The Thrive Odyssey

We’re ready!

No, I need @Pentaphon to answer my question first.

Ah yes, it’s true! I forgot!

We’re not pready yet!

Yeah yeah, @Pentaphon, what was the boring plant all about? haha

I was referring to agriculture.

We’re ready player one!


Honestly it’s a little late where I am so I’ll skip the story this time. I hope you don’t mind.

Volume 2: Diffusion
Round 43 - 8,000 Years ago


Leader: Tekis

Actions: [Global] Medicine
Result: 11/20
While they failed to find any good herbs last time, after more thorough research, your tribe found a new herb that only grows in a valley that was previously unexplored. This plant has medicinal properties to treat stomach aches and fevers, so your people can now live longer, raising your population.

Villages: 1 (Tyre [Capital])
Region:Southern Lebanon, Asia (Middle East)
Stability: Strong 5

Population: 54
Jobs: N/A
Status: Sedentary Agricultural Village

Type: Bard (Thanks to your entertainment, you get a bonus to diplomacy and trade with other nations)


Tools: Basic (Wood, Bone), Raft
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow), Trident
Structures: Mud hut
Domestic: Goats
Other: Fishing, Agriculture, Pottery, Religion, Medicine


Deity: the Four Primordial Elements
Beliefs: They must be entertained through singing and dancing.


Reputation: Good 2
Shared Technology: Goat domestication, Rafts


Leader: Tiresias

Actions: [Global] Agriculture
Result: 18/20 +2 = 20/20!
Your cattle were running out of fields to graze in, so you knew you had to find a more permanent solution. Your tribe thought hard and experimented and discovered the regrowth of plants from their seeds. And so, agriculture was born and you produced more food for the cattle, which raised your population, and for you, which also raised your population.

Villages: 1 (Apolonia [Capital])
Region: Coast of Epirus, Greece
Stability: Strong 5

Population: 47
Jobs: N/A
Status: Hunter-gatherer tribe

Type: Outcast (Because of your peculiar nation’s practices, others tend to stay away from you, giving lower initial reputation. On the upside, this gives you a bonus to technology development and you are harder to spy on)


Tools: Copper Age
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow), Primitive protection (Targe)
Structures: Portable Tents
Domestic: Cattle
Other: Oven, Copper, Agriculture


Leader: Arthur of Londinium

Actions: [25] Furnace upgrade, [16] Fishing
Result: 17/20 -3 = 14/20, 20/20! -5 = 15/20
You were already amazed with being able to bend rocks to your own will, so you wanted to improve your ovens so that they could be even more proficient, reaching even higher temperatures and melting stronger metals. You achieved this by building the forge surrounded by a wall of mud, so that the heat can remain trapped in the fire and heat up even longer. Combined with the airbag, this should be sufficient to melt even iron!

You spotted fish along the Thames river sometimes, wondering if they were edible. Then, one of your tribemates speared one and cooked it. They are edible and very nutritious, so you set up a fishing spot for your men to go spear fishing. Fishing being a new source of food, you get to raise your population.

Also, you were visited by the trading nation of Laestrygon. These people came with exotic wares and new ideas. You shared the secrets of airbag ovens and bronze metallurgy in exchange of sailing technology, which grants you +2 for sailing actions. The new goods also raised your population.

Villages: 1 (Londinium [Capital])
Region: British Isles, Europe
Stability: Sturdy 4

Population: 54
Jobs: N/A
Status: Sedentary Agricultural village

Type: Diplomat (Thanks to your smooth-talking skills, you know how to convince people that you are nice, giving you a bonus to negotiations and initial reputation. You also start with extra population)


Tools: Basic (Wood, Bone), Sailing [+2]
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow)
Structures: Stone houses
Other: Agriculture, Oven, Bronze, Fishing


Reputation: Good 2
Shared technology: Oven, Bronze, Sailing [+2]


Leader: Orko

Actions: [25 (Trader)] Trade, [50] Build Farms (You had leftover population since assigning jobs is free)
Result: 18/20 -6 +3 +3 +2 = 20/20!, 17/20 -3 = 14/20
It was time for another trade excursion and this time, your traders decided to head over to the islands North of Laestrygon, where they come across the Britannians. They discuss various topics, one of which being upgraded ovens, which they explain they use to melt metal, such as copper and bronze. You tell them how to make sailboats in exchange and you both trade lots of goods. When they came back, your traders shared new ovens, bronzesmithing and food, which raised your population.

