Iceburg for thrive 2#

I took the wiki post, modified a few things, added others, and got to it here

Estuary: Disturbance, Oliveriver’s video, Spore, Underwater civs, hydrothermal vents

Tidepool: Hhyyrylainen Kikygames, Evolutions! BurgeonBlas, SpikeViper

Epipelagic: Shrek as player cell, lounge category, the old forum, Thrive Universe, banana biome bug, Thrive “Official” Comics

Mesopelagic: Rednascar, doomlighting is a mesoamerican god, floating forges, uplifting means underwater civs are possible, pre-multicellular prototype colony organisms, Thrive Paranormal Vault, Spore Easter Egg, Misterious Toxin Bubble Bug, Ja1cob

Abyss: stealthstyle is a mod, zenzone is kikygames, alternate tech tree doesn’t mean what you think it means, who created Thrive font? Original Music were stollen, viva la disco mode, Revolutionary cult, species with 100 k of population

Sea floor: Ascended users, deathwake is kikygames, Banana Cult, nuclear reactors to smelt underwater, strange sounds on the soundtrack, Instoppable cells in abyss, autoevo going too far



Void: March 9, 2023


i have a post you can edit so id recomend you add all that stuff to my post

I also recommend that you add hhyyrylainen cult, (Revolutionary cult) to your iceberg.

Also, add “Devbuild Black Market”

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Huhh??? There is something like this???

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I have not seen such a thing, if it even exists.

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So yeah i did it


Is it time for an updated version?

I already did it


ha yes, doomlighting, my alter ego of myself

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What does autoevo going to far mean?

autoevo monsters

W-what does THAT mean? Unholy eldritch bacteria?


The mystery of the purple bacteria

x files theme plays


“TheForumGameMasters AI clones” should also be on the iceberg.

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and the horrible treatment he does to them (considering that they are supposed to represent real people)

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How deep would that be on the iceberg, and how deep would the grueling control I attempt to exert over the AI be?

Okay, so, “TheForumGameMasters abused AI clones”
layer: Mesopelagic/Abyss

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to interpret this question. Would the ‘grueling control’ be on the its own entry, or are you asking about the degree to which you yourself would try to control the AI clones?

Yes, try not to use the word “abuse” because that makes it sound like a crime. And controlling AIs is not illegal. The grueling control would be part of the same thing.

Treating something that acts like a human sets pretty bad precident in your mind even if you consciously try to not get into the habit of treating actual people badly. At least that’s the most relevant argument about AI I’ve heard regarding this discussion.

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True, but the same is said of treating AI characters in a game badly. And there seems to be no consensus from psychologists about whether that is harmful. There’s no evidence that playing a violent game makes someone more violent, and many psychologists believe that it can be cathartic, and even relieve a person’s animosity towards others, which could otherwise manifest in harmful ways.

There’s also no consensus from ethicists about whether it’s an extension of how we treat other people, either. These issues don’t really seem to be swung by how realistic the characterisation is, but they certainly are affected by how likely someone is to start to believe it’s a real person on the other end. If the characters are ones you’ve created for yourself, you aren’t likely to fall into that illusion.

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