the bodies turned into thralls
- Absorb the souls/ intelligence of all Cat beasts, turning them all into mindless thralls serving the Devourer
Are you sure this won’t cause the extinction of your base species? Because without a mind it becomes hard to reproduce…
- start the semi-assimulation of metallic GE perfection for manifest
- excelerat think compasity of GE metals to extend to other non-metal things
Good point. I will keep 10 percent of them alive, just in case.
What do you mean by “manifest” here?
Manifesto: to manifest, to become real
Mutation 1: Machine Souls - Souls specifically designed to control machinery, allowing for improved automation.
Mutation 2: Phylactery - Physical core specifically designed to facilitate interactions between the machine soul and the machine it is installed on.
Cov mutations:
Teakinges: Use machine souls to automate the covenant’s industrial capability.
Doom: Produce more cybernukes.
CatSquared: Warn the users about the areas that are going to be nuked in order to allow them to make back-ups.
Darren: Use missiles to nuke bontopius from a distance.
Willow: Try to find out if the Ark Program managed to create life outside the forums.
@aah31415 changed my mutations a little.
Round 47 - Year 4, Month 1
Celebrations of the 4th anniversary of the Creatures’ appearance are being held as more moves are being made for a future confrontation…
-??? HP
-Can no longer send orders to D. Bontopius, it’s only remaining species ally and a fief
-Cannot do much itself in this form
-The Mistorb Vault built around it serves as a container and a barrier
-The Trench built around it serves as an offensive and defensive position in case of a breach of the Vault
-3/5 HP
-Insanely fast, can scale hundreds of posts in seconds
-Not much is known about it’s appearance
-Hasn’t shown off it’s offensive abilities (if it has any)
-In control of D. Bontopius
NPC - Sapiepoda TeaKinges, “The Crawler” - HO
- Medium Omnivore
Mutations: Jet Engines (+1 F Speed), Jet Engine Upgrade (+1 F Speed)
DM: Machine Soul Installation
S. TeaKinges adapted the jet engine technology from the war-loving darrens and upgraded it, making these boosters able to be installed even on the crawlers themselves!
Deus ordered this species to install mechanical souls, a new invention of Deus, on the machines the covenant operates…
- Speed - 24/22
- Stealth - 29*(2) = 58 (60)
- Strenght - 33*(2.5) = 92.5 (97.5) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
- Mistdom causes 3 less population damage, Deals +6 Damage against The Mw.
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Better Circulatory System
- Improved Respiratory System (+1 Both Speed)
- Gliding limbs (+1 Flying Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Eusociality (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Improved Chemoreceptors (+1 Stealth)
- Lighter Bodies (+1 Both Speed)
- Medium Size
- Photoreceptive Spots (+1 Stealth)
- Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Colonies (+1 Strenght)
- Pinhole Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Air Sacks (+1 B Speed)
- Echolocation (+1 Stealth)
- Better Genetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Population Detection (EE)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Lensed Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Warrior Caste (+1 Strenght)
- Better Heart Chambers (+1 Strenght)
- Interaction Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Syrinx (+1 Strenght)
- Color Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Sentient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Fire Usage (+1 Strenght)
- Primitive Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Shamanism (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Clothes (+1 Stealth)
- Sorcerers (+1 Strenght)
- Education (+1 Stealth)
- Primitive Agriculture (+1 Strenght)
- Join the Covenant
- Better Shoes (+1 W Speed)
- Running Techniques (+1 W Speed)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, Mistdom members deal 1 less population damage)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Bows (+1 Strenght)
- Commanders (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Anti-Mw Field (-1 Mistdom Population Damage)
- A-M Arrows (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage against The Mw.)
- Better Strategies (+1 Stealth)
- Advanced Tools (+1 Strenght)
- More Discipline (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Shoes (+1 W Speed)
- Better Strategies (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mistdom research (+2 Damage against the Mw.)
- More Efficient Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Better Anti-Mistworm Strategies (+2 damage against the Mw.)
- Soul Circuit Upgrade (+1 Stealth)
- Forum-Wide Organization (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-Mistworm Mobilization (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage against the Mw.)
