Which planet do you think is the best for colonization in the solar system

Spode you are right, and Sure we may have put in more carbon dioxide but we dont know how much that has affected the climate

Oooo i got my tin foil hat on what if it is from a different civilizations doing the same as u :exploding_head: what if this is the great filter

What if it is a challenge from god

Im a Theist

You mean atheist or no

Edit: never mind i looked it up and theism just mean you believe in a religion

no if u arent atheist u dont get the joke

I get it now i was confused for a second

A-Theist u get it

Yes i do get it

A theist believes in a supreme being or other godly things.
This may be contrasted with a deist, who believes that the divine created the world but does not interfere. Thomas Jefferson was a notable deist, editing his bible to remove all references to God doing things to the already-existing world.

pun it is a pun

Im kinda a deist because I believe this is part of his plan and people who say if there is a god why isn’t he doing anything is stupid because look if he interfered in world war 1 we wouldn’t have tanks and modern war planes and alot of things and if we didnt have world war 2 we would have computers and space travel and the soviet union falling and a lots of things

If you belive in gone don’t become a radical okay

Im not a radical

reverse question who is the watchmaker of god?

Maybe he was always there in the void and he then had an idea to make the universe

If god is real,it proofs that our universe is a simulation

Maybe this universe is a colony ship we are on and universe is just a simulation for the flight we dont know

the universe is immortal and still who made him u cant just say he was aways there then i will say the atoms of the clock were aways there

Well then tell me how you can prove that a being beyond reality does not exist