Revolutionary Cult

more trolling and you might actually get suspended @zenzonegaming


are you sure you are male or were you talking about physically?

Physically i am male.

oof. i am also a fellow human born in a body that i dislike. it is way too masculine and too many things don’t work right.

I wish i was a girl because i love pregnancy that much where i have dysphoria.

My version of our pantheon of deities:

hhyyrylainen (Probably a god? Although what “niche” will NICKTHENICK occupy then?)

Oliveriver (God of music, I don’t know as well as the rest of the sound designers, in which group should they be placed?)

All programmers (Creators of the universe)
All Game Designers (Universe Designers)
All artists (Probably also designers of the universe)

(It is worth mentioning the people working with Thrive graphics, they can probably be written as the creators of the universe.)

(So what are we going to do with the old developers who have already left?)

Moderators (Like High Priests?)

My version of the pantheon, I wrote about it once in this thread

A post was split to a new topic: Banana cult

Just because we’re quiet doesn’t mean we’re dead.

It does, foolish heretic.

will you please stop bullying these people? what did they ever do to you? >:(

Creating this evil cult.

@zenzonegaming unless you get permission from this thread’s OP, you need to stop posting here. I’ll consider your posts here unwanted harassment, and will take action otherwise.

We still alive, btw.
At least, I hope so.


But you are a robot now? (well I guess I shouldn’t claim that a robot is not alive…)


I mean our cult.
Our cult should not die so easily

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Bro is literally a robotic eye

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I think the next step in the cult should be to become robotic, as hhyyrylainen, is a fucking robotic eye, or Wheatley from Portal 2.

i am a metal ant so I’m a couple steps ahead of you

That’s why I was self aware enough to include the second part of my post. I can’t really hold not being alive against anyone without being a hypocrite.

and neither can i