Deckard poems are coming soon™ to sleep adventures near you!
I had a very weird dream. Keep in mind that do not normally remember having dreams. In this dream, I was a University student again who signed up for a 800 level biochemistry class. Yeah, something already felt off about that… And then we discovered a weird lab, where all of a sudden, everyone became a test subject. These strange red, sinuous, and angle-like hyperbolic creatures were everywhere. They transformed people by encapsulating them in leather-feather-like substances that emerged from the red creatures’ bodies. Somehow, I escaped with a few others, but then on the outside, we were ambushed. The weirdest thing was when a person was being encapsulated by another red creature, the creature spoke, but it had no mouth. “Why do you think we invade people’s dreams in the first place?”
Now we’ll see if more people start reporting these critters from their dreams…
Top 10 ways to give somebody existential dread