Weird/Funny dreams

I had a dream this morning of being in a car with my dad and seeing a solar panel. We saw a door and got out and entered it, and we marched to this building then realized we were trapped in north korea


I had a dream last night, where I watched TV and there were news of live mamooth population found, and there was a clip of (probably juvinile) mamooth running near tree. Then I tried to search for more mamooth footage on internet, but I misclicked buttons every time I tried to search it, and in the end I didnā€™t manage to find any mamooth footage.

Last night, I dreamt that I was escaping an alien facility with another escapee. We were both wearing some sort of flexible armor suit and the aliens looking for us were wearing metal armor while also using a shield, and then I was shooting them with a laser pistol straight out of XCOM.

Last night, I dreamt of Tuco Salamanca being my replacement math teacher. He pulled out an ak47 when I failed to do algebra and started to shoot me while also chastising me.I ran out to the courtyard and took a motorbike home.Scariest nightmare of my life

The other day I dreamed that I was in a cave and there was a map of the world in it, which looked something like this:

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A world of separatists!? Quebec is not a country!

In my brain, as they have a good flag, it canā€™t be a state of Canada. In addition, Brazil is a colonialist empire and Antarctica is habitable.

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Antarctica my boy what happened to you? Youā€™re looking kinda smallā€¦

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I was watching this video so it might have influenced my dream

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I edited your post to embed the video so that people donā€™t need to click on a random youtube link to know what video it is.

The map in your dream wasnā€™t Mercator! Cool!

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Brazil is everywhere, brazil empire?

Itā€™s the \mbox{TERCEIRO REINADO}

I think my brain is kinda patriotic


Oh, I forgot this was a dream thread. Well anyway, I recently dreamed that a couple dogs were in my room sleeping like bats as they were hanging from line dryers (you know, the one we use to dry clothes). One of the dogs woke up and did a backflip.

Update: Yesterday, I dreamed that a woman in a sort of blue morphsuit had that eery wide smile and that she wanted to murder my face while I was sleeping.


Some time ago in my dream I was watching the Russian civil war between the red army and the white army on a map (I donā€™t know if it was live or a future Youtube video. That part is ambiguous) when suddenly both sides stopped fighting and looked above. The Americans had taken the control of the northern coast between Finland and the Ural mountains in an expedition called the ā€œSiberian interventionā€. They wanted the money Russia owed to them which it had recently defaulted on, but noticed the logistics didnā€™t favour moving troops through the taiga, so they packed up and leaved. After that the two sides in Russia started fighting again as if they never stopped in the first place (just like the Chinese civil war).


I had this odd dream where i drove to my frog (irl theyre human) cousinsā€™ mansion (theyre rich AF but donā€™t have anything like in my dream) in total pitch black (ignoring the thousands of miles between us irl), while being chased by, idk, something, and my mother kidnaped my cousins for some reason and then we fought a robot and I missed when i promised a new round for my forum game but did well in the AC:NAE discord game, conquering thaton and wei like i keep saying i will. (positive and fralegend are in it they know what im talking about).


This looks like something of r/imaginarymaps


Starting next week, Iā€™ll be trying to have a lucid dream. I was already trying, but my mother think Iā€™m going to end up like ā€œHeyyy this is a dream Iā€™m going to jump off this building itā€™s going to be fun! Whyā€¦ I cant wake up?ā€ But she let me do it for the school holidays, so I can re make my biggest dream come true: Play Yume Nikki Ultra-Deluxe

I had a dream that I went to the shop without a face mask :skull: