XenoBiology Center of Terra | Forum Game

The XenoBiology Center of Terra (XBCT) is an organization made by the goverment of the Terran Commune that finds and catalogs any species out there in space. It’s main purpose being protecting the people from dangerous species and analizing them.

So i was doing something and said “Hey this works as a forum game!” So now this is a thing.
This is technically my third forum game (Rodlaria V.2 doesn’t count) and i still feel nervous when i post a game.

The “game” works like this:
You are a worker in the XBCT, your job is to find and report species. The way that these reports are made is by filling one of the images, depending if the species is a microscopic cell, a virus, an animal or a plant (This includes Fungi)
After some time (It will vary) I’ll post some information like “A hivemind species was discovered”, or “A sapient species was discovered, it’s very aggressive”. Maybe not detailed, it will also include some worlbuilding but that’s something you can ignore.


You can post the pure text instead of an image, but it has to contain the same information.

The Danger Level and Spread Capability are both broken into 5 levels

If someone has a question please ask me!
I don’t know if this can be considered a forum game, but after all, a simple action-consequence game is considered one so this is probably a forum game

Terran Commune Name Explanation (please don't open this i beg you)

I expected someone to say “Is the Terran Commune Communist?” because it said commune, and the answer to that is, i didn’t have any other idea, the Terran Commune is called like that because it includes multiple intelligent species, maybe they can be categorized by the XBCT.
Forgot in the first edit. The inspiration for this is a video called “Danger: Humans”, the SCP Foundation and the Templin Institute.

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Hey, this looks really cool. Can I join?

Yes, please do. I don’t want this thing to die.

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One question though…

How do I document the things? Do I just post them here?

Yes, if i understood. If not, then i’ll explain. You put the information of the species in the image, use one depending in what the species is, a plant(or fungi), animal, virus or microscopic creature. Then just post the image in here. I’ll do one if you want an example.

Ok, an example would be helpful.

Ok then, i’ll use the Kao’a as an example.
Also you can put images if you want

Kao'a Species Document

Drawing of an anomalous Kao'a group

This is an anomalous Kao’a group, and the reason of it being that the size of that group is very small, this may be because the group was just attacked or the three members are part of a bigger group, and are only exploring the region it lives in.

I don’t know how to make my documents look exactly like that, but I’ll try.

It looks cool. I maybe will join soon

Also if you don’t want to edit that image you can just make it directly as text in here.

Species name: Dvarih-359
Scientific name: F5K9G1
Habitats: planet HD 186599-c, Earth (in laboratories)
Danger level: 4 (was suggested to change to 5, suggestion is considered)
Spread capability: 2
Notes: Experiments with Dvarih-359 are closed. HD 186599-c is closed for explorings, untill the opening of the ways to safe against Dvarih-359.
Description: F5K9G1 - virus, that was found after the death of scientist on station HD 186599-c 12, which explored the underwater life. During the expedition, Albert Coli hurt himself. Albert fastly closed the wound. But later, he started gasping. Blood tests told, that his blood is “wrong” and whole of monooxide of carbon (2) and monooxide of hydrogen. Diameter - 45 nanometres. Dangerous because of its unique reaction with hem - blood protein and part of hemoglobin. In the result of getting into red blood cells, it just break the hem (or gem?) which from forms water and carbon monoxide, affecting healthy cells. If the virus get into the cell that can divide, it “divides” through it (i hope you know how viruses multiple). Oftentimes it gets into the body through injuries, but cases of infection through the respiratory tract have been recorded too. Virus was moved on Earth to exploring, but because of accident on spaceship and laboratory, virus is in air of testing room and on most of things there. After 15th death in quarantine zone, the experiments were braked.
P.S. I hope it’s interesting. And enough to be ended.
Picture isn’t available. Virus wasn’t captured on photo yet.

