THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

He replied to two different people, that’s why the double post.

quoting is a thing, so its still pointless

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Maybe he wanted to be sure that they would be notified, or something.
Zrzut ekranu 2022-08-16 o 19.23.54
We’re over 9000 replies.

Quoting causes notifications, I think. Or if you want to be really sure you can @-mention users.

Though I usually let double posting slide if someone is replying to two different users, it’s at least not as bad as double posting normally.

Wow. Less than 1000 posts left for the 10 000th post.

I don’t know about you, but my current life goal is to get the [Bbcode Magic thing] 10000th post [/More Bbcode Magic thing]

you will have to fight me for it

On another note, where is tjwhale’s goodbye? i thought they made one but i dont see it here or on the dev forums

It may have just been on the dev discord. At least I remember that tjwhale told us developers about leaving.

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Disturbance and Blorb why not


What would you say is the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen in thrive (or on the forums)

Sometimes I like to make a creature that literally eats everything that moves, the problem with this is that nobody lets me kill the other cells, because a battalion of 2004884 cells appears trying to eat the cell I’m chasing

When Blorb said


I felt that

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Now, I can’t necro those threads in the future. rip

Muhahaha, I’ve pre-emptively closed all the introduction threads that were created before the auto-closing option was enabled for that category.


Finally finished reading all of those intro threads to get rid of the blue unread post things. That took forever.

Never ending blue dots

This event shall be known to recorded history as “The Great Introduction Extermination”

i nide more flegelams



That’s right, 2 days ago I signed a deal with BBC and 3 months from now my hit show, Zen, will be released to the public.

Of course I also will be sending it back in time to 2011, so that you all can watch it right now!

It only has 3 episodes so far but I’m sure more will be released.

All of the events of the show are canonical to the Detective Zen universe.

Will there be MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE?!?!?!?

I have access to DALL·E 2 now:

(A capybara doing homework, digital art)