Lets create our own language!

Maybe we should start over. I feel like the discussion was kind of a mess so far.

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look up the international phonetic alphabet. most things that’ll come up will have pronunciation guides and recordings

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About that, the English Wikipedia has IPA charts with a lot of the pronunciations.

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Also, shouldn’t we be making our own symbols for letters as well? I was thinking we be start with a limit of 3 lines (Curved or straight) and 2 dots per letter. Then we’ll expand complexity from there.
(And for simplicity we’ll eliminate capital letters)

This is something you do after you finish entire phonology, grammar, ect.

Link to the playlist from above (in this form so it won't take as much space)

How to Make a Language - Part 1: Introduction - YouTube
The last vid from that playlist is about writing systems. There’s also an interesting series about the history of writing on the NativLang channel.

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I just find it easier to visualize and write that way.

I agree with Nie, unless we aren’t making a naturalistic language, in which case why not? Also, um, that’s a very important decision. I’ma make a poll to figure out the general idea of the language.


Interlang: international language, engineered for the purposes of people with different first languages communicating, think Esperanto or Toki Pona
Artlang: totally artistic, usually where you put weird BS and experiment, do not recommend.
Engineeredlang: purpose built for something, but unlike an artland, it’s useful, and unlike an interlang, it doesn’t have to be easy to learn
Naturalistic Language: pretend real language, best if you also make up a people who speak the language. On the poll i’ll split it between spoken by humanoids and spoken by non humanoids. Most common, and what I assume will win. Think Klingon or Dothraki

  • Interlang (my second choice)
  • Artlang (useless)
  • Engineeredlang (what for?)
  • Naturalistic Language: spoken by Humanoids (reccomended choice)
  • Naturalistic Language: spoken by nonhumanoids (hard)

0 voters

Anyone who doesn’t like this poll can bug off or make their own poll.

Engineeredlang for better talking about science

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okay now thats cool. I’ll wait for some more votes before deciding. maybe like 6 or 7? are there that many people who’ll care enough to vote? idk
Edit: switched the category to other creativity cause it’s pretty creative


we restarted when the conversation was revived. Everything made so far is located here:

And i think a naturalistic language, with just a little bit of an engineered language would be perfect.

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like alien newspeak?

What is that? ive never heard of it.

newspeak is the fictional language of 1984. it’s a purposeful modification of english made by propaganda folks to change how people think. it has all the naturalistic chaos of english but way too purposefully constructed to be believable.

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What if it’s the naturalistic lenguage of a scientific civilization in which their science modified their lenguage over the millennia


We can use Obsidian to manage this project.

The only issue i see with this is that it requires a membership to obsidian, which I (and i would assume many others) dont have.

Google docs seems to be quite simple, universal, and free to use.

Edit: I wil use obsidian because it is quite easy to use, but i will still drop things into the doc so other people can use and edit and view the project


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Here is a google doc with all of the information so far (i think?)

Does anyone have any suggestions for more phonotactics before moving on to grammar?

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Idea: addition of /x/ as an allophone to /h/.

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I love the idea, but I can only pronounce ħ and χ, so could it be one of them? And in what cases should we make it one or the other?