THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Christmas is over. Just to let you know, and prevent blackjacksike from becoming ultimate misc thread king.


What thread topics are the most locked? (Is there a way to check this)

  • Underwater Civilization
  • Political

0 voters

That’s the most difficult choice so far! I can’t pick just one!

It’s sad what’s happening in Australia, about 1 billion animals were killed because of the fires.

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I live in newzealand. And the sky literally turned red/orange. It was pretty damn terrifying

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WW 3 is also about to happen, because of That Pesky Capitalist TRUMPET!

Ah the old ‘start a war to distract the population from me being a bad leader’ card. A classic throughout history. Definitely not gonna work this time though.

For all users living in Australia, including you @QuantumCrab, are you alright? I hope you’re fine.

We don’t know if it’s another WW. I hope it won’t be, but Trump is not the only one to blame. Russia and China are also responsible in interfering into US elections. When this is all done, they will not get away with it so easily.

I think both of them exactly knew what was going to happen afterwards, such as this kind of event.


no misc king for You!

He says after liking my comment.


thou shant get misc king!

5 hours of being a ruler is too much for you, you should only get one second.

Can we get back to our regularly scheduled misc thread programming?

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This is why I always tried to take down any attempt at misc king early on.

the misc king thing was mainly to revive the thread so i think it worked.
anyways let’s talk about something random.

random random random random. also misc king goes to me. :crown:

Stop. Please. Only converse if you have something to converse about. Use the shout box if you want to be the king of something.


Yes, we have standards here in the misc thread.

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Kay. Also what is the next update going to be. I would like to see the planet generator implemented.

you can see some talk on certain stuff they may or may not plan on implementing in the next update.