THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

You know what my most wanted feature is for thrive? The full game.

My Dragon Toaster is born! Iā€™ll re-edit the post.

Hey, it can download games at a rate of 9.0 MB/s! Itā€™s three times better than my old computer! Oh no, I noticed some scammers on Steam trying to add me! I just installed the basic software for my pc. Oh no, the Steam download rate dropped to 2.6 MB/s! Belgium! Iā€™m so sorry for you @QuantumCrab! Why is my Steam download rate so slow!!! Ah, I now have more games! But some are to be downloaded since the download rate is slow right now. Crap, I was playing TF2 and a toxic player was harassing me and accusing me of being a hacker. He really was irritating. I tried recording Saints Row 1 on Xenia with Shadowplay, but it didnā€™t record the sound. Screw Saints Row 1; Iā€™ll wait for a remastered and now Iā€™m playing Saints Row 2 on Steam. Ewwwwwwww! Their voices are ugly! They sound like they were recorded by robots! Haha most games are now downloaded. Just 3 more games remaining. Half-Life 3 confirmed.

I just realized that i can now rename and recategorize threads and that if i advance again then i can lock threads!!! MwahahhahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


This is indeed a hot crab.

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Crap, I still canā€™t emulate Saints Row 1 properly on Xenia (the emulator, not Onatopp you James Bond fan). The FPS is low despite my brand new GTX 1660. The audio is now out-of-sync and I still canā€™t go to the Options Menu if Iā€™m still at the startup menu. This is really sad because there is no PC port for this game and I donā€™t want to buy an Xbox One to emulate it. I also want to record the gameplay, but I donā€™t want to spend on capture cards, which is why I want to do it on PC.


blackjacksike.exe stopped working

The Startup Menu runs at more than 60 FPS, but the game itself runs at 15. Holy Belgium!

I think the problem is the emulator youā€™re using rather than the pc. I remember seeing a tutorial for an emulator that had really bad fps.

There is only one Xbox 360 emulator on PC, and itā€™s Xenia.

who has the longest read time?

  • me
  • someone else (tell me who)

0 voters

Just check the profile rankings if you want to know.

so far no one has a read time longer than me, but just to be sure i made that poll

Why is there no milestone yet?

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What milestone are you talking about?

github milestone I think.

Itā€™s still uncertain what is going to actually get done and with what kind of schedule.
Next release might end up being the new graphics engine and whatever random other stuff got done by the time it was ready.


Iā€™m taking about O.4.4 milestone.

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The librarian of library of Alexandria


good one, but iā€™m talking about the forum.

Itā€™s cheating to have accrued more read time than I have in total, in the past six months.


I heard that President of Russia will have even more power. Geez.

EDIT: The Russian Constitution will be changed.