Thrive Universe Fanart

I made this random cutie here:

Vampire Fox

The Vampire Fox is a liquivore, it uses its small and pointy teeth to get liquid out of plants. It also does not step back from drinking blood though.

The beard thingy is to impress females, so females do not have a beard.

It lives in warm forests.

Stay tuned for updates on this one!

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Hey, thats pretty good!

Weren’t they humanoid plants with tentacle mouths who live 200 years?

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They are, and they exceed the amount of 200 years. It’s closer to 700 years than 200 years. The sketch is a prototype version of their evolution. I’m also going to work on their maturity and adolescent versions.


The rarolinguaeids

Rarolinguaeids are a diverse order of organisms which have evolved toothed tongues. while many species may differ in appearance. they have certain characteristics that they all share. like their compound eyes and toothed tongues
(two species from the order of Rarolinguae)

Top: Green nest scraper. Bottom: Silver Baleen foot

green nest scraper

The green nest scraper is an example of convergant evolution. their bodies are remarkably similar to the ant eaters on earth and their sharp backwards pointing baleen teeth lets them scrape the nests of their prey.

Silver baleen foot

The silver baleen foot is a a pentapedal organism that uses its tongue as a foot. not only does it provide extra support for the animal. its sharp and jaggedness allows them to use their tongue to scrape up and dig through the ground like a claw. letting them eat small insects and tubers underground.

Sea Swarmer

A strange, mysterious creature(s). Similarly to siphonophores. The Sea swarmer is not one organism, but rather an entire colony of organisms. all working together. These Giant organisms Roam the open seas with no destination in mind.

Nearly every sea swarmer you will see will be covered in parasites. and when it comes to size, no creature on its planet that has yet to be discovered can even compare. To the point where when a sea swarmer reaches a certain size, it is considered an island. a living island.

Sea swarmers are gentle giants, taking on the role of the whale niche. and unlike siphonophores. they are not completely hollow, but rather have a full set of organs completely alien to every other organism on its planet.

When it comes to mating. Sea swarmers are sexual animals and reproduce with specialised members of their colony. the ‘spermoids’ and “ovumoids” these animals are able to fuse with one another just like how a spermcell and a egg cell would and over time. a seaswarmer will arise from its parents egg.

(i dont think i could make a drawing that would do the Sea swarmer justice.)

Some aquatic life:

The caputrulloids are a interesting family of fish. their mouths face the ground and their skulls are a strange shovel like shape.

Vacuum fish

The vacuum fish lives near the shallow waters. where they spend their time shuffling around in massive colonys of up to 500! they feast on algae like organisms that grow on the sand as well as any other food particles they can find in the sand. Luckily. they only reach sizes of up to 4-6 cm.

When it comes to mating. swarms of vacuum fish will meet up when the oceans tides are at its biggest. and release countless eggs and sperm like cells into the ocean. sadly. soon after this massive activity. all of the adult vacuum fish die. leaving the babies to fend for themselves, and when the babies hatch, they feast on the bodies of their decaying parents.


Sea surfers

Sea surfers are a distant cousin to the vacuum fish. their bodies are more streamlined and they inhabit the open oceans riding on the waves. similarly to the vacuum fish. these fish live in colonies. and whilst not as large. they still amass a size of roughly 30-50 in each colony. Sea surfers are opportunistic feeders. and they will eat anything they can fit in their mouths. Adult sea surfers usually reach a size of 20-35 cm.

similarly to vacuum fish. sea surfers swarms will meet up and release clouds of egg and sperm like cells into the sea. dying and leaving their young to fend for themselves. and just like vacuum fish. they eat the remains of their decaying parents.


cookie cutter birdfish.

adult Cookie cutter birdfish use their beak like mouths to cling into their hosts body. and in a swift motion. they rotate and slice an entire 2-4 cm hole into their host. while younger cookie cutter birdfish prefer a more parasitic relationship and only cling onto their host and drain their blood.

Cookie cutter bird fish are solitary asexual animals.

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toothed tongues.

Perhaps to make the first two more interesting, the adults could die, and the babies begin to


on their parents

Thats a Spicy idea.
I love it honestly.

gonna add it

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Why thanks! Its based off of spiders. I dont like spiders. Or their eating habits. So yeah.
Nice designs by the way!

These are really good! You could even put some of these into the Thrive Universe if you wanted, maybe just a single post containing the majority of them. These could legit be future Thrive concepts.

Space icon incoming…

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Smirking, with a slightly worried look, hoping @RoboRomb hasn’t forgotten my concept art suggestion, as my attempts to do it myself are fruitless

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Its there

Space icon

Which one should I do next?

Aware stage? It looks pretty good.

@BowlDawg Would you mind giving me the Midelians description again?

It is here, just click the little BowlDawg in the upper right corner of this post.

That… is actually not too bad! the hands could be less slender and the head could be rounder, but otherwise i think it looks good.

really? im flattered.

gonna edit it into one post

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Kinda looks like something outta futurama
very nice!

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Appreciate the compliments.


This is actually the friendliest forum I know.

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