THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

You missed our typical chaotic discussions. Just remember, nothing has happened on March 9, 2023.

I don’t think that happen mostly since not much has changed with Minecraft in like years
 I think Minecraft will be fine

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March 9th? This date doesn’t exist.
Stop speaking of it, it doesn’t exist, the calendar goes from March 8th to March 10th.
There are 364 days in a year, 365 if it’s a leap year.

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Let’s digress from this to tell a strange story that happened to me yesterday:
I took a repeat test in genetics and during the selection of the questions, I came across one question that was like this:
What is maternal influence? This is a question written by ChatGPT.

When I read this, I do not understand why and why someone really did this and added to an official university test such a question.
This was a very easy but delicate question.
It’s slowly going to take over everything

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I think you got a tad bit confused. There is March 9, just not this year. Nothing has happened on March 9, 2023. There never was a March 9, 2023.

No, you are confused. March 9th doesn’t exist. It is a made up thing.

Ahh, those parallel universes are messing things up again! :rage: :rage: :rage:

Maybe in some odd universe on the distant stretches of reality there exists a March 9th, but this is undoubtedly also a universe where the Axis powers won WW2 and subsequentially WW3, and where the Black Death is still ongoing, and of course where Jimmy Kimmel is president of the United States.

Oh, did Lipovomit talk about his weird kink?

What are y-[ERROR] talkin-[ERROR] [ERROR] [ERROR]


Reboot complete

Hello, @RoboRomb

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I fully agree with this statement.

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Do you want to know a secret? As a moderator I can see the one hidden post there (it was deleted by the original author of the post to presumably avoid double posting).

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This is proof that we can’t decrease the number of posts in a thread, it doesn’t matter how many of our posts we delete.

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But didn’t the thread get locked at higher than 10000 posts thanks to the deleted posts?

System was just being lazy

What? Oh wait, you mean that discussion

We will see about that in 2030
 or whatever year Microsoft tries to delete the Java Edition.

Ah now, we won’t able to speak about what happened on March 13th!

Oh, that’s why there are over 10’200 posts!

I don’t understand what you’re talking about.

What discussion? There were so many different discussions!
Edit: Ahh, you mean that one? We don’t speak about it. It never happened.

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