
Cetus Sector

Planet name: Draco-zeta

Planet description: An earth-like planet that is approximately 2x the size of earth with a dense atmosphere and 3 moons. Some biomes on this planet are more familiar, savannahs, deserts, grasslands, rainforests, woodlands, swamps and tundra’s. Some are more unusual, such as volcanic wastelands, bioluminescent mushroom forests, coral forests on the coast, and even a meatmoss plains comprised of cancerous tissue.

Dragon Folk (Homo dracomorpha mythicus)

Race name: Dragon Folk (Homo dracomorpha mythicus)


A single pair of bat-like wings enabling flight (3).

Prehensile tail (2)


Soft vulnerable spot on the chest (3)

Slow metabolism (makes poison and disease last longer) (2)

Description: A synapsid-like species of hexapods that bear close resemblance to the dragons of myth. They grow to be around twenty feet tall and come in a variety of vibrant colors and eccentric patterns. there heads are adorned with fanciful horns and a pair of small mammalian ears. They are inquisitive creatures that naturally thirst for knowledge, they are also quite gentle and kind though will not hesitate to fight back if harmed.


(the differences are purely cosmetic and just meant for worldbuilding with no actual effects on stats, and are for when magic becomes a thing since we don’t start with magic.)

Fire: Scales come in warm shades of color (red, reddish-orange, orange, yellowish-orange, and yellow.) Horns and spikes appear metallic, markings on body resemble flames and are the same color as the fire the individual wields.

Electricity: Scales come in shades of color associated with electricity, such as yellow, greys, and blues. Long, bolt-shaped, metallic lightning rod-like horns, body has glowing markings that resemble lightning bolts and circuits.

Earth: Scales come in shades of brown, grey, and green. Large dense ram-like horns, tail frequently ends in a bony club or sharp thagomizers like a stegosaurus. claws suited for digging, crystals occasionally grow on there hides.

Ice: Scales come in shades of white, silver, light blue, and cyan. Horns are translucent and resemble icicles, icicle-like spines line the tail and back.

Water: Scales come in shades of blue, teal, and light green. Possess fin-like structures and a flattened paddle-like tail/

Wind: Scales come in light shades of teal and blue, bodies are serpentine, tails end in fanciful feathery structures comprised of modified scales. Wings are edged in long, flat feather-like scales.

Light: Scales come in shades of light yellow, tan, and other sandy colors. Horns resemble those of an antelope, tails end in elaborate hollow structures similar to a rattlesnakes rattle. May possess some form of bioluminescence.

Nature: Scales come in various shades of green, body is covered in symbiotic plant-life. Horns resemble antlers.

Life: Scales come in shades of green, red, and purple, translucent glass-like “cysts” made of fused together scales dot the body and is filled with a “primordial ooze” of sorts. Horns are helix shaped, and may possess mutations like extra limbs.

Plague: Scales come in shades of magenta, maroon, as well as sickly greens and yellows. Frequently look sickly and emaciated, with there bodies wracked with tumors and pustules that don’t seem to have a negative effect on them.

Poison: Scales come in vibrant shades of yellow, blue, red, green, and purple with black splotches like poison dart frogs. May possess soft gelatinous scales that appear to be melting. Tail may end in a venomous stinger, and they may possess frills on the neck similar to a cobra or Jurassic parks depiction of a dilophosaurus.

Shadow: Scales come in dark shades of blue, grey, purple, and black. Eyes and ears are larger then average, and they tend to be nocturnal.

Gravity: Scales come in pastel shades of purple, blue, and grey. Resemble dragons of Asian myth with long serpentine bodies, flowing whiskers, and branching antlers. there wings are smaller and more atrophied due to them using there element more then there wings to fly.

Space: Scales are jet black but iridescent, underside of wings are covered in tiny glittery scales that give the appearance of a nebula. small asteroid or planet-like structures may orbit around them.

Mind: Scales come in shades of teal, pink, white, and magenta. There scales are small and fine to the point where it almost seems as though they lack scales entirely. May have antennae-like structures comprised of giant nerve cells.