- Better Education (+1 Stealth)
- Research (+1 Stealth)
- Discipline (+1 Strenght)
- Helping Users (+1 UU)
- Armed Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Refined Fighting Styles (+1 W Speed)
- User Dialogue (+1 UU)
- Improved Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Stealth Techniques (+1 Stealth)
- Superior Flight Techniques X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- Better Reflexes (+1 B Speed)
- Ambush tactics (+1 Stealth)
- Artificial Wings X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- Better Planes (+1 F Speed)
- Faster Takeoff X 2 (+2 F Speed)
- DM: Planes (+1 F Speed)
- Jet Engines (+1 F Speed)
- Jet Engine Upgrade (+1 F Speed)
@doomlightning - Neodichorisare Cogitandi, “Divider” - HO
- Small Herbivore
Mutations: Perfected GE Metal (+1 Strenght), GE Metal Fusion (+1 Strenght)
DM: Cybernuke Production
Nd. Cogitandi has been focusing further on improving the glorious metals, which ended up in a “perfect” variant of the metals to be discovered. Not just that, but new techniques allow these strange metals to fill in any gaps left in stiff and hard tissue, allowing soldiers with broken bones to stand up and go back to fighting sooner.
Deus had this species execute the plans of P. Narrenists, that being the construction of multiple cybernukes which would be used not long after the divider construction teams departed the nukes’ threads.
- Speed - 24
- Stealth - 33*(2.5) = 82.5 (84.5)
- Strenght - 30*(1.5) = 45 (50) (Bitter, Poison)
- User Usefulness - 1 (2)
- -2 Mistdom population damage
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
? Muscular Flaps (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
? Primitive Lungs (+1 Speed) - Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
? Flexible Bones (+1 Speed)
? Open Circulatory System (+1 Strenght) - Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
? Chemoreceptors (+1 Stealth) - Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
? Smell Cortex
? Rougher Skin (+1 Strenght) - Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Nostrils (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Better Circulatory System
- K-type Reproduction
- Better Syphon (+1 Speed)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Sentinel Behaviour (+1 UU)
? Jaws (+1 Strenght) - Improved Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Creative Thinking
- Jaw Duplication (+1 Strenght)
? Venom Stinger (+1 Strenght) - Hands (+1 Strenght)
- Motor Thinking (+1 Speed)
- Creative Thinking (+1 Stealth)
- More Endurance (+1 Speed)
- Pallium (+1 Stealth)
- Less Virtual Consumption (+1 Stealth)
- Courtship Display (+1 Strenght)
- Click Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Long-term Memory (+1 Stealth)
- Better Creative Thinking (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tool Creation (+1 Strenght)
? Slimmer Shape (+1 Speed) - Altruism (+1 Stealth)
? Faster Muscles (+1 Speed)
? Thicker Skull (+1 Strenght) - Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Metal Poison (+1 Strenght, Poison)
? Larger Brain (+1 Stealth, Tier-3 Brain) - Better Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth, Tier-4 Brain)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-slice Skin (+1 Strenght)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth)
- Better Antislice Skin (+1 Speed)
- Speed X 2 (+2 Speed)
- Stronger Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Detection (+1 Stealth)
- New Political Ideas (+1 Stealth)
- Join the Covenant
- Stealthier (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- More Brain Power (+1 Stealth)
- Faster X 2 (+2 Speed) (+ DM)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- Better Segments (+1 Speeds)
- Better Inter-Species Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Sentinel Leadership (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Better Sentinels (+1 Stealth)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Anti-Mistdom Defences (-1 mistdom population damage)
- Better Motor Skills (+1 Speed)
- Better Intelligence (+1 Stealth)
- Decoder (+1 Stealth)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Decoder Upgrade (+1 Stealth)
- Glorious Evolution (+1 Strenght)
- GE Metal Implants (+1 Strenght)
- GE Mistdom protection (-1 Mistdom population damage)
- Better Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Better GE (+1 Strenght)
- GE Study (+1 Strenght)
- More GE Types (+1 Strenght)
- Better Dexterity (+1 Speed)
- Perfected GE Metal (+1 Strenght)
- GE Metal Fusion (+1 Strenght)
@CatSquared - Multipoda Cat-Bestiae, “Cat Beasts” - NE-
- Tiny Omnivore
Mutations: Clones for Feast (+1 Strenght), Thrall Army (+1 Strenght)
DM: User Cybernuke Warning
The Devourer doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, as it made the cloning techniques the cat-beasts long gone had developed produce clones that would then immedietly have their souls consumed. This, alongside with the Devourer eating away the souls of most of what little remains of the M. Cat-Bestiae, lead to a large Thrall force being created, which completely obeys what the Devourer says.