You put your newfound knowledge of the plants to use and manage some fields you use to farm. This raises your population.

Villages: 1 (Laestrygon [Capital])
Region: Normandy, France
Stability: Strong 5

Population: 95
Jobs: Fisherman [20], Goatherd [25], Trader [25], Healer [1], Farmer [4]
Status: Hunter-gatherer tribe

Type: Trader (All that time working with the ground has made you accumulate an abundance of resources you know others want, granting you a bonus in trading and initial population)


Tools: Basic (Wood, Bone), Sailboat[+2], Nets, Stargazing [+2], Herbal Medicine
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow)
Structures: Portable Tents
Domestic: Goats
Other: Fishing, Trapping, Division of Labour, Agriculture, Oven, Bronze


Reputation: Good 2
Shared Technology: Goat domestication, Rafts


Reputation: Good 2
Shared Technology: Fishing, Trapping, Sailboat


Reputation: Great 3
Shared Technology: Goat Domestication, Agriculture


Reputation: Good 2
Shared technology: Oven, Bronze, Sailboat [+2]


Leader: Barando

Actions: [Global] Domesticate rhinos, [Global] Metallurgy
Result: 14/20, 7/20
Although a quick Google search suggests rhinos cannot be tamed to be ridden as war mounts like elephants, since this vote succeeded and this is fictional, we can assume these are different circumstances (Although you are free to change it to elephants if you want). Rhinos were very territorial creatures, charging at people that disrupted them with their sharp horns. This destructive potential was of great interest to the warmongering Bananarama, who saw the rhino as the perfect siege mount to break down walls and mow down buildings. Taming them took lots of time, coaxing and broken legs, but it was all worth it, as the tribe had successfully trained rhinoceroses to be ridden.

Your tribe took great interest in trying to work stones and even melting them if they could, but their fires were not powerful enough.

Villages: 2 (Musa Saientum Fixa [Capital], LOSERVILLE)
Region: Nile banks, Egypt
Stability: Strong 5

Population: 55
Jobs: Soldier [6]
Status: Sedentary Agricultural village

Type: Zealot (You know your faith is the right one, and you want everyone to believe in it, whether by will or at gunpoint. This grants you a bonus in combat and religion but a malus in initial reputation, as people feel intimidated by your warmongering)


Tools: Standard (Stone, Flint)
Weapons: Standard Melee (Spear [Flint, Stone], Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow)
Structures: Mud Hut
Domestic: Rhinoceros
Other: Agriculture, Fishing


Reputation: Chilly -1


Leader: Evolution4Weak

Action: [Global] Government
Result: 13/20
Your village grows bigger by the day, and day-to-day life is becoming harder to managed with only a chief to guide the village. That is why you came up with a form of government that prioritises efficiency and management. People who are deemed more useful are more important, so a hierarchy is soon formed: Leader, Producers (Farmers, Fishers), Scholars, Secondary Producers (None currently), Labourers. This hierarchy helps to manage people and make better decisions by splitting the whole village into manageable sections, so this give a +2 to technology development.

Villages: 1 (Acirema [Capital])
Region: Portugal, Europe
Stability: Sturdy 4

Population: 60
Jobs: N/A
Status: Sedentary Agricultural Village

Type: Scout (You know the land like the back of your hands, which comes with the perk of a bonus in spying and exploration)


Tools: Basic (Wood, Bone), Net, Sailboat[+2]
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow)
Structures: Log Cabin, Farms
Other: Fishing, Trapping, Agriculture, Government (Hierarchy) [+2]


Reputation: Good 2
Shared Technology: Sailboat, Net, Trapping, Fishing


Leader: Montezuma

Actions: [Global] Writing
Result: 16/20 +2 = 18/20
As the village increases in size and more and more people take residence, it becomes increasingly hard to manage everything from memory. Plus, if the bearer of the knowledge died without transmitting it, that knowledge died with him. That is why Montezuma and his fellow villagers thought of ways they could remember long after they’re gone. Something ageless, like a stone. A stone, of course! They devised a system of symbols that match a sound and made words from those letters using their vocabulary, and before long, they had their very own writing system! This system is very efficient for keeping knowledge and transmitting it, so it gives a +2 to technology development.

