Yes, but we are not talking about survival scenarios.
Why is that post responding to mine?
my mistake :|
before zenzone replies
bro made a mistake
Bro thinks he can predict @zenzonegaming
Bro thinks he can point out his own mistakes.
Bro thinks he can point out my mistakes
The emoji disease is spreading, we need to end this containment breach.
Bro thinks he can end the emoji disease
You have been taken over by it.
Anybody knows where the cure to this infestation lies?
there is no cure(that the foundation is willing to let you use). it’s a virus that affects the mind, you have to wipe all memories related to the disease to cure it, and we don’t have antiviruses for the brain, so if you’re not immune to it, avoid it.
Can SCP-8610 instances get infected by it btw?
idk, but based on how long i’ve been exposed to it without catching it, i’m immune
Let’s hope that others are immune too.
i think i’ve figured out why sylvie has been putting her blood in my coffee
related to the fact that craving steel is apparently not normal and that it means my body wants more iron than it’s getting, and having the urge to eat forks is ‘weird’ and ‘i shouldn’t be eating the cafeteria’s silverware’, and so “you’re going to get tested for mineral deficiencies whether you want to or not”, despite the fact i had those tests done during june and not even 3 months have passed
but anyways i did an x ray on my legs and the bones look hollow and like they’re not made of metals, so i took out the bones in those small toes humans have and don’t use for anything but balancing while walking on the outsides of their feet, and got rid of the stuff attached to said bones, then attempted to cut them open with a saw designed foor cutting diamonds, and all it did was dull the blade, so obviosly the next thing to try was putting one through a portal and turning it on, after which i ran a genetic analysis on the goop inside, cause my bones weren’t clear or filled with a thin layer of marrow that’s full of red goop that’s got redder crystals in it 2 months ago, and it revealed that the clear shelled bones were made of multiple flat plates that intersect with eachother, that are made and grown by taking the hydrogen and oxygen off of glucose molecules, then shoving them together to construct really thin carbon nanotubes, then making lonsdaleite through a similar process, and the goop in the middle is a single cell that has a blood vessel run through it to store oxygen, and it’s supposed to be crystals of hemoglobin that’s structured like it is in the red blood cells of people with sickle cell anemia
oh, but when i told a few -3 instances to make normal bones like they would if they were just turning the bone solid, all of them were made of quartz and spider silk, with the same goop in it, but almost completely crystallized, and most bones in 8610-2 instances are just normal bones.
yeah, i noticed that, too.
also you know what’s really annoying? getting tested for heavy metal poision after I supposedly ate “too many” metal scraps. they have no idea how yummy metal scraps are.
you haven’t eaten any out of the lead bin, right?
What does metal taste like?
dont worry, i know not to do that
seriously, one of the first things I learned was what metals were toxic I know what not to eat.
like electricity but either better or bitter
How many tastes are there which the catgirls can taste but the regular folk cannot?