At the same time, what little remains of the soulful cat-beast population will most likely take a while to recover…
As users took attention to this new god-like being, Deus suggested to Devourer that it should warn the Users about the cybernukes being prepared to deal with the swarmlings, as the warning should prevent the controversy that arose after the first cybernuke use when the covenant was after darkblur…
- Speed - 21/12
- Stealth - 28*(3) = 84 (86)
- Strenght - 45*(1.5) = 67.5 (72.5) (Venom, Toxicity, Resistance to bitterness and spicyness)
- User Usefulness - 0 (1)
- Mistdom causes 2 less population damage and has 1/3 chance to miss, Deals Extra 2 Damage to The Mw.
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- Size Decrease (Tiny Size)
- Letter Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Faster Leg Muscles (+1 Speed)
- Streamline Shape (+1 Speed)
- Better Gnetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Chemical Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Swarm Behaviour (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Gliding Wings (+1 Flying Speed)
- Toxicity (+1 Strenght)
- Toxin Projectile (+1 Strenght)
- Hydrogen Bladder (+1 Flying Speed)
- Larger Wing Muscles (+1 F Speed)
- Better Toxic Projectile (+1 Strenght)
- Extra Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Stronger Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- More Streamline Body (+1 B Speed)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Even Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- More Strenght x 3 (+3 Strenght)
- Immune System (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs before parasitic damage)
- Resistance to D. Amplicoma’s bitterness (+1 Strenght)
- More Advanced Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Resistance to Dichorisare Amplicoma ’s spicyness (+1 Strenght)
- More Strenght (+1 Strenght)
- Even More Strenght (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Even Stronger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Stronger Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Cybertraps (+1 Stealth)
- Eusociality (+1 Strenght)
- More Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Anti-Mist Claws (+1 Strenght, Deals Extra 1 HP to TM)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, -2 Mist population damage)
- Join the Covenant
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-mist Ritual (-1 Mist damage in specified area)
- Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Faster X 2 (+2 Speed)
- Hive-Mind (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mist Camouflage (+1 Stealth, 1/3 chance for mistdom members to miss attack)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Smart Caste (+1 Stealth)
- Faster (+1 W Speed)
- Better A-M Claws (+1 Strenght, deals +1 damage against The Mw.)
- DM: Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Faster (+1 B Speed)
- User Communication (+1 Strenght)
- Enslavement (Fail, DM X 2)
- DM: Communication X 2 (+2 Stealth)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Soul Circuits X 3 (+3 Stealth, achieved sapience)
- Clones (+2 Strenght)
- Clones (+1 Strenght)
- Clones (+2 Strenght)
- Clone Production X 3 (+3 Strenght)
- Larger Swarms (+1 Strenght)
- Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Better Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Cybermanipulation X 2 (+2 Strenght)
- Soul Cybermanipulation (+1 Strenght)
- Intelligence Cybermanipulation (+1 Stealth)
- Soul-powered Cybermagic (+1 Strenght)
- Mass Absorbtion (+1 Stealth)
- Devourer Feast (+2 Stealth)
- Soul Vampirism (+1 Stealth)
- Devourer Hunt (6/6, +1 Stealth)
- Clones for Feast (+1 Strenght)
- Thrall Army (+1 Strenght)
NPC - Paucipoda Narrenists, “Darren” - HO
- Huge Omnivore
Mutations: Jet Fighters (+1 F Speed), Cybernuke Missiles (+1 Strenght)
DM: Nuke D. Bontopius (5/6)
M. Narrenists have improved their new flying warfare machines even more, creating the quite agile jet fighters and making the up-to-this-point stationary cybernukes able to be carried by especially large missiles. Those were important for Deuses order of nuking the swarmlings, which have been becoming increasingly dangerous lately…
- Speed - 24/15
- Stealth - 18*(1.5) = 27 (29)
- Strenght - 52*(3) = 156 (161) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
- Mistdom has 1/3 chance to miss, -3 Mistdom pop. damage, Deals +5 Damage against the Mw
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Horn (+1 Strenght)
- Spam-eating behaviour (+1 UU)
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- More Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Rear Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Faster Movement (+1 Speed)
- Movement Claws (+1 Walking Speed)
- Gliding Wings (+1 Flying Speed)
- Stronger Jaw Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Better Digging Claws (+1 Stealth)
- Sharper Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- Larger Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Wing Spikes (+1 Strenght)
- Tusks (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Skeleton (+1 Strenght)
- Wrinkly Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Higher Fecundity (+0.5 M/R)
- Population Observarion (EE)
- Immune system (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs needed for parasitic damage)
- Spike Poison (+1 Strenght)
- Slender Body (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Muscles (+1 B Speed)
- More Energy Reserves (+1 B Speed)
- More Coordinated Leg Musculature (+1 W Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Better Respiratory System (+1 B Speed)
- Better Temperature Tolerance (+1 Strenght)
- Better Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Air Sacks (+1 B Speed)
- Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Larger (Medium Size)
- Larger size (Large Size)
- More camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Warning Calls (+0.5 to Stealth Multiplier)
- Larger (Huge Size)
- Sentient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- Simple Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Clothing (+1 Strenght)
- Anti-Mist Camouflage (+1 Stealth, 1/3 chance for mistdom members to miss attack)
- DM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- Anti-Mist Armour (+1 Strenght, -2 Mistdom population damage)
- Spears (+1 Strenght)
- A-M Spears (+1 Strenght, deals +1 damage against the Mw.)
