Consent contract
Race name:
Advantages / Disadvantages: (You can fill up to 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages, in a ratio of 5 points, with a tendency to balance of 0. see Example if u don’t understand.)[the more points for an adv/des, the stronger its effect, limit to 3 for one]
Description: (gives basic bonuses, and also for fun)
(You can create more than one race, but please do not overdo it with the quantity)
Planet name:
Planet Description: (gives basic bonuses, and also for fun)
Sector: Chose 1 of the 3: Sector Virgo, Sector Ophiuchus, Sector Cetus (This is the galactic position of the star, each of which gives an advantage and a disadvantage, so choose wisely [I’m not going to reveal this])
u]Race name:[/u] Human (Homo Sapience)
Advantages / Disadvantages:
Adaptive (1): Adapt quickly to wherever they go, giving fewer penalties for unsuitable environments
Cooperating (3): Know how to cooperate, no matter if it is less crowded or yes. Construction and military costs at a discount
Fertile (1): Their reproductive rate is at a dizzying rate, lowering the cost of population ownership
{5 points in total, the more point, the stronger the effect}
Fragile: (2)The skin and their supporting tissues are weak, with less strength and def.
Wasteful: (2) They do not notice where they throw their waste, more maintenance cost
Violent: (1) In anger, they can not control or distinguish between a friend and an enemy. Loyalty is lower and increases the chance of random killing of a population
Description: Hairless monkeys that walk on 2 hind limbs and have 2 hands. They are known to have the ability to run for a long time without getting tired or stopping and alscanable to survive time without water.
Planet name: Terra [Earth]
Planet Description: A blue star full of life types in different diverse regions. The temperature is fixed and not cold (relative to the universe). A very perfect place for life capable of breathing oxygen.
Sector: Sector Virgo (if chosen earth, he only belongs to that sector)
The participant
Name: (what it is your name? u know, we have to contact you somehow)
Race: (what are ur genom/race)[it have to be one of the race u created/bring in the origin tab]
Stats name | What this stats do? |
Strength | Strengthens physical attack |
Constitution | More health |
Endurance | Resistance to physical attacks |
Dexterity | Allows you to dodge and increases hit chance |
Recovery | Resistance to status effect |
Mystic | Strengthens magic abilities |
Robust | Improves magic protection |
Wisdom | Add mana |
Charisma | Improves abilities performance |
You have 25 points to disperse them, can’t go below 0
If you decide to sign up for this, not at all suspicious document, you will receive a Familiar as a gift!
They are the pet (if you like a lump that lacks emotion, appearance, beauty, and awareness). But do not underestimate them! They are your only support to contact if forces are higher than you, and they can evolve according to the will responsible for it! At the moment they are pretty useless, but we’ll see what they look like you will take care of them and if they could give you things you only dreamed of.
Just do not feed him at dusk. (just kidding)
How will work?
So you decided to agree to the terms and dangers you might have, great!
Once you have decided to sign up, you will begin the most sacred thing for any mortal creature you want - eternal life, Immortality. If it is, you will not have your problem and time to take care of yourself and cultivate what you want to do:
Do you want to be the head of an entire country? go for it!
Do you want to be the leader of a pirate group that controls the entire sector? I’m not stopping you!
Do you want to be a bounty hunter who at night is also a criminal of the underworld? I see no reason not to!
But it has only one condition: as soon as the time comes, I, the head/emp/something strong, who is in charge of the document seal will summon you to something you will need to do, even if you do not want it.
And if you’re dead, not terrible! You will be resurrected after a while, but you may find yourself somewhere else, at another time, maybe with nothing, and if a slightly different personality. I’m not responsible for your death.
Is your Familiar dead? It’s terrible, but not the end of the universe. You can find a new one or try to revive it at a nominal price, at the cost of perhaps losing features.
Do you want to break up the contract? You can do this by turning to the power/head/something amazing and asking that he be unable to hold on to it anymore. You can just go back to being mortal, forget everything and start over. I will not stop you.
Have you found someone interested in signing the contract after you have been immortal for some time? You can turn it into your patron! They were by your side and could not usually betray you, but they had to do what you demand of them.
How to begin?
Each round will be conducted privately between the immortal and the responsible god/head/emp and he can do the following:
Buy things or actions, in case you have enough money
Use 2 free actions to do anything, as long as it is possible for you.
Example: In this round, you use your money to buy metals, and add more money for them to be protected from the chance of something going wrong. And 2 more actions: the first is to practice and maybe try to add more status and the second is to try to develop a mutation for your pet. This is just an example out of almost infinity of possibilities.
Did you find something you do not know or understand what to do with it, like how much does it cost if not said or do not understand what this thing does in this place, etc? You can always yell at me and complain about why this is happening to me and I will try to “fix” them.

Welcome to the most ambitious forum game I have ever created!
This is a hybrid game of all the games I have ever created in this forum in one game, almost longer, but certainly longer than the previous one.
This is a near-futuristic science-fiction game [at a level that has a better engine for getting to Mars] where I throw you into real life if the ability to be immortal and grow infinitely, but at an unexpected price.
What you want to do is just about anything you can think of!
But because it’s my most ambitious so far, it’s probably going to be the last forum game I’m ever going to create.
But in the meantime, take the time to decide, I currently do not limit how many people will want to participate.
On the other hand, because of the uncomfortable period I’m currently in, I’ll only start the first round after 2022-08-18T21:00:00Z.
So I’m sorry if they do not see any progress, but on the other hand, I can always answer questions in case I miss something you want to know about.
Plus, there might be an improvement in my grammar, who knows
well, I hope to see u!