Spirit: Scales come in shades of purple and maroon and are translucent along with the skin underneath making underlying organs visible. Have external pieces of bone that give the appearance of a partially exposed skeleton.


Planet name: Illyria

Planet Description: A sprawling world with lush forests and deep oceans, inspiring awe in natives and visitors alike. Large crystal caves, towering mountains, gleaming archipelagos, and fantastical life and magic abounding. Despite how technology may have advanced it still has a largely high fantasy medieval kind of feel.


Race name: Bonecrows


Scavenger (1): Can heal using rotted or otherwise unusable food sources, and excels at finding usable things in unexpected places.

Flight (2): With the wings on their backs, bone rows are adept fliers and can do so largely undetected.

Bone Weavers (2): Able to control and manipulate bone, growing it. They can forge weaponry or projectiles in instants, and are even capable of manipulating the bones of opponents.


Feared (2): Because of their bone magic, they are feared by other races, and generally not welcome in settlements because of the offensive capabilities, though there are exceptions.

Hoarder (2): Possesive, don’t want to let anything they own go, which makes bartering and general trade difficult.

White Feathers (1): In quite a few biomes, they are easier to spot because of their white plumage.

Description: A race of travelers, Bonecrows are covered in white feathers. They follow the trail of battle to scavenge, though they have some permanent settlements for those who do not wish to use violence. They follow a democratic government when at rest, but groups following battles have a hierarchy based on combat, meaning many have various scars marking them. They are vaguely humanoid in shape, with talons adorning their hands and feet and wings sprouting off of their backs. Average height is slightly taller than a human, around 6-7 feet tall


Race name: Darklurkers


Shadow Beast (2): When in any level of darkness, they are impossible to spot unless they choose to activate their bioluminescence. They also have access to shadow magic. With their bioluminescence, they can also cause mild hypnosis if the surroundings are dark enough

Water Dweller (2): Faster than any other race in the water, able to breathe underwater. Also have access to water magic.

Pressurized (1): They are able to go deep into the depth of the ocean, withstanding the immense pressure. This also effectively gives them super strength and durability at normal pressure.


Fanged Monstrosity (3): Other races are terrified or generally creeped out by Darklurkers, seeing them as monstrous (like we might consider goblins).

Dark life (1): Not used to bright light, their ability to see incoming obstacles or perceive things in general is impacted by brighter lights.

Water Dweller (1): They cannot be on land for very long, becoming dehydrated, and are typically quite slow, moving almost like a snake.

Description: Long, eel-like bodies with ultra black scales that absorb surrounding light, with bioluminescent rings running dow their bodies. Their main two fins end in bony protrusions that act as grasping fingers, and they have long fin along their upper and lower body that connects behind them. They have an angler-like lure protruding from their forehead, large black eyes and a gaping, toothy maw. Average length is 8-12 feet.

Illyrian Dragons

Race name: Illyrian Dragons


Glamour Scales (2): Using their glimmering scales, they can cast illusions around themselves and others, bending the light to bend others perceptions

Prismatic Boost (3): Able to absorb certain wavelengths of light by basking in them, which then buffs all of their stats, giving them certain powers, and allows them to release devastating blasts of light from their mouths.

Powers of Lights

(At risk of looking like I’m copying hazard, depending on a dragons coloration they have an easier time of getting access to certain light wavelengths, though all dragons can access all wavelengths)

White - Reflection of all light - the ability to see through and be immune to any magic, and the ability of shadow manipulation, at the cost of blindness.