Villages: 1 (Tenochtitlán [Capital])
Region: Mexican Valley, Mexico
Stability: Sturdy 4

Population: 52
Jobs: N/A
Status: Hunter-gatherer tribe

Type: Shaman (You are devoted to helping others while pondering about the mysteries of the Cosmos. This grants you a bonus in technological research and initial reputation)


Tools: Basic (Wood, Bone)
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Basic Ranged (Shortbow)
Structures: Portable Tents, Farms
Domestic: Honeybee
Other: Agriculture, Writing [+2]


Name: Tonatiu
Deity: Sun, Rain and Agriculture
Beliefs: Sacrifices are necessary to keep the world going, all life is equally important except for the Sun, the Rain and Agriculture, death means eternal respite for the dead.


Leader: Kada Khan

Actions: [21] Claim Yiglas, [19] Metallurgy
Result: 20/20! -4 = 16/20, 20/20! -5 = 15/20 (What are the odds, 2 20s in a row!)
After one final push, you make the Yiglas surrender their village to you and let you absorb them. Many decide to leave, but 15 decide to stay. You also gain access to elk riding, which is more suited to the snowy tundra than horse riding. You now get two global actions. You can name the new village.

Your weapons could use an upgrade, but there’s nothing but stones around, at least, that’s what you think. After tinkering around, you make stronger fires by covering them with a wall of dried mud, which traps the heat, making hotter fires. The fires were so hot that they melted those stones around you, which you can now cast in whatever you want. You have oven technology and can make copper items.

Tribes: 1 (Kherzit [Capital], New Village)
Region: Mongolia
Stability: Stable 3

Population: 39
Jobs: Chariot Archer (10)
Status: Hunter-gatherer tribe

Type: Religious (Your faith is strong and no one can tell you otherwise! You have a bonus in religion and technology research)


Tools: Standard (Stone, Flint), Wheel
Weapons: Basic Melee (Spear, Club), Standard (Longbow[Arrows: Flint, Flaming])
Structures: Portable Tents
Domestic: Horses, Sheep
Other: Riding, Religion, Chariot, Oven, Copper


Deity: Yargoyin
Beliefs: Yargoyin needs sacrifices (animal or human) or the animals of the steppe will slow and die.


Reputation: Ally 5 (Up for claiming)

@blackjacksike @Mr.Pigeon @Pentaphon @TeaKing @Evolution4Weak @zenzonegaming @OoferDoofer @yp364

I’m thinking of removing the story tab because I feel like it adds nothing. Do you guys want to keep it?


I like the story tab but if you want to remove it i am fine with it
[30] Action: Now we have a proper government, it time for the people to specialize with division of labor
[30] Action 2: Research Pottery For Art And Food Preservation

I also like the story tab, but if you want to remove it I won’t mind.
Action: [30] Upgrade the portable tents into adobe houses; [22] Construct more honeybee-farms

action: develop a religion (potassism).
action 2: develop writing.
if i already have a religion (which i should) then build a temple for it as my first action.

For the story tab, I like it, I don’t want it gone, but if you want to you can remove it.

[27] division of labor
[27] use of currency

You forgot to change my population. I will name the village Akkalat.

Global action: improve forges
Global action: Improve weapons

Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot a lot of stuff this round, but I’ll correct it all next round.

Comments & Questions

  1. I don’t mind having the story tab removed, but it’d be nice to keep it. It gives an ambience.
  2. If you need help @OmnipotentFNarr, tell us. I’d be glad to help.
  3. Can we use individual actions to make sure our first action works?

My actions

  • 27 Britons research on iron metallurgy & blacksmithing.
  • 27 Britons research will research on iron metallurgy & blacksmithing IF the first group fails to do so.

NEW Jobs

  • Metalworker (both blacksmith & metallurgist for the sake of simplicity)
  • Fisherman
  • Farmer (husbandry & agriculture, according to Wikipedia)
  • Hunter
  • Philosopher (researcher, helps in discovering new technologies or science)
  • Unassigned (people who don’t have a job yet)
Note: this is only for me to remember which jobs and labour divisions I’ll assign later. It’s not an action.

Wouldn’t it be easier if you use global action for researches? Because if I understood right assigning people doing something gives -X, while global actions don’t have that

A research is an action, and you can only use a global action for each village you own, where as if you split it up, you could have more.

Research: discover armor

1 more healer, 4 more farmers, 5 people each to the rest.

Action: Fishermen work on sod houses, a healer goes with the traders on an expedition to the far south, the goatherds develop cheese, and the farmers work on fertilization.

@OmnipotentFNarr next round?

Need I remind you of this?

jk take your time.