- DM: Anti-Mw Field (-1 Mistdom population damage)
- Better Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Gunpowder (+1 Strenght)
- Medicine (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Hit-and-run (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-mist bullets and Cannons (+2 Strenght, +2 Damage against the Mw.)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Better Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth)
- Larger Cannons (+1 Strenght, +1 damage to the Mw.)
- Improved Bullets (+1 Strenght, +1 Damage to the Mw.)
- Mining Techniques (+1 Strenght)
- New Metal Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- Improved Cannons (+1 Strenght)
- Bunkers (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Military Industry (+1 Strenght)
- Kraterocracy (+1 Strenght)
- Cult of Weapons (+1 Strenght)
- New Firearms (+1 Strenght)
- Bombs (+1 Strenght)
- Better Weapon Production (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Bombs (+1 Strenght)
- Primitive Tanks (+1 Strenght)
- DM: Explosive Rockets (+1 Strenght)
- Better Rockets (+1 Strenght)
- Portable Cannons (+1 Strenght)
- Bombers (+1 Strenght)
- Fighter Planes (+1 Strenght)
- Jet Engines (+1 F Speed)
- Warplanes (+1 F Speed)
- Jet Fighters (+1 F Speed)
- Cybernuke Missiles (+1 Strenght)
Darkblur - Dichorisare Bontopius, “The Swarm” - ID
- Medium Mist-Aligned Omnivore, Controlled by Darkblur
Mutations: More Protection X 2 (-2 Cov pop damage)
DBM: More Protection (-1 Cov pop damage)
D. Bontopius seems to have felt what is soon to come, and have prepared for the worst, as all efforts were put into increasing the protective level this species has against the rather mighty covenant.
Soon after that, a rather impressive amount of nukes were launched in the threads with the highest swarmling population. While a large chunk of the species perished from these blasts, an equal amount remained and would soon try their luck with the wall crabs again… (1/6) …But darkblur, which itself was not seen for a while now, insisted on healing instead of taking on a couple of demigods, and so the ferocious swarmlings didn’t attack the crabs.