Blue - Control of wind, water, and frost, allowing for super speed, weakened when near heat sources

Green - Control of plants and poisons, allowing for invisibility, weakened when near civilization and crafted objects

Purple - Control of spirits and the dead, allowing for you to bring yourself and others back from beyond death, at the cost of the ability to use any other magic, and a weakness to other kinds of magic

Red - Control of fire, magma, lava, heat, allowing for super strength, weakened when cold or wet

Yellow - Control of storms, lightning, and machinery, allowing for brilliance and object invention years ahead of its times, weakened when underground

Orange - Control over meteors and explosions, calling down or generating them. This allows also for general minor gravity manipulation. Weakness is any kind of psychic or magical attack

Black - Absorption of all light - The ability to see everything and everywhere at once, even catching glimpses of the past and future, allowing for the manipulation of light, at the cost of loss of all but the most basic bodily functions until the magic is given up

Pink - Control over the mind, telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, emotions. Weakness is any kind of physical assault

Grey - Control of the earth, crystals, and metals, allowing for healing powers, and the creation of golems, at the cost of weakness at higher altitudes

Brown - Control of animals, allowing oneself to gain any creatures attributes, to shapeshift, at the cost of social interactions, being feared or not knowing how to interact


Scared of the Dark (2): They have an innate fear of the dark, and have immense trouble getting over that fear

Wonder Hogs (3): They cannot stand to be less wondrous or beautiful than another creature, and will do anything they can to make themselves the subject of awe and wonder, no matter the cost

Description: Living on the illustrious Illyrian Isles, these dragons are beautiful and sinuous creatures, standing roughly 12 feet tall and 20 feet long. Light naturally glimmers around them and their many colors of scales. They are a wonder to see off of these isles, though as anything else there are a few exceptions. Generally very charismatic, though some consider them haughty.


Race name: Salamonsters


Giants (3): All physical attributes are increased due to their sheer size and muscle mass (this applies to dexterity as well)

Mana Defense (2): They are able to shrug off most magical attacks as well, and naturally have large mana reserves, though this does not mean they necessarily know how to use them


Semi-aquatic (2): They need to stay near water so they can keep their skin moist so they can breathe on land.

Big Bois (3): They need a lot to eat to sustain their massive body sizes. They will eat plant matter and metal, but will never eat meat.

Description: These massive creatures are generally gentle giants, but are known to be exceedingly fierce when their fury is roused. Hexapedal creatures that are roughly 20 feet tall and 30-60 feet long, they lumber around in plains near rivers, eating to their hearts content. For manipulating objects, they have many tentacle-like whiskers above their mouth that they can manipulate objects with. (If you need a better picture of them, I generally based the idea off of Klombos from Fortnite)

Woolly Titans

Race name: Woolly Titans


Heavyweight (2): All physical attributes are boosted

Woolly (1): Cold environments are to its liking, and it’s stats are boosted there

Legends of Jotun (2): They are adept in all frost magics, especially known to create giant glacial avatars around themselves.


Savages (3): Feared across the land as barbarians of the north, their immense strength and frosty demeanors are generally only welcomed in times of war

Loner’s Howl (2): Their signature howl across the cold peaks to communicate strikes fear in friend and foe alike. They prefer to be alone, and are irritable in large groups. They are also very territorial

Description: Living a loner’s life in the far north, these 15 foot tall giants are covered in a thick layer of shaggy fur ranging from browns to whites to greys and blacks, with the occasional reddish-orange. Large clawed ands and toothed muzzles make these creatures a fearsome sight, even without their large, ox-like horns and piercing eyes.


Planet name: Nucledeserti

Planet description: Nucledeserti is planet at 0.75 size of earth but with the same gravity due to higher density. It and it’s orange dwarf “mathusalem” sun are rather old objects in the universe. When they were only forming, a lot of heavy stars were nearby, which gave Nucledeserti a lot of heavy metals, like uranium or other radioactive metals. Nucledeserti was devoid of life for bilions of years, durning which it’s surface eroded into empty plain with some rocks here and there time to time, and it’s thick atmosfere became a lot less dense. Eventually, Life managed to develop in deep caves of planet, that were full of radioactive elements. Life developed radiotrophs to use energy of radiation and turn it into electrical energy. When Testanuclei evolved, all other advanced lifeforms in the caves became excint.
As for enviromental hazards, Atmosphere often creates areas of high pressure called “dangerzones” by the Testanuclei . Those zones will crush them under sheer pressure. They act as natural air borders that change over time. Only a Testanuclei with a strong body and skin can survive them, but at cost of ability to communicate with others. Those so called “Battlenuclei” are used to dominate the dangerzones.
Currently, only some rather strange rock organisms that float in atmosphere andsmall organisms that are shaped like geometric shapes that filter-feed on uranium in atmosphere are the only other species than Testanuclei and Vililux that call the planet home. Testanuclei domesticated rock organisms for energy production and also to collect “shards” used in part smithing.


