Thrive of Empires 2

you plan to continue this forum game? it’s been nearly 2 weeks now.

My round 6 descision: Fire

So you plan to continue this forum game or not @Null ?

Here finally got to doing round 6

Id like people to suggest some kind of quests. So things that people would have to go out of their way to complete or that would even mess with their civ a bit.

Pings: @sci0927 @TeaKing @doomlightning @TwilightWings21 @aah31415 @fralegend015 @Evolution4Weak @GodOfKnowledge

You are so inactive in the game that i removed you from it. I update the rounds more often than you show up and that really is something.

Extra vote: writing system
Main vote: fire

Fire discovery backstory: The Lobsters have tried to use rock music on land. It made a sparkle and lit up nearby sticks.

Vote: Pottery [1]

  1. u know, clay ↩︎

how did you do that

try type:
^[something like that]

1 Like

wheel, and water wheel

Action: Shelter Building
Action 2: Agriculture

You still forgot stone tools in my tech tree

Can I join?(I don’t fully understand how the idea works, but I have found Google tables doc)

sure you can join in!
Ill give you 6 votes aswell as a starting tech.
do you want to be your favourite species or something else?

Yes, I want to play as my favourite species, but I don’t want to start discussion about possibility of underwater complex civilization, so it will be amphibian octopus

My species is an underwater civ so you dont need to worry. yeah we are only on a tribal level but still.

Also you arent the only octopus, fralegend is also an amphibian octopus

Then it will make sence to play as an underwater octopuses

vote: cooking

So should I say what my civ have created from start?

Yeah say what your civs starting tech is, then just say the 6 things your civ would have attempted to develop in the past 6 turns.

vote: its time for languange, so thats what imma invent

Ok, I thought that I should started now, six turns later, but ok, time travelling octopuses
Premade thing: tool making from dead animals, which led to thriving of the most intellegent octopuses
1st turn: complex culture with complex social structure, which has strict hierarchy between octopuses, who are mainly hermits (I put to much detail, don’t I)
2nd turn: cultivating of cool sweet seagrass
I think, next actions depend on first two rolls