Vasarius: The beginning

@Nover452 @jellyfishmon I encourage you to vote

Anyone wanna be my AGM? Iā€™m working on the rounds but someone helping would help a lot

what type of stuff would the AGM be doing?

Depends on exactly what the person is comfortable with, but generally it will involve helping me write the rounds, keep track of details, and suggesting ideas to improve the game.

More specifically if they are good with certain things they will do that. Writers will give me rough drafts of rounds, artists might make concepts reality, scientifically literate might help me make thr game more realistic, etc

I live. If any are still interested lmk, I plan to either rese this game with my new idea to make it easier on me, or restart with the idea. If no then no problem friends


iā€™m still interested
i would prefer if we continue but you can do anything
and by continue i mean the story, you can still overhaul the mechanics but i like where things are going in this world
i also like how it is all coming from the perspective of an outside, neutral alien research team


I would also love to keep playing this game

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Iā€™m still interested too

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Thatā€™s the same from me

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i intersten also for comtionu

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egg is interested too


mustā€¦ likeā€¦ eggā€¦
(post filler)

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so when do you think these will start back up?
soon or should we not expect it any time soon?

Iā€™m starting with the other game first, since it seemed to have more interest. Given itā€™s been a year since the last round I need to try and figure out where I was going with each one, not helped by the fact for some reason the server is gone lol. Should be soon but probably a week.

Plus I have school projects and work this weekend so bleh


canā€™t wait to continue my war with teakingā€¦
at leastā€¦ i think thatā€™s who i was fightingā€¦ its been a whileā€¦
edit: oh it was agentineā€¦ erā€¦ if you see this teaking then sorry for accusing you of being my enemyā€¦

@Jellyfishmon @Deathwake @Ooferdoofer @Nover452 @Positivetower @fralegend015 @doomlightning @MisterMustachio @OmnipotentFNarr @evolution4weak

I will be honest, somehow the discord server that hosted the info for the game isnā€™t working, so I still have some of the info if you guys are interested but no guarantee itā€™ll work


I am not sure if i am in the server or not

The server I used to use is not there anymore, even in my own discord and the link says invalid. If anyone is then feel free to share, if not Iā€™ll have to remake the server

yeahh it disappeared on me but iā€™d love to join if it works.

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Rebuilding the server if anyone wants to join TCG3R P2