Species (Race) name: Testanuclei


Flight (2): This Species (Race) is able to fly via energy manipulation inside themselfs. Makes Species better at travelling.

Part Smithing (2): This Species (Race) is able to smith parts and join them with their body. Makes Gaining Stats Easier.

Energy Bullet (1): This Species (Race) is able to make and shoot electric bullet at cost of energy. Aids in Combat.


Limbless (3): This Species (Race) doesn’t have any bending limbs that it could use to manipulate surroundings, so it needs to get creative to do so. Increases amount of Attention needed to build things.

Distrustful (1): Members of This Species doesn’t trust ones of it’s kind that are not having shell colour simmilar to their own. Makes Cross-Tribe contacting more difficult.

Unfertile (1): Members of this species are not reproducing very often, and children that are born have high chance of dying in their childhood. Increases cost of population ownership.

Description: Testanucleis are rather bizzare creatures. They are just floating balls around 1 meter in radius with one small opening used as both mouth and anus that ingest uranium rocks and expell non-radioactive elements, and four “limbs” that aid in flying: Two small ones near the “Mouth”, and Two larger ones on opposite side of Testanuclei. Testanucleis use radiotrophs to make energy out of radiation that comes from heavy elements that are rather common on planet they live on. They turn this radiation into electrical energy, with which they power their organisms.Testanucleis Aren’t native to surface of planet they live on, as they originated in it’s caves deep under the surface, where the original Blue Testanuclei race lived. Testanuclei from there eventully discovered surface and colonized it, but they also constructed powerful “Artifacts” that used nuclear radiation to change Testanuclei themselfs. This has led to “Zombies” emerging and killing all Testanuclei underground (Or did some of them survive?)
As of now, There are three Variants of Testanuclei that are more or less the same: Verdant and Crimson, that both accuse each other of being “Infected” and fight each other, and The Defected, one of which are olives, the before-mentioned “zombies”, Commonly referred to as “The Vultures”/“The Scavangers” that currently scavange on any biomass they can find underground. IMPORTANT: those are races known to the Verdant, and actually a lot more Testanuclei races exist. The former “Blue Race”, which referred to itself as “The Corelings” was one of great inventors, creating many unique technologies such as teleporters that are still used on the surface (to teleport Testanuclei of course), but they also created “Artifacts” that were supposted to strenghten them, but after some time they corrupted some of them and turned into the Defects, such as Olives. Unlike other races, which can only join a dozen parts on themselfs at time without needing to expand their organs via “Nucleus Upgrading”, Olives can join hundreds of them at a time.
Ever since Olives dominate in the underground areas, it has become rather dangerous to travel here by teleporters. However, Both Crimson and Verdant have sent scouts to investigate those areas and, possibly, find some technologies that could aid in their conflict. However, since times of the “Shaded fleet”, no scout ever managed to return from those, so-called, “Abandoned sectors”. What is the “Shaded fleet”? “Fleets” are groups of Testanuclei, mostly with TONS of parts on them. Sometime after the legendary surface infection (a event of fleet of Verdant or Crimson entering the Abandoned sectors and returning from them as a reverse race of one that it was sent by, according to Verdant, created Crimson infection, and vice versa for Crimson), Verdant sent one of their most powerful fleets into abandoned sectors (they never sent any Testanuclei here before) as they thought that the Olives already starved to death. After some time, fleet returned from the Abandoned sectors, but it got changed: The Testanuclei were darker than any Verdant Testanuclei and they were talking less. When Verdant forces tried to bring them to the Verdant capitol, Fleet fired back and since then it lives in group of neutral areas near teleporter from which they entered the Abandoned Sectors. Since times of this fleet, Only one scout is sent at time.