I’ll continue description of HD 186599-c
But firstly a question. Must we tell about safe creatures or give priority to dangerous?
Species name: Funwo
Scientific name: Voron Sery
Habitats: rivers on the HD186599-c-a (continent Ghakvy) of HD 186599-c
Danger Level: 1
Spread Capability: 4
Notes: HD 186599-c is closed for exploring, untill the opening of the ways to safe against Dvarih-359. ̶E̶d̶i̶t̶e̶d̶:̶ ̶n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶F̶u̶n̶w̶o̶’̶s̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶t̶.
Description: Funwo - water organism. Have 3 jaws with 1 tooth on every jaw, 1 eye, 2 “nostrils” with gills, tail, 2 legs, and small fins in the middle part of body. Inside it are organ systems, reminiscent fish’s body inside. Average sizes - 10-25 centimetres in old age. Live 2-5 years by planet’s rotation (HD 186599-c year approximately equals 1,56 earth’s years. One day equals 0,78 earth’s days). Eat and mate on leaves upon the water (as some frogs on Earth), but live only in water. To get to the leaves, they use their muscular legs that reminiscent tetrapod’s paw, especially frog’s. Funwo push the ground and flies to nearest leaves and eat them or lands to them, helping with his fins in gliding. If they are in danger, they emit toxins and fly on leaves. They breathe as humans (through the nostrils) but with gills. Can stay alive per 40 standard minutes on air. Eye can see in standard diapason (as humans) and see in ultraviolet diapason. Diapason from 250 to 700 nanometres is visible for them.

This drawing was given by member of crew HD 186599-c-4. Thier real photos are bad.
P.S. About the time on HD 186599-c you can to not write.
P.P.S. Maybe we will describe planets? Or not? And must i give HD 186599-c normal name?

Preferably a mix of safe and K̶e̶t̶e̶r̶ dangerous.

Yeah you can, but preferably talk a bit about the life in it, or if it doesn’t contain life.

If you want to, I prefer names that sound like an exoplanet (like 55-Cancri-e or something)

imma join too!

Document type: Animaloid species document

species name: Samevioan Parasitic Thekopod
scientific name: Thekopod Parasiticus Samevious

Habitat(s): near the Samevioan river deltas in planet T-582041-d in star system Tekis-58 2041
Danger level: [danger level is still undecided, but after what happened to the colony in T-582041-c (see notes) it will likely obtain the fourth danger level]
Spread capacity: level 4

after the failed containment of a thekopod specimen and it infecting a scientist, who later on travelled to the colony in T-582041-c and infected almost everyone in there, killing them in a week’s time from infection(this incident has helped in identifying the parasite’s symptoms), it was decided that going into thekopod territory will result in firing the person doing so, and that testing on living thekopods is prohibited until better containment techniques are discovered.

The samevioan parasitic thekopod is, as the name implies, a parasite that belongs to the family Thekopoda, it’s in the genus Sameviopoda with 3 other species.
it reproduces both sexually and sexually, where asexual reproduction mostly happens inside a host, and sexual reproduction is outside of a host. (further research is needed on their reproduction, as current information is incomplete)

it has 10 appendages, the first 2 pairs at the front are mostly used for climbing and grabbing objects, the second 2 are used to attach its body to any surface around it, and the last pair is used mostly as a way to control the host’s behaviour and to attract a mate.
it has 3 pairs of eyes and a pair of antennae on top of those eyes.
the parasite is small in size, being slightly larger than the average human adult’s hand.
its colour ranges from pink to orange to dark brown.
it enters the host’s body mainly through the mouth, but it will try to enter from other places.
the thekopod is intelligent, during testing on a specimen to measure IQ it scored 130, being smarter than the average homo sapiens.

Maybe, i’ll do one T̶h̶a̶u̶m̶i̶e̶l̶ ̶ extra dangerous creature? :smiley
Unknown. Presumably an animal or extra spaceship of unknown for us civilization.
Species name: unknown.
Scientific name: unknown.
Code name: lustrator.
Habitats: unknown.
Dangerous level: unknown, presumably 5.
Spread capability: unknown, presumably 1.
Notes: was found only one being. Now we we are engaged in searches any other similar creatures in space.
Description: April 24th 2037. Earth’s astronomers found strange blackout in the area of the Cygnus constellation. Some stars weren’t seen there, despite the fact that by calculations stars should be there. Information was provided to the every big space companies in Terran Commune.
May 2nd 2037. Calculated speed and approximate dimensions of “lustrator”, they were equal 16km/second and 30.000 km lengthwise. The object was on distance 29 light years from the nearest colony of Terran Commune. Started calculating curs to explore object.
May 6th 2037. Calculated curs. Astronomers fixed weird movement of object. It as bent and unbent in a few hours.
Jule 17th 2037. Spacecraft “Lustrator 1” launched on orbit. Warp engine will be ready through 5 days. Astronomers didn’t fixed anything strange.
Jule 19th 2037. Lustrator disappeared. Giant object in open space equal in leanth with small planet simply disappeared from it’s place.
Since then about lustrator weren’t hear. Absolutely nothing. We can just wait results of “Lustrator 1”.
August 12th 2037. Spacecraft “Lustrator 1” came at last lustrator’s place. It found strange spatial anomalies. Appeared theory that tells that the Lustrator can move as spaceships with warp engine. But most of them think that the Lustrator - aliens’ spaceship. In any case it can pose a threat to Terran Commune.