- Speed - 23/4
- Stealth - 24*(2) = 48
- Strenght - 38*(2.5) = 95 (Bitter, Dark Death Explosion, Venom-Silk)
- User Usefulness - 2 (3)
(+3 To every statistic calculation when comparing with a covenant member, -7 Covenant population damage)
Distribution: Wilderness
Preys On: Vegetation, Paucipoda Narrenists, F. Spiritusvivi, S. TeaKinges
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
- Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
- Axial Respiratory System
- Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
- Joints (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
- Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
- Compound eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Memory Cortex
- Countershading (+1 Stealth)
- Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Swarm Intelligence (+0.5 to strenght multiplier)
- Hiding Eggs
- Better Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Better Joints (+1 Speed)
- Larger Abdomen (+1 Strenght)
- 2 More Legs (+1 Speed)
- Pheromone Communication (+1 Stealth)
- More Genetic Recombination (+0.5 M/R)
- Claws For Letters (+1 UU)
- Higher Fertility (Extinction Evasion)
- Death Explosion (+1 Strenght)
- Partial Migration to α-FP (Spreads)
- Lower Metabolism (+1 Stealth)
- Scavanging (+1 Strenght)
- Eusociality (+1 Strenght)
- Better Eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Better Circulatory System (+1 Strenght)
- Size Increase (Medium Size)
- Immune System (+1 Strenght, +2 ILs before parasitic damage)
- Longer Legs (+1 Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Backup Royality (+1 Stealth)
- Omnivore Diet (+1 Strenght, Becomes An Omnivore)
- Expand to γ-FP (Spreads)
- Hunt P. Narrenists (+1 Speed)
- Longer Legs (+1 Speed)
- Extra Leg Pair (+1 Speed)
- Ally with The Mist (+1 Strenght)
- Venom (+1 Strenght)
- Sharper Mandibles (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Emergency Tribute
Intermediate BrainBrain Refinement (+1 Stealth)- MM: Offensive Defense (Effects against Mist-attackers)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- Neurotoxin (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Foray Helper (+1 Strenght, Species will ravage the targetted species alongside TM)
- MM: Cyberspace Fighters (+1 Strenght, can attack cyberspacial entities)
- Better Heart (+1 Strenght)
- Parasite Egg (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Cyberspace Warriors (+1 Strenght)
- Advanced Brain (+1 Stealth)
*MM: Dualism (+1 Stealth) - More Offspring (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 Speed)
- MM: Faster Muscles (+1 Speed)
- Better Vessels (+1 Strenght)
- Wings (+1 F Speed)
*MM: Quicker Muscles (+1 W Speed) - Sapient Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Better Wing Muscles (+1 F Speed)
- Larger Lungs (+1 W Speed)
- MM: Loyality (+1 Stealth)
- Aggresion Pheromones (+1 Strenght, Statistic adding upgraded)
- Anti-Covenant Venom (+1 Strenght, Statistic adding upgraded)
- Fire (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Speed (+1 W Speed)
- Cyberspace Influence (+1 Stealth)
- More Oxygen Efficient (+1 B Speed)
- Basic Tools (+1 Strenght)
- Language (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Faster (+1 W Speed)
- New Legs (+1 W Speed)
- Metal Tools (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Faster (+1 B Speed)
- Pyrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Alphabet (+1 Stealth)
- Anti-Ambush Sense (+1 Stealth, -1 Covenant Population damage)
- Remote Cursors (+1 Strenght)
- MM: More Shelter-Building (-1 Covenant Population damage)
- Fire Shield (+1 Strenght)
- Word Farming (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Dark Flame (+1 Strenght)
- Antilight (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Pyrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Unseen Movement (+1 Stealth)
- Better Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Vampirism (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Autonomy (+1 Stealth)
- DBM: Darksoul (+1 B Speed)
- Ferocity + Blurry Speed (Hunts Available Species EVERY ROUND)
- Better Anti-Covenant Protection (-1 Covenant Population Damage).
- DBM: Dark Death Explosion (+1 Strenght)
- More Protection X 2 (-2 Cov pop damage)
- DBM: More Protection (-1 Cov pop damage)
@fralegend015 - Fabuloid Spiritusvivi, “Archmage” - HO
- Small Omnivore
Mutations: Machine Souls (+1 Strenght), Phylactery (+1 Strenght)
Deus was invested in making the machines of the covenant more automated this month, designing and creating the machine souls, pretty literaly souls used to make the machines more alive, automated, controlled. To make the link between the soul and the metal stabler, special cores were created too and installed on all the machines the covenant wanted.
