THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Does Valve count as luxury?

Valve would support BMI stuff on it’s platforms and games (if they make any) but by luxury market I mean 10,000 dollar limited edition stuff that gets no use because it has like ten games that have BMI content or controls.
Edit: BMI is another acronym for BCI, it stands for brain machine interface. Also, this is my own opinion and quite likely wrong.

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this place is awesome! i found out about it because of Oliver lugg


Congratulations to Deus, who is now part of the dev team as a designer!

Search Results for "Fireworks Animated Gif" - Calendar 2015


Much appreciated; I’m still a community member at the end of the day. Let’s see you on the team soon with amazing programming skills!

Also, they don’t want me to tell you this, but there actually is a fully developed underwater-civ mode already done and fully programmed(sarcasm if anyone can’t tell). They just don’t let anyone tell you guys because otherwise they’ll -




8150 THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread - #8362 by sci0927

now i fell the boom in new people here.
its fell weird


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He knows too much, terminate him.

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Just wondering real quick, for a project I’m making a dragon evolutionary tree and was wondering how plausible the multiple heads things is to be as a passed down trait? I’ve seen it occur for example in snakes or mice, but idk if it is an actual trait or a case of conjoined twins (like the four legged chicken) and as such couldn’t be passed down?

pretty sure this is the case.

Any creature with two heads has a high likelihood of dying
Also its almost always a case of conjoined twins

snake twins will usually try to eat eachother after they’ve eaten because they can still smell food on the other head, this is true wt :belgium:
they also tend to try to go to different hidding places whenever they sense danger, stopping them from going anywhere, really conjoined snakes can only survive in containment.
interesting fact though they tend to have two different sets of organs… i think…

What would you guys think about true 3D for the Microbe Stage?

  • The environment & the cell could become 3D, but it would still be a topdown view.
  • The environment & the cell could become 3D, and the mechanics could change to a third person view.
  • The game is fine as it is, even though the cell’s membrane will become 3D soon.

0 voters

The multicellular, awakening, and industrial stages are considered the “transitions.” Shouldn’t that mean time speeds up between them? As in, each size increase in the multicellular stage, less and less time passes according to the timeline. I think it would also let the progress in awakening be more natural, as technological evolution slowly outpaces biological.

I swear I was only away for one week.
(note: I muted the Forum Games)

A lot of posting happened all at once.

The amount of new threads recently is insane. It is good to see more activity though

also alot more new people here.
i dont know if it a good thing for the game, or bad thing for the small forum

Too many messages on threads for me to read most days, but that’s just me