How did everyone get introduced to thrive?

I was introduced due to a youtuber that talked about how thrive would be the spiritual successor to spore.

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2016ish I was on YouTube just watching stuff, stumbled upon a video on thrive during its weird hexagon phase with molecules shooting out of molecules. thought it was a cool concept and begun to spiral down the thrive hype hole. then i lost track of it. until the 3.2 trailer release. eventually i would stumble upon this forum.

Edit; just realised i actually discovered thrive in 2014 lmao.

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I found it just before 0.4.0.

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I watched forums about ideas for Spore 2 (em… yep, in 2019, when Spore is forgotten) and saw a message about Thrive. Twice. At first time i simply wanted to memorize and look later, but forgot. Through couple months i recalled about this project, and finally found you.

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In 2017, I think, I was searching for games similiar to spore when I stumbled upon the Revolutionary Games website, that’s when i learned about thrive.

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Early 2019 I was watching stuff about spore, and found a “spore 2?” Video. I came over here and have been hanging out since.

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In late 2018 I watched a video about “Spore 2” and I found the project.
It looks like that a lot of people found the game this way too.

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How did everyone get introduced into THRIVE
Category: Not thrive

Anyway, I remember searching videos about spore 2, and that’s how I found thrive, too. I remember going to the revolutionary games website, and seeing all those conceptual arts made me be astonished. 5 minutes later I discovered that it was open source, experiencing some difficulties to develop, and there is some time in the microbial stage. It was very sad. Don’t laugh. :f:
All this in 2018, I remember that it was very rudimentary in graphics and gameplay, but that already satisfied me (I think it was 0.3.x, 0.3.1 idk) and then I didn’t see it for a year. When I came back late last year, hyped about 0.4.3 and happy with 0.4.2. Sad that a long time I was out was the engine change. But I’m here.
This is my story as a Thrivist Knight,
Thank you
And I’m SENTIENT NOW!!! :star_struck: :star_struck:
I think the video most of you are talking about is the same I discovered


Yes that is the video that I watched.

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I also watched this one


I wanted to thrive at real life, but instead I found this. (jk I don’t actually remember how I got here, I would say a video but I can’t find the right thumbnail.)

I was definitely looking for a Spore 2, though I don’t remember exactly how I came across Thrive. Maybe via the so-called Reddit boom?

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Wasnt the Reddit boom in ~2012/2013? It means you know thrive a long time, interesting. Old thrivist. :crazy_face:

I happened to see Thrive on when I was looking for a programming project that wasn’t mine that I could try working on.
I think that was in 2014 or maybe 2015.


I just had nostalgia in 2015 like “I think there is a big evolution project I’ve heard of before” and saw thrive on a youtube vid and thought it was just an old forgotten memory

I’ve been since the start
I was still a kid but I really liked spore so when I saw a post about some guys making a spore 2 I was sold

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Did you mean like 2010?

Yes around that time


:scream: :scream: :scream:

I found this game out because I was listening to the Spore soundtrack and I read in the comments that there was this game called Thrive and it was Spore’s spiritual successor, and needless to say, I was intrigued. The game was at 3.4 and I’ve been following the game’s progress ever since.