- Speed - 18
- Stealth - 21*(2.5) = 52.5 (54.5)
- Strenght - 29*(1.5) = 43.5 (48.5) (Venom)
- User Usefulness - 1 (2)
- -2 Mistdom attack damage, 1/3 chance to miss
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: D. Bontopius
Mutation History
- Respiratory System
- Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
- Grinding Teeth
- Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)
- Camouflage (+1 Stealth)
- Jumping Limbs (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Omnivorous Diet
- Digging Limbs (+1 Stealth)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Venom Glands (+1 Strenght)
- Sharp Teeth (+1 Strenght)
- Sound Antennae (+1 Stealth)
- Extra Muscle Speed (+1 Speed)
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Spiky Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Simple brain
- Stronger Digging Limbs (+1 Strenght)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Tunnel Digging (+1 Stealth)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- More Speed (+1 Speed)
- Harder Skin (+1 Strenght)
- Epigenetic Manipulation (+0.5 M/R)
- Better Vascular System
- Better Respiratory System (+1 Speed)
- Limbs Location Change (+1 Speed)
- Intermediate Brain (+1 Stealth)
- Cybercognition (+1 Stealth)
- Autokinesis (+1 Speed)
- Netpulmonation (+1 Speed)
- Cybercordis (+1 Strenght)
- Cyber-Soul (+1 Stealth)
- Telekinesis (+1 Strenght)
- UIthurgy (+1 UU)
- Spiritual Retention (+1 Stealth)
- Hyperportal Creation (+1 Speed)
- Telepathy (+1 Stealth)
- Poltergeist (+1 Stealth)
- Compound Spirituality (+1 Stealth)
- Stronger Autokinesis (+1 Speed)
- Pneuma (+1 Strenght)
- Genesis (EE)
- Suggestion (+1 UU to all other species)
- Mist Distribution (+1 Strenght, If this species is attacked by The Mist, all other ones will also feel the effects)
- Spirit Tendrils (+1 Strenght)
- Metempsychosis (+1 Stealth)
- Specialized Thinking Circuits (+1 Stealth)
- Tendril Highways (+1 Speed)
- Compounding (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Cybersphere Specialization (+1 Strenght)
- Deus (+1 Strenght)
- Deus-to-Living Connection (+1 Stealth)
- Unseen Travel (+1 Speed)
- Cyber Immune System (+1 Strenght)
- Revive D. Cogitandi
- Covenant Alliance
- Speed (+1 Speed)
- Mistdom Disruption Virus (When a Fief breaks off from The Mistdom, it instantly joins The Covenant and loses no conservation points)
- Anti-mistworm Defense (-1 Mistworm Action damage to all Covenant members)
- Hyperuranio (+1 Stealth to all Covenant members)
- Anti-Mist Walls (1/4 Chance for a Mist Action/Mutation to fail, 1/3 for the undead)
- Gene Modifications (Can Modify Covenant Members)
- Better Anti-Mistdom Protection (+1 Strenght, -2 Mistdom attack damage)
- Study the Cyberspace (+1 Stealth)
- Cyberspace Architecture Study (+1 Stealth)
- The Barrier (1/3 chance for the mistdom to miss attacks)
- Pseudo-Cursor (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Hunters (+1 Strenght)
- Regular Layer Deus (+1 Strenght)
- Regular Layer Injection (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Hunter Upgrade (+1 Strenght)
- Energy Nodes (+1 Strenght)
- Machine Souls (+1 Strenght)
- Phylactery (+1 Strenght)
@willow - Cancrorum Venenatorum, “Venomous Wall Crab” - HO
- Small Herbivore + Parasite
Mutations: Avatars (+1 Strenght), Vengeance (Attacks when attacked, but loses 1 Conservation Point)
DM: Ark Program Check
C. Venenatorum had it’s newly-arisen gods become capable of casting avatars, which are essentially bodies for these gods. Not just that, the gods now double in their total power if the wall crabs as a species get attacked, and become hyperfixated on eliminating whatever attacked their worshippers, fighting until it or the god dies.
Deus made this species ask around the users if the ark program launched a couple months ago succeeded or not. While the responses were mixed, some users reported that certain other forums were experiencing an infestion of Limagriseus-like organisms, but for some reason when images of there critters were sent to the prosper forum, they couldn’t be seen on the screenshots…
- Speed - 23/13
- Stealth - 28*(2.5) = 70 (72)
- Strenght - 39/40*(2) = 78/80 (83/85) (Bitter, Spicy)
- User Usefulness - 0 (1)
- 1/3 chance for the mistdom to miss, -3 mistdom population damage, +1 damage against the Md, Revenge
Distribution: Wilderness, A-M Area 1
Preys On (+Parasite): Vegetation
Predated By: N/A
Mutation History
- Segmentation
- Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
- Axial Respiratory System
- Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
- Joints (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
- Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
- Compound eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Memory Cortex
- Countershading (+1 Stealth)
- Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Closed Circulatory System
- K-type Reproduction
- Midsection Duplication (+1 Speed)
- Setae (+1 Stealth)
- Acid-Resistant Eggs
- 12 Legs (+1 Speed)
- RNA Editing (Extinction Evasion)
