Special Containment Procedures: The (4) currently sustained instances of SCP-8610-2 are to be kept in a standard medical isolation facility near Site ██ and fed through a nasogastic tube, D-class personnel are to be employed in order to give daily care to them. Any personnel coming in contact with SCP-8160-2 must wear biohazard protective gear and must follow decontamination procedures before exiting the facility.
SCP-8610 samples are to be stored in biohazard containers on Site ██ and can only be handled with the approval of a Class-4 personnel or above.
Description: SCP-8160 is an highly infectous airborne virus which causes any infected individuals to enter a comatose state, infected individuals are designated as SCP-8610-2. SCP-8610-2 exhibit unusually high brain activity for comatose individuals, further studies have shown that the brain activity of SCP-8610-2 instances seem to be connected to each other in some capacity.
There are only 2 known cases of successful recovery from SCP-8610, for further information see incident report 86103317.
Incident report 86103317
On █/█/████ SCP-8610 breached containment due to [REDACTED]. During the containment breach the researchers Dr ████, Dr ██████, Dr ███████, Dr ████████, Dr Zenn and Dr Nigel Nova have been infected before foundation personnel managed to successfully evacuate Site ██. After 18 hours the 6 instances of SCP-8610-2 had been successfully extracted from Site ██ and placed in isolation in order to prevent further infections while Site ██ was being disinfected from any remaining instances of SCP-8610.
The decision for long term support of the instances of SCP-8610-2 generated during the containment breach had been approved on grounds of their status as Foundation employees and possible research in long term symptoms caused by SCP-8610.
On ██/█/████, 132 days after the containment breach, Dr Zenn and Dr Nigel Nova had awoken from their comatose state; after a period of quarantine and extended medical analysis, they have been cleared to continue working at the Foundation.
Addendum 1: An interview with Dr Zenn revealed that while in the comatose state he dreamed that SCP-8610 caused people to turn into cat girls, a subsequent interview with Dr Nigel Nova revealed the same information, suggesting that SCP-8610-2 instances enter a collective dream.
Addendum 2: After a request for a promotion, Dr Zenn has been assigned as an overviewer for SCP-8610. He also requested to meet with senior researcher fralegend015, but no records of an individual called “fralegend015” exists in Foundation archives.
(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
Everything was an dream theory?
What now? All of us died and we’re living in hell theory or the seven meowdly sins?
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I wonder what happened to @blackjacksike’s SCP-8610 page prototype…
(she/her or you will be known only in history books)
how dare you steal my shonk.
if everything is a dream, my sleep schedule in real life is significantly worse than in this dream (since i only sleep 4-6 hours a night somehow, which means there’s either some timey wimey bullgiumery going on, or that’s how long i’m awake a day IRL), unless we’re able to dream while awake, or i’m in some kind of coma. or it could be that i only dream while awake which would be weird, but would simultaneously make no sense and a lot of sense
i’ll set up a thing to test if we can all feel pain, since most people can’t feel pain from what happens in their dream while they’re dreaming. though, maybe i could see what people who don’t know about planets outside our solar system think the exoplanets look like…
though, i feel like it’s more likely that this
leaked over from another reality, based on whose account it was posted by, and that the second addendum says there’s nobody by that alias
Or maybe I too am a result of your anomalous coma, how would you know otherwise?
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(she/her or you will be known only in history books)
if you’re a result of an anomalous coma, any messages by you, and thus the information within, is also a result of it, which means both of those being correct, and your message not leaking over from another reality, would be a paradox.
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(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
WELL, i had to teach you a lesson in basic social norms, AND i still don’t have an blajah DUE TO DR. ZENN FAULT and i’m such touchstarved and i needed to hug something at night, if you get it.
Hold up… hold up i know that you and sci0927 are pretty fine with cutting your arms off and other belgium, however there is better methods to determine if we’re in a dream or not. For example, trying to breathe w While covering your nose, count the number of fingers on your hand and pay attention to any continuity errors, if there is any.
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(she/her or you will be known only in history books)
well, one of the human employees is being sent to buy like, three or more. so expect one to arrive in your room later today, with more if mine is returned. i spent 5 weeks trying to get my hands on that 7 foot long blahaj.
did you think i was gonna be cutting off people’s limbs? i know other people tend to not like like just getting sliced apart, and we have a whole room of those things that draw a drop of blood and feel like you got punched in the finger by a shrimp when you use them. i was planning on using those, since 8610-3 fluid can cure genetic illnesses caused by not producing something(as long as the person the instance it’s from was could produce that thing) so we don’t really need them anymore aside from for checkups for the most part. and we get enough of the things that go in them to measure your blood glucose for like, half the people here to use daily, about every year, with enough of the devices for everyone to have one every 3 years.
i don’t know why we have that many, but i assume there was an outbreak of some kind of disease that makes you bad at regulating your glucose at some point in this facility’s history.
oh, and it’ll provide data that’ll be an obvious sign it’s a dream if even one shows a negative number with nothing wrong with the device, so if any devices show a number too low to be real, it and the person the device was used on will be inspected by the respective professionals
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(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
the scrungly gloing is already back to your desk.
i checked the archives and, yes you’re right, there was an outbreak of some really obscure japanese virus brought by an new researcher, around 2005.
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(is nice ...as long as you refer to me using she/they pronouns)
to be fair, me being ok with cutting my arms my arms off due to something I have Called Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID)
I’ve temporarily stopped working on it because my apathy is removing most of my mental energy; it’s hindering my ability to focus. I’ll soon start a tDCS treatment, which should eventually help me rebuild my dopamine production.
Apathy is worse than death.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Why not let us have the script and finish it? I hope that you’ll plan will succeed.
I’ll resume writing on Sunday as it will be the day I start my treatment.
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(she/her or you will be known only in history books)
hope none of y’all are afraid of giant arachnoid/insectoid humanoids, cause i just learned how to duplicate my limbs(including the circulatory system remapping, though i had to inject myself with my own 8610-3 fluid for that), and how to make bones and bone plates from scratch!
btw sylvie thinks crawling on walls is cool and wanted to learn how, so i taught her how to make partially solid legs that let her stick to a surface like how geckos do.
(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
i… don’t quite know how to feel about this. i don’t say this like if i using a euphemism to “ewww thats nasty” no, i’m reallly conflicted. its all kind of depending on how you feel about it.
oh, cool. good luck doing your weirdnesses.
uhm, and gimme one second. painossoqueestaisnocéusantificadosejavossonomevenhanósemvossoreinosejafeitavossavontadeassimnaterracomonoscéusopãonossodecadadianosdaihojeperdoaiasnossasofensasassimcomonósperdoamosaquemnostemofendidoenãonosdeixeicairemtentaçãomaslivrai-nosdomalamém
alright, everything’s fine now.
heh, that nice, geckos are cute and little friends, but MY Lylith recently started figured out how to float slightly above the ground, and every day she is getting able to float higher and higher. I’m not bragging or anything, just saying how my sweetheart is the best -:3 in the world. she is peeerfect.
(is nice ...as long as you refer to me using she/they pronouns)
That’s ok! :3
I Mean, I myself feel like it’s something that I feel, and can, at times be annoying, but overall, it’s something about me that I have accepted.
Anyways, back to SCP stuff.
breaking news: I have Signed the forms. I have gotten my own -:3. Her name is Brooke, and she is vewy cute n smart
(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
awwwwwwwwwwww! i hope she makes u very happy!
Since we already have three of the -:3, i think it would be an good time to do that one interaction experiment were planning.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I wonder how all the wonders which have occured here will be fit into that article…