Iceburg for thrive 2#

I quite agree. (I would have used an emoji, but they all could have been read as suggesting I liked the idea, or that I though you were talking crap. A ‘nod’ emoji would have been very useful.)

Yep, this is an entirely valid criticism against my comment. Willow actually said something I agree with regarding this.

I didn’t write anything to counter the arguments against my point that I was expecting as I was writing on my phone, and I still am so I won’t elaborate more.

I think its will be funny to add to the iceberg the case of
“the lost game of immortal” incident to it
maybe in the see floor or the void/abyess

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In what way was it ‘lost’?

in by lost i mean…


'reduce to atoms"

it got deleted. litterly, not by me

…and no-one knew who deleted it?

no one know what happan and why that happen
all what left was some early very ones and some draft of comic base on that

Did it happen on this forum or the old one? (not that it matters for it’s inclusion in the iceberg, I’m just curious)

this one


Is this a different game that just shares the name with the previous one?



Nope, that’s the game. It was played for a while, but all the supportive data that doom used to run the game got deleted. The game itself on the forums still exists

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New bottom level entry just dropped.
August 1st, 2023.

August 1st, 2023- Catgirl discussion

August 1st does not exist, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I have found that thread… Now I am being consumed by pained cries and bouts of hysterical laughter… The damage from which I might never recover… The horror I have seen is worse than ‘Making a line of what content NOT to include’… For the Holy Lords Glory, this abomination shall be imprisoned at the very bottom, in The Void, never to be seen, heard nor discussed by the mortals of this world.

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I deleted that entire thread as it was so bad that just locking it wasn’t enough. Especially bad was that it was in Other Creativity when it didn’t have anything to do with creativity.


It’s now truly an iceberg moment lmao

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Bro seriously annihilated the entire thread.