One-sentence image-telephone evolution story building

Made after the repurposing of the original which was made by @titus_the_human. This is my idea for the combo. Enjoy!

How it works:

We start with an image of a cell, captioned with a sentence describing the organism.
Then, the next person makes an evolved version of this organism and describes what happened in one sentence. E.g.:

Person 1:
This is Jeff.
Person 2:
Jeff evolved and grew legs.

Additional Rules (you need to read them before you start/join):

  1. You can’t give two sentences and/or images in one reply.*
    1.1. *When you make a statement said by a caracter in the story, you can use up to five sentences.

  2. You have to end a sentence using at least one of those symbols: . ! ?
    The reason behind it is that if you don’t, stuff might get confusing.

  3. You can’t give two or more replies in a row. E.g.:

    Person 1:
    This is Jeff.
    Person 1:
    Jeff evolved and grew legs.

    Your sentences/evolution steps have to be separated by at least one other sentence/evolution step. E.g.:

    Person 1:
    This is Jeff.
    Person 2:
    Jeff evolved and grew legs.
    Person 1:
    Jeff was very happy so he developed the ability to smile.

  4. Try to avoid making new species and lineages as it may get hard to manage.

  5. Your images have to be made by you. No AI can be used. No tracing art from other creators*.
    5.1. *It is allowed to ease your process of evolving a creature made by another person in this thread (I.e. you can only trace art made for the game). Every time it happens, you have to mention the image(s) which you traced and their creators in an NSS section (see: rule 7.). E.g.:
    (NSS) Traced from this image, made by @[USERNAME_HERE].

  6. The images must be shared via an image sharing service and not the forums themselves.

  7. When you want to say something other than a sentence/evolution step (discussion stuff in general), you have to start it with “(Not a story sentence)”. You can also use “(NSS)”, “NSS”, “(NaSS)” and “NaSS”. For the connivance’s sake, the short forms have been kept the same as in the original One-sentence story building.

  8. Necroposting is allowed as long as it brings anything to the story. No necroshitposting.

  9. Do not start a lineage related in any way to the Jeff and his evolutions form the examples. Come up with something original.

  10. Do NOT make wars with each other. Don’t target each others species excessively. It’s annoying for the people who just want to push the story forward.

If there’s anything unclear about these rules, please, tell me. (Some rules may be a subject to rewording or other changes, new rules may get added over time. Every time that happens, I’ll leave a reply informing about it).


In the depths, near the hydrothermical vents, a curious phenomenon has just been born - Luca, the first ever lifeform to be created.

in the hydrothermical vents, it evolved a metabolosome.
(nss) how do you use add an image.

luca made a son, his name is temmy

(NSS) I used Imgur.

(NSS) Typo in rule 6. fixed and the rule has been highlighted.

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nss i dont have imgur its blocked on school laptop, anything else i can use?

I don’t know about you, but for some reason the forum lets me post images directly by clicking on the frame icon (I’m on mobile by the way so it might be different on the computer)

(nss) There’s this. It doesn’t show the full-sized preview though. You can also use Google Docs, like @sci0927.

luca evolves another metabolome and meanwhile, Temmy evolves thermosynthase.
(nss) sorry if it just shows link
edit: oh it shows a image

luca grows bigger and evolves pili and a vacuole
temmy evolves thermosynthase and a flagellum

LUCA evolves more vacuoles and has a new son called jeff which has cilia and a large vacuole.

temmy has two more children named bob and jerry and they both had chemosynthesizing proteins but bob lost his thermosynthase and temmy gained copper in it’s flagellum and extended it into the thermosynthase

everybody evolves more metabolomes and Temmy evolves a cytoskeleton out of the copper.

you forgot temmy’s chemosynthesizing proteins

temmy grew bigger and lost the ability to properly split due to the copper cytoskeleton ang gained a copper cilium, jerry had a child named plastid who is about to be engulfed by temmy who gained phagocytosis, bob grew bigger and gained more metabolosomes and chemosynthesizing proteins and a bigger flagellum. jeff gains plasmids.