Video game idea thread

I’m gonna necro this thread for a bit.

One of my many ideas for games include a concept of a Thrive fan game (yes i was thinking about making a Thrive fan game before the microbe stage was fully released) called “Thrive Tower Defense”. It’s a standard tower defense game similar to Bloons Tower Defense, but you could edit your towers.

You would start off with a prokaryotic cell that has rather short range and a small attack, which costs 50 evo points (you earn one evo point every time you hurt an enemy) and you have a remaining 650 evo points to add more cells or edit them. If you added a nucleus it would be more expensive but it’s attacks would be exponentially better. Each time you make a substantial edit to your cell, it will become its own troop separate from the others. Eventually, you would go from a cell to a spaceship, but it would take some time.

There would have been fifty rounds but you could go on forever if you wanted to do free play. I planned it to be a free fan game.


Necro or whateva
I just got an idea of an evo game which takes ~10 years after human exstinction and you could start as any of the remaining animals on earth like: Sparrows, Rats, rabbits, bunnies, dogs and maybe hybrid animals… The entire mega fauna is destroited and basically the game is in 3rd person and you are trying to survive and evolve (like in thrive) and repopullate earth ecosystems and bla bla…


not really, angry birds is already super weird.

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:skull: Revive this thread :skull:

Imagine Assassin’s Creed 1 remake, but in VR!