Verdant and Crimson Testanuclei live in “countries” with a capitol, where leader of country lives. Capitols have a lot of structures used to defend against sieges, and also have a lot of trading areas and living space - Testanuclei of those factions are sleeping in those areas. Besides capitols, there are also havens that belong to capitols and are population centres in distant areas of “countries” that are used to control them and make missions against enemy countries or defend against them. Capitols can hold thousands if not millions of Testanuclei, while havens only hundreds, and usually around hundred. Olives don’t make any complex social structures and act like animals. Parent Testanuclei are not caring for their children, as they are adult moment they are born.
The newborns will be always born near the technologically advanced artifacts made back in a day by blue race or by modern architects that try to replicate their technologies. Sometime ago, some newborns from both Verdant and Crimson faction started to report that when they awakened for first time, a voice, blue voice, would contact them and say strange things to them. Some of those newborns would get contacted by the voice further on in their lifes. After this information has travelled up to leaders of the countries, they thought that it would be impossible for blue race to survive, so they thought that the voice was made by members of enemy faction to lure the newborns into their faction. However, a Testanuclei of Verdant cannot talk to member of Crimson and vice versa, unless is it “infected”. The “Infected” Testanuclei will slowly change it’s race from one it was member of at the beginning to other one further in their lives. Testanuclei can also switch races without the “infection”, but it needs a lot of effort to do so… So maybe the blues are still alive afterall…?
Testanuclei see the world thanks to advanced electric field, which is generated by “limbs”. It’s like a extra upgraded version of sharks’ 6th sense. Testanuclei communicate via radio sygnals created in special organs located in front pair of “limbs”. Those organs can also send an radio wave around the one who emmited it like a radar and detect object further than electric field can, but less accurately than it. Besides that, only other sense Testanuclei have is chemoreception in their mouth-anus.
Testanuclei warfare is based on energy bullets. Parts can be smithed in a way, that they will emit a modified energy bullet: it can be slow and powerful like missile or be a beam of energy. Besides air warfare of “TvT”, there is also ground warfare that mostly happens on floating magnetic platforms, on which “tanks” with heavy armor fight each other, Testanuclei, or both!
There are also the Outposts and Turrets. Both of them are immobile and can’t move without help of external force. Outposts are modified and immobilized drones, that are able to create turrets by using energy mined directly from soft tissues of “rock organisms” that float in atmosphere and sometimes are attached to an outpost via tractor beam. Because of high cost of their production, factions are not destroying outposts of their enemies but turn them into their own outposts, which can be done by reconfiguration, but that needs some effort. Turrets are Weaponized immobile stations. They can have weapons such as Electric Missile or Beam, but they can also have things like harvester, that collects the power from rock organisms or even can have spawner of The Minidrones (Small drones used to swarm enemies). They can be dragged by Testanuclei using tractor beam.
Testanucleis can also input a lot of energy into specific parts to make and seperate a drone from their body. Drones are small Testanuclei-like organisms that follow their creators and fight for them, which can be used to swarm enemies.
Testanucleis can also input energy into other specific parts to gain some effects, like shell (skin) regeneration, boost to power of bullets, and many other. They also may have some parts that passivly aid Testanuclei, like extra shell strenght or extra energy storage.
Testanuclei can use energy to do one more thing: create a “Tractor beam” that can be used to drag objects or even other Testanuclei.
Testanuclei of verdant colour look like this, with other Testanuclei of other colours having other colours.
Rotated view from side

Up view:


Species (Race) name: Vililux

Magic Use (2): This Race is rather good at using magic, pretty much mastering it.
No Aging (2): This Race does not age at all, meaning that it’s life can only be cut short by external forces.
Flight (1): This Race is able to fly like Testanuclei, tho it doesn’t do it as fast as them.
Unfertile (3): Births in this Race’s population are almost unheard of, tho, if a child is born it is taken good care of.
Low Population (1): Because of this Race’s birthrate, there aren’t many members of it, and most of them are also rather old.
Fearing Darkness (1): This Race is rather scared of dark magic and will attack anyone they saw using dark magic.