Species Name: Kwui
Scientific Name: Mus Saltu
Habitats: Rainforest, Temperate forest
Danger Level: Threat Level 3
Spread Capability: 2.5

Notes: Do not approach any Kwui under any circumstances without a gun and at least two other people.

The Kwui are large ratlike predators with large teeth and large ears. Their average length is 1.6 meters long and 1 meter tall at the shoulders and are one of the largest predators in their region. Kwui live to be 50-70 kilograms and live to be about 16-20 earth years. They have slightly webbed feet for crossing rivers as their planet is covered with rivers. At the end of the feet, there are claws used to tear the flesh and skin off their prey. They also have tails that help keep the Kwui balanced during a chase. Much like rodents, Kwui’s teeth never stop growing so they have to sharpen and file them down. Their large ears help them hear any slight movement within 10 meters of where they are. They have small, colored frills on the end of their tails, that can range from yellow to fiery red,to attract potential mates. Kwui form small family groups from about 5-15 Kwui. Kwui are single hunters and bring food back to their nests. When hunting, they skulk around until they find prey that is weak and or smaller than it.

Type: Animal
Species Name: Hyperdemon
Scientific Name: Yet to be described
Habitat: Any
Danger: 5
Spread: 5
Notes: All hyperdemons must immediately be destroyed to avoid spread
Description: Hyperdemons are 1mm wide spherical animals. They are surrounded in a layer of an extremely caustic substance, which they use to osmotrophically consume any organic matter. They are perfectly efficient, and can reproduce as fast as they can ingest matter. They reproduce by fission

Type: plant

Species: mech plant

Scientific name: unassigned

Habitat: plains, preferably tall grassed ones

Danger : 2

Spread: 5

A mechanical plant that has gone berserk due to no one being able to control it in a long time. They are shaped like normal grass, but reinforced with a special type of metal that can spread around other plants or grow into its own. They aren’t very dangerous, because they can only hack and slash living things, however they are sentient beings capable of thought.

A project is currently being funded to limit the spread of these invasive mechanical plants and perhaps even reduce their numbers.

as soon as i saw the word mechanical i thought it would be you.

Species Bame: Fa’Skre
Scientific Name:
Danger Level: 4.3
Spread Capability: 3

Notes: Depending on the group, some Fa’Skre may have very early, up to Iron Age technology

The Fa’ Skre are the most intelligent species on Dsark. The Fa’ Skre are a family bonded species and will hardly stray from parents. Until the discovery of flame, the Fa’ Skre travelled in tribes of 15-25. These usually consisted of 5-10 hunting males, about 5 females, and anywhere from no to 5 children, depending on the season. After the discovery of fire, the tribe that discovered it settled near its discovery, and began constructing permanent homes around their religious center, the high rock. These Fa’ Skre were the first to settle, but many soon followed. As the land was rich with materials, the Fa’ Skre didn’t need to farm for generations. Eventually, High Rock, the largest settlement of Fa’ Skre realized the need for alternative ways for food production. And so, the great rise of the Fa’ Skre began.

High Rock is the capital of Kulaef, the most powerful country of all Dsark. The Emperor of Kulaef is the most important and powerful Fa’ Skre in the world. The only reason that Kulaef is the only country is because many other countries have crossed onto a different continent, and he Kulaefans lack sophisticated marine technology. Kulaef has a large army and has a very high standard of living because of the richness of Kulaef’s massive farms.