The Thrive Odyssey

Kherzit should be the name of the village, and mongols the name of the tribe.

Mongols is the name of my group, but since i am staying nomadic I don’t have a village so I called it something else

I’ll name my village later today.

UPDATE: My village is named Londinium and my tribe (later a civilization) is called Britannia.

Also, @OmnipotentFNarr, you responded to my earlier post with a :+1:. What did you mean exactly? That I can name my villagers or that we should be in Stage 1.5? By the way, are just settling for this round or can we post an action already?

Wait, I thought bananas were first found in New Guinea, right?

P.S.: I might make maps for each of your village location, guys (location in the world). That way, it will be easier to imagine where we are in the game.

EDIT: Wait, since I’m going to British main island, does that mean I discover boat travel?

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That wouldn’t be fair. Also Mr Pigeon is going to Mexico, and I think Eurasia was separated from the americas at this time.

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True, that wouldn’t be fair. Erasing it… As for the migration, our grand Game Master will probably skip a long time period to match with geographical facts.

There’s evidence of rafts or crude boats going back a long way (before modern humans even), so we should all start with some ability to cross water at least some of the time. Relevant wiki article.


Where will you go?

I’ll wait for Evolution4Weak. How would you feel about having me nearby?

I don’t mind having you nearby. I’d be even ready to cooperate with you.

Village: Acirema
Tribe: Tarkahmehd
Location: Move To Europe, Portugal

I’ll do Normandy then (France), close to blakckjacksike and not far from Evolution4Weak.

Epilogue: Sysiphus eventually gets over the zebras incident, and explores in the same direction. He comes across the biggest lake he’s ever seen, the end is out of sight in some directions! Unfortunately the water is gross and salty. Now, is there a way to get across it to the rocks on the other side… eventually, he finds a way. And so begins the story of the neanderthal.

Village name Laestrygon, tribe name Laestrygonians.

[Map in construction…]

Sorry to ask, but where was Tenochtitlán, @Mr.Pigeon? I’m trying to locate it, but all I can find out is that it was located in what is now known as Mexico City in the Lake Texcoco. The only problem is that the Conquistadores drained the lake, so it’s now impossible for me to locate it on Google Earth. If anyone here could give me an accurate position, I’d be glad to know.

But what is your village’s name?

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Thankfully Google Earth has a lot of information. Apparently Lake Texcoco was somewhere in the center of Mexico City (as you will see on the image below). If you need better image just say

But Tenochtitlan was an island within the lake, right? Where was it approximately?

I think I’ve got an idea.

Welp, glad you got an idea, but I’ll post this map anyway. I think it will help you to pinpoint the city better

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All settlements were placed next to a river, an ocean or any body of water.


North America

Main Lakes in Mexico

@Mr.Pigeon, it was hard, but I drew the lakes as well as your island. I then put your settlement next to the water on the island.


@blackjacksike, I drew your or rather my settlement in the city of London, next to the river.

@Pentaphon, I drew your village in Normandy just as you asked. It’s next to the Seine river and another one whose name I don’t recall.

@Evolution4Weak, I placed your main village in Portugal, next to the Sea. Since you didn’t mention specifically where in Portugal, I assumed that it should be in what is currently known as Lisbon. You also haven’t mentioned your village’s name. Think about it. A village without a name is difficult to recognize. Think about it…

@yp364, I placed your village near the ruins of the real Apollonia and next to a river.


North Africa

@zenzonegaming, I placed your main village in Egypt, near the Nile river just as you said. Sorry for the shortened name, but Google Earth was putting ‘…’ instead.



@TeaKing, I placed your main village in the same place as in the real world (Tyre). It’s next to the ocean.

Eastern Asia

@OoferDoofer, since you’re nomadic, I made an area covering Mongolia to know your zone and I also placed your main “temporary” village near the Ider river.


  1. @OmnipotentFNarr, can the maps be official parts of the roleplay/forum game? It’d be nice to know where we are approximately on Earth.
  2. I might share the Google Earth project with you guys, but I’ll have to find a way to share it first.

I operate in The country of Mongolia.

I am also guessing that evolution4weak’s village is Acirema. I am also calling my village a tribe.

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Tribe name:Hellenes
Village name:Apolonia
Location: the coast of Epirus

Sorry for being late guys had some work to do

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@blackjacksike Good job, very cool!

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So there is a way to share the project. You can send me a private message to tell me your Gmail address and I’ll be able to share it with you.
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