- Rotator Leg Joint (+1 Speed)
- Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Castes (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Ameboid Larva Cells (+1 Strenght)
- Possesion (+1 Strenght)
- More and more plastic neurons (+1 Stealth)
- UV equivalent usage (+1 Stealth)
- Gamete dismantling (+1 Strenght)
- Feature Theft (+0.5 M/R)
- Spicy (+1 Strenght)
- Cyberwater (+1 Strenght)
- Spiciness Plates (+1 Strenght)
- Better Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- Leg Bones (+1 W Speed)
- Better Hydrokinesis (+1 F Speed)
- Better Against Cybermagic (+1 Strenght / +2 Strenght against species with cybermagic)
- Mind Tendril Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Steal Photosynthesis (+1 Strenght)
- Free Larva Improvements (+1 B Speed)
- Ally with The Mist (+1 Strenght)
- Water Storage (+1 Strenght)
- Respiratory Wings (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Emergency Tribute
- Sacrifice Caste (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Spiritual Infiltration
- Mutations: Souls (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Fusion (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Spiritual Parasitism (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Energy Draw (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infiltration (+1 Stealth)
- Soul Energy Gathering (+1 Stealth)
- Energy Linker Cell (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infection (+1 Strenght)
- Undo The Mist’s attempts of harming Deus (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Better Connections (+1 Stealth)
- Secret Colony Network (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Permeability (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- False Allies (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Tendril Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Better Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Report Weakness (Switched Alliance)
- Mutation Bending (Can Change Other Species Mutations)
- DM: Better Soul Circuits (+1 Stealth, +0.5 Brain Tier)
- Secret Reorganization (+1 Stealth)
- Soul Computer Upgrade (+1 Stealth, Tier-2.5 Brain)
- Anti-Mist (+1 Strenght to all Covenant Members)
- DM: Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Mutavenom Form (+1 Strenght, 1/3 chance for mistdom attacks to miss)
- Stronger Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Barrier (+1 Strenght, -1 Mistdom population damage)
- DM: Injector Upgrade (Injector twice as efficient)
- Selling the Soul (+1 Strenght)
- Selling the Body (+1 Stealth)
- Material Conversion (+1 Stealth)
- Chatrooms (+1 Stealth)
- Vaporization (+1 Strenght)
- Time Dilation (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Cursor Presets (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Ascension (+1 Strenght)
- True Possession (+1 Strenght)
- Truesight (+1 Stealth)
- Improved Truesight Range (+1 Stealth)
- Better Proto-Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- DM: Better Mistdom Protection (-1 mistdom population damage)
- Better Proto-Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- Anti-Mistdom fluid (+1 B Speed, -1 Mistdom population damage)
- Energy Collectors (+1 Strenght)
- Air Pumps (+1 B Speed)
- Faster Brain (+1 F Speed)
- Truesight Supremacy (+1 Stealth)
- DM: Stronger anti-mistdom fluid (+1 damage against the mistdom)
- Soul Transfer (+1 Strenght)
- Water God (+1 Strenght)
- Belief (+1 Strenght)
- Avatars (+1 Strenght)
- Vengeance (Attacks when attacked, but loses 1 Conservation Point)
Wilderness - All Species
A-M Area 1 - All Species BUT D. Bontopius
ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS (from most friendly to most hostile):
- RC (Research Community)
- MwTC (Mistworm Termination Council)
- “THE MISTDOM” - The Mistorb, Dichorisare Bontopius, Converted Users, Darkblur
- “THE COVENANT”- F. Spiritusvivi, Deus, M. Cat-Bestiae, S. TeaKinges, P. Narrenists, C. Venenatorum, Nd. Cogitandi, The Upgrading Anti-Mistworm (New upgrade at ROUND 48), (Most Of) The Users, The Injector (+ Regular Layer Injector), The (Replenishing) Hunter Cursors, Cybernukes, Checkpoints, Devourer, Water-God, Other Minor Gods
Early Period → Intermediate Period → Pax Multipoda → Intelligence Rise → CHAOS AGE (present)
- Beginning of metal-organic fusion - the real glorious evolution begins now.
- Efficiency in the energy consumption of the species to survive longer without food
Are you aiming to eventually become a “GE Metal lifeform”?
- Order the thralls to capture the Swarm to feed to the Devourer
- Get a few Wall Crabs to worship the Devour in a cult, turning it into a (very) minor god
- Use the plants of the forum to fuel the Devourer
I think the mass population consumption already caused it to become qute a significant god, rivaling the water god and Deus…
Yeah, but not with the powers of Avatars etc
I mean minor as in the power from worship, not the power it consumed
Shouldn’t devourer already be a physical being through?