Description: Vililux is an ancient race of radiosynthesis organisms that look like Testanuclei but are rather unrelated to them. Their ancestors lived in near-core caves of the Nucledeserti and far more magic elements are found down here. The Ancestors mastered magic and after long time when they evolved, with their sapience and technologies, they came closer to the sub-surface caves. Here, they found other species, that while not related, seemed to be similar in shape and in level of intelligence. They helped this species to reach civilization level, and there the species has turned into the Blue Testanuclei, that were referred to by Vililux as “Corelings”. Vililux however lost most of their population when the Defects emerged. Since then, most of The Vililux uses magic to look like Testanuclei, hiding among them. Their eternal task is now to take care of Nucledeserti and especially not let the Testanuclei fall by internal wars, as it would cause the “Eternal darkness” to spread more and eventually fill the entire world when the spark of sapience dies. Once in a while, all remaining Vililux on the planet Come to special place in the Abandoned Sectors (Vililux from surface can travel here without getting detected by Defects) and plan further actions. After this they go to their places and become Testanuclei again.
As for actual description, Vililux look a lot more like gems than spheres of Testanuclei. their mouth-anus is located at one corner of this gem, and near it are two limbs. They, unlike limbs of Testanuclei, have joints and at certain angles they look like human arms with fingers, but they are a lot more thick than human arms. they also have the second pair of smaller limbs at opposite side, that also are jointed. The Vililux in past had multiple variants, just like Testanuclei, but now only one, “Disciple of the White” that is, well, White exists. Vililux use magic for combat.
This is about how they look like from top when not undercover:
Note that darker lines are here to seperate limbs from body, and vililuxactually have pretty uniform white colour, only disrupted by slightly greyer mouth.


Mystery Sector 1 - REDACTED


































Mystery Sector 2






























Mystery Sector 3

































Outer Space (aka REDACTED)
The Architects

Race Name: Architect









Description: Species known mainly because of planets called “relic worlds”, the surface of these planets are covered by ruins of their civilization, these ruins all exhibit very efficent architecture. Other than relic worlds there are “space monuments” which can be found orbiting relic worlds or stars that host relic worlds and more rarely in deep space.

It is theorized that this species went extinct but it having been interstellar and the discovery of space monuments that seem to be 20-30 years old suggests that they are still alive.

Relic worlds seem to have been cleared of most advanced technology, but you can rarely find a technological artifact (sometimes those artifacts are hostile, so be carefull).

Space monuments are the ones that have the most tech in them, but they also have extremely advanced technological defense and offense mechanisms, and it has also been recorded that space monuments might self-destruct if they are not capable of defending themselves anymore, EMP has been tried in order to disable these defense mechanism… But it seems that there is a death switch that self-destructs the monument if it’s defensive mechanisms suddenly stop working.






Unknown Location

@Deathwake s race if they manage to make one in the next week (preferably sooner rather than later)


@zenzonegaming s race if they manage to make one in the next week (preferably sooner rather than later)


@Luzurper s race if they manage to make one in the next week (preferably sooner rather than later) (I was editing this anyway and figured I would add a sector for you in this compendium as you have said you might join(

This is a comprehensive guide to what is known about the planets and races of our galaxy.

Anything REDACTED is stuff I know but the majority of players won’t until they discover it, anything with question marks is stuff I know exists but not exactly what it will be.

I’ll update the redacted stuff as things are discovered in game.

Game starts in less than a week! This is gonna be fun. If anyone is still looking to join/create races they should probably do so now.


Week and a half!
I still in vacence.
But yes, still have tome util then to all who want to sumit

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I have a question: is the “undiscovered races being REDACTED” thing inspired by SCP?

Not really, more the meaning of redacted.

They were there, someone knows them (me, frale, and doom), and you aren’t allowed to know them at this time.

I’ve only ever vaguely heard of SCP, I know what they are but never really got into researching them or anything

One slot in Mystery Sector 1 if someone wants to adapt a NPC race from a selection of options.

