👻 The Thrive Vault of Paranormal Activity

The very fact that you are uncapable of comprehending such a simple concept is further proof you are not worthy of knowning what a muglil is.

what i am trying to do here is exactly what you are saying i cannot. I am a scientist at heart, and as a Light-Bound, i want to experience and know as much of the world as possible.

is it this?

No that is not.

Isn’t it where you put whipped cream in wine?

I dunno, but it might as well be for as long as @fralegend015 doesn’t tell us.

It’s where you put whipped cream into a wine made out of cat-dog-grass cells and then give it sapience so it goes on to become a glorified leader

Even your concept of glory is abominable, and yet you come here and have the audacity of saying that you are not a monster.

I actually admitted to being a monster

Do you even know what moglil is?

Of course, everyone knows what a moglil is, I already made that much clear.

i love moglil
its my favourite thing besides tea

I don’t think you know what moglil is.

Ok and?

Moglil is an Indian surname, apparently. Says a quick google search.

You claim that you know of the true nature of moglil, which is an utterly false statement.

When did I say this?

I said that I know what a moglil is because every person knows what it is.
You are trying to trick me into telling you what a moglil is, but you are a moster, and as such will never reveal to you what a moglil is.

Just because someone doesn’t innately know what moglil is doesn’t mean they are a monster.
Instead, there could be other reasons, like that person murdering someone, or other illegal actions.

You dont even know what a moglil is.

Doesn’t mean its right to call everybody who doesn’t know what a moglil is a monster. Last i checked, ignorance about information exclusive to other timelines is completely legal! Plus, it’d be silly to define a law based on a concept that is currently entirely hypothesis and fiction.