Three slots in mystery sector 2

Four slots in mystery sector 3

@doomlightning even though the original was players could only join to Virgo, Ophiuchus, and Cetus, now that they are full of races could a potential new player join in one of the mystery sectors to keep the balance of races?

New player who join after the start of the game will play abit deffrent: the new one need to find a patron to get approve by the one to become immortal, that mean that he have 2 opsines:

  1. Using discoverd race (player or npc) and use them as yhey
  2. Create a new one like “normal”, but that mean he will arcopain (or created if the lord have the right tech) a close system that the lord have or in ratch

That mean that new player cannot take new sectors

No I meant players that join before the game starts still.

Also not sure I fully understood your second point. Something about the patron and a new race?

Any new player that create a new race after the game start will get a planet/solar system close to his lord. The panton are simelar to vassla to get approved to be a immortal, and by that, he need a player that he immortal (or lord).

He can create a new race close to the lord race arcopain systems or take a exaiston race acording to the lord discovry in order to become a panton and after that to become immortal

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I am not talking about people who join after the game starts.

I mean players that make races between now and when the game starts, could they put them in the mystery sectors?

I did say that the a its yes

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Yes I am planning on making my details sheet later tonight (tonight for me lol) I needed to figure out how the details thing worked and the formating, and I need to run more ideas in my head of what I want (I’m probably not gonna have TOO much detail since this is my first game and I don’t wanna make things too complex for me quite yet lol), and while I’m thinking about it, is it alright if my civ started out on a habitable moon?

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Yes actually, one of the other players is also starting on a moon.

Any amount of detail you want is great, whether minimalistic or not. Nulls is so minimalistic we have no description of the race, and aahs gives past, governmental details, discrimination, etc. wherever you fall is great.

There is a small deficit of races compared to other sectors in mystery sector 1 and mystery sector 2 if you want to start there, if not whatev

So many people in this forum game this will be fun

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Ok cool, thanks, yeah I was just planning on just small tidbit history stuff, like government type, how violent they are/ aren’t, probably will describe what they look like if I can come up with a look, ext. I’ll see what I can come up with later. :+1:t2:

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@TwilightWings21 question:
What’s the limit of how we can set up our races? I have this idea of my race starting around a gas giant on one of its 8 moons, and I was wondering if having/planning to have colonies on some/all of the moons (not like millions of people, I’m talking like small bases with MAYBE 100-1000 total, unless full scale colonization is ok for beginning game) would be too op or not, and was wondering what our technological level can be to start out in order to do those things

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Doom said that we start just above human level tech, so probably no interplanetary colony? Probably should ask doom.

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I think I’ll probably just start on my home moon, but with plans to start sending missions out to the others, I have a feeling starting out on multiple planetary bodies is too op anyway, I have BIG plans for my home system and will mostly be spending time doing stuff there anyway

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I don’t exactly how large each sector is, but there are 6 sectors that make up the galaxy. That means there is roughly 16,666,666,666.66667 star systems in each sector, assuming this galaxy is the same size as the Milky Way. That’s a big map.

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I think i will abit make the map smaller by alit becuse if i do in galaxy size, it will take forever to get control the galaxy (i thibk for sector will be like 40-20 possible systems.

Beside, i truly dont limit what the race in total or how the gqme play can be seen.

One of the player strat as invador in medivel tech level planet.
But the total tech level all the player starts are just below level of interstellar travel (that mean part of the planet are colonit unless otherwise

Beside, if u do have any q, i here to anwer

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Ok, finally finished, here is my race and details of everything


Race name: Eolaithe


  • Research(3): The Eolaithe are obsessed with research. Whether it be science, history, math, other cultures, ext., the Eolaithe have a thirst for knowledge

  • Defensive(1): although the Eolaithe can be pacifist, they will fight to defend themselves and their knowledge at any cost, and have high moral doing so

  • Long lives(1): the Eolaithe can generally live 100-300 years, perhaps 400-500 with the right medical knowledge and one’s genes


  • Obsession(2): Even though the Eolaithe can make strides in research, they are prone to focusing a little too much on it when other issues would probably be more beneficial to focus on

  • Pacifist(1): The Eolaithe generally do not like to fight, the only times when they will fight is when provoked into battle or if they deem something is a threat to their knowledge base

  • Longer adolescence(2): even tho the Eolaithe can live very long, the time it takes one to reach full maturity is around 40 years (mentally speaking, physically, they are done growing around 20-23 years)

Description: The Eolaithe are fluffy feather-like creatures with facial features that resemble something between an owl and a cat, being that they have a beak and bird-like face, but ears and whiskers that resemble that of a feline. Because how their environment varies greatly with how much light is showing, the Eolaithe have 4 eyes, 1 pair to see while it’s light out, and 1 pair to see while it’s dark, making them able to see all the time. They keep one pair closed when not in use.

They have 6 limbs, each having 4 “fingers.” They can use all their limbs for a number of uses, whether it is walking or using tools or items. However, they typically use 4 limbs to move around naturally but can either use all 6 to move faster/ have a better grip, or all 6 to use items (although one would say they look rather funny using all 6 limbs to use tools). They put on hard “glove” like “shoes” to protect their “hands” from their limbs’ various uses.
When standing at their tallest (using only 2 limbs) they are around 3 meters tall, while in their natural stance, they are around 2 meters tall.

The Eolaithe only typically need 3 hours of sleep in a “day,” however they can go days without sleep if need be, although they like taking naps for a past time and cuddling with their loved ones because of their fluffy warmth. When not researching or anything academic, they either like to socialize with one another or read. Their social structure is somewhat similar to a humans, but the Eolaithe are a lot more friendly and loving of each other than humans typically can be, and hate fights or disputes of any kind.

Although they can be very mistrusting of other species, they are actually xenophilic. They generally try to trust other species but try to be as cautious as possible to avoid any disaster that can come from trusting the wrong people.

The Eolaithe have a very Science based government, since they do not focus on wars and are unified as a species, they can fund scientific endeavors as they please. The closest one can describe how this works is “communist,” being that they have no one that leads them. The ways they govern are beyond what a normal human can grasp at the concept of. Knowledge to them is most important for their society as a whole, so any want for power or selfish desires is almost unheard of and highly frowned upon.

The Xeranic system (star, planets, moons information)

The star system that the Eolaithe live in is known to them as the Xeranic system, with their star being named Xera, a main sequence star that is around 9,000 Kelvin. Xera has 3 planetary bodies (in order from closest to furthest):

  1. Nora, a barren terrestrial planet

  2. Kloy, an empty terrestrial planet, that is within the star’s current habitable zone, but contains no water whatsoever. Has 2 moons:

  • Ren, a moon that has ice in small pockets because Xera doesn’t radiate those areas
  • Baq, a moon that has methane oceans
  1. Qurbo, a gas giant within Xera’s habitable zone that has 8 moons:
  • Lubor, barren and rocky
  • Udonra, rocky and icy, lots of gyzers
  • Zilkoda, moon teaming with life, home of the Eolaithe, is about the size of 1.6 moons, with gravity around 0.6 that of Earths
  • Ukia, a moon covered in water, but does not have life
  • Ryolan, a moon about the size of Zilkoda, rocky and barren
  • Perkoa, small and rocky
  • Eldon, a moon that also has life, tho none intelligent and only basic
  • Reqia, a large moon that is rocky, thought to have a ton of precious resources

Description of Zilkoda:
Zilkoda is a lavish moon that is teaming with life, decent size oceans, and many lakes, rivers, mountains, and valleys. the Eolaithe have cities all over the moon and big patches of farmland. They have boats on its waters to farm for fish, with procedures in place to make sure that they never abuse the planet’s resources and use things efficiently. Roads, Railways, and canals can be found all over the moon, connecting everyone together.

Stats name Amount
Strength 2
Constitution 3
Endurance 3
Dexterity 3
Recovery 3
Mystic 2
Robust 2
Wisdom 4
Charisma 3

If i need to change/ fix/ make something clear please let me know. I had a lot of fun coming up with this :smile:


That feel more as disadvatage then advantages

I think its need some change